Leaving Wen Jing and returning home.

Wei Liang saw the stinky face of his old man.



"Son, what are you doing?"


This is the sound of water bombs hitting the face.

"I miss sister Xiaoyu, I want to play with him, why hasn't she come here for a long time?"

It is said that children have the most keen intuition, and the little bully at home must have felt something, so his attitude towards himself changed drastically during this time.

Of course, what the guy at home is doing is really not very authentic.

"Where is Zhao Rong?"

the old man asked.

Wei Liang was surprised: "Haven't you been in the United States all the time? I heard her say that the negotiation has ended, and she should be back soon in these two days."


Mr. Wei suddenly sighed.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" The old man stared at him, then relaxed and sighed: "I have retired from the technical line. I appreciate Zhao Song's proposals on integrated circuits and industrial software in the past two years."

Wei Liang nodded and said with a smile: "Although that kid is young, his strength and determination are not comparable to that of ordinary people. When it comes to rooting in the semiconductor industry, he is indeed taking root seriously."

"But his proposals are always blocked?" Old Master Wei looked at his son calmly, "Not once, but all the time."

Wei Liang thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"I know," Mr. Wei stared at his son, "it's the one from the Xing family, ordinary people don't have that much energy."

"Oh." Wei Liang didn't seem surprised, but he didn't express anything other than nodding.


Old man Wei sighed again, stopped looking at his son, got up, walked to his grandson, and held his hand.

The sun is shining outside, which is a good time for a walk. It is better to have a grandson with you than a son who is not doing business.

"Remind you."

While walking, the old man said casually:

"A few old guys got together two days ago and heard an interesting story."

"If you say it's interesting, it must be very interesting." Wei Liang cheered.

"It is said that when the leaders met Zhao Song, they asked if it was possible to be the richest man for a while."

richest man? Since it was the leader from his father's mouth who was asking, he should be the richest man in the world.

"Impossible." Wei Liang said firmly, "It's too far away."

"But Zhao Song doesn't think so," the old man looked at his son with a half-smile, and said, "He thought for a long time before solemnly answering: 'I'll try!'"

After finishing speaking, Mr. Wei stopped talking to his son who was in deep thought, and took his grandson's hand and walked into the sunshine.

Under the shadow, Wei Liang was silent.

The richest man in the world, where did he get so much money from those family properties?

Unless you figure out a way on Tesla's shares.

Wait, shares?

Wei Liang's countenance changed suddenly, and he quickly took out his mobile phone.

Then, he put it down with a wry smile.

The arrow has already left the string, and it is useless to say or do anything now.


"Hi~ What kind of sun is it when Uncle Wei comes out?"

This is a quiet greeting.

"Hi, little girl from the Wen family, come to see your grandpa?"

Wen Jing smiled and nodded.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Mr. Wei asked again, "How is your father?"

"It's alright, clinging to his little son every day."

"Tell him to bring it for Uncle Wei to see when you have time."


Under the sun, the old and the young bid farewell with inexplicable smiles.

Perhaps only they themselves can understand what they are laughing at...


At 7:28, Dragon City, New Century Grand Hotel.

Security is in place, etiquette is in place, reporters are in place.

Everything is ready.

Director Bi of the Longcheng City Committee Office went through the process for the last time before looking at his watch, and walked quickly to the end of the red carpet.

"Old Bi, Director Bi," a tall man rarely seen in Jiangnan approached, licked his face and smiled, "For the sake of our friendship for many years, how about letting our richest man stop by my place for a while? "

"What beautiful things are you thinking about?" Director Bi didn't turn his head.

"Just take a photo, Old Bi, if you don't agree, I'll break into it when the time comes."


Old Bi looked at the tall man viciously. With years of experience in dating, he knew that his best friend in the mall could do what he said.

He looked at his watch again, and nodded helplessly:

"Will you welcome the guests?"

The big man nodded ecstatically.

"You go to open the door to welcome the guests. I am standing at the entrance of the lobby, at a distance of 10 meters, and I must send the distinguished guests over within one minute."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Outside the isolation zone, the big man hastily explained to his subordinates carefully, and then, under the envious and jealous gazes of his fellow businessmen, he crossed the isolation zone and stood at the end of the red carpet.

At this time, all the staff on the scene issued a loud reminder sound with their handheld radios.

"Attention all units, the distinguished guests have one minute to arrive at the venue."


The big man carefully arranged his clothes, and then stood up straight.


Director Bi took a deep breath and stared intently at the luxury convoy approaching in the distance.

In Longcheng, there is no heavy industry. If you want to get rid of the current lame condition, you need to see today's shivering.


"We're almost there."

In the courtesy car, the driver reminded him respectfully.


Zhao Song nodded, and continued to look at the scenery beside Yunlong Lake outside.

"There is news from Qin Province that the signing has been completed. At the same time, Qin Province is willing to cooperate with us. It is up to us to decide when to release the news and when to hold a press conference."

"In Gansu Province, Tesla's team moved quickly. I heard that the site selection of the data center has been specially handled by the local government and has already won approval.

Moreover, the Shenzhou team that completed the negotiations in Qin Province has also followed, and may use the future data center as a land reserve. "

"Nanda Optoelectronics has received news that it has completed preliminary contacts with Huate Gases and Jinhong Gases. Both parties have expressed great interest in our industrial integration."

Wen Zhenwen, who was sitting on the other side, was looking at the PDA in his hand and reporting in detail.

"Zhao Song, according to Professor Sun, the agreement can be reached at any time, but to complete the acquisition and integration quickly, the loan you provided to him may not be enough."


Outside the window, the figure of a three-way and one-reach heavy-duty truck flashed by, and Zhao Song also saw Lao Luo who was waving.

"Is there any more?"

While asking, Zhao Song waved out the window, although the other party couldn't see it.

"There are many more, I will print a copy of the materials for you later," Wen Zhenwen said with a headache, "Zhao Song, with so many projects starting at the same time, the financial pressure is too great."

"I'll solve the financial problem," Zhao Song said calmly, "Aunt Wen, I saw Lao Luo. After getting off the car, go over and give him the things in the bag."


Wen Zhenwen let go of her worries and nodded in agreement.


As they approached the hotel, the lead cavalry and business RVs gave way, revealing that the Dragon City 1 good car drove onto the rotating platform of the hotel.


The crowd rioted.

The security guards involuntarily held up their hands to prevent some reporters from charging.

How hot is Zhao Song?

As the richest flower grower and global wealth star, he jointly published an article on the top journal SCI that shocked the academic world. This news alone was enough to drive the reporters in Longcheng crazy.

Not to mention the various gossips that have been gradually rising in the two cities these days, those trapped stockholders, those investors who have been cheated and lost their money, are about to regard him as the savior.

How hard is it to find Zhao Song?

No, he was right there. What blocked the reporters was not tight security and domineering bodyguards, but his secretive and intensive itinerary.

But today, the Longcheng government gave all the reporters a huge surprise—they turned a formal negotiation into a grand ceremony.


Car number one stopped at the end of the red carpet.

The big man nervously opened the car door.

"Mr. Zhao Song, welcome to Dragon City."

Looking at the big man who was already sweating, Zhao Song smiled, stretched out his hand and held him tightly: "Hello, is your name Chen Hao?"

The tall man suddenly became excited: "Mr. Zhao knows me?"

"How could you not know?" Zhao Song pointed to the heavy-duty truck in the distance, and said with a smile, "The flood control supplies in that truck were all raised by your trading company."

"It should be, the upstream is working hard, and we should do our best downstream." Chen Hao's face flushed with excitement, he rubbed his hands, and asked anxiously, "Mr. Zhao, can I take a photo with you?"


Zhao Song dragged him to the mad reporters.

"Kacha Kacha~"


In the sound of the shutter, Zhao Song patted Chen Hao on the back:

"Stand up straight, I don't have the habit of taking pictures with people who bend over."


Chen Hao, who stood up straight, got a harvest far beyond his expectations. The dense uplights made his eyes more and more red, but Chen Hao didn't care, he only saw a bright road as if appearing in front of him.

"Mr. Zhao, let's talk about graphene."

"Mr. Zhao, there is news that several large-scale investments are about to land in the west, can we talk about..."

"The richest man Zhao, I heard that the 'Godson' project has made a breakthrough..."


After finally getting the chance, the reporters wanted to throw out all the problems at once.

Zhao Song lowered his hands to signal everyone to be calm, and replied with a smile:

"My contribution to the graphene paper is to provide an innovative idea. I hope this idea will give some inspiration to the domestic scientific research community. That is my greatest contribution."

"As for investment, 'Godson' and other matters, I can't answer you for the time being. Please refer to the official announcement."

"Mr. Zhao, may I ask..."


Today is for negotiations, not for interviews.

After satisfying the exposure required by Longcheng City Government, Zhao Song bid farewell to the big man Chen Hao and left the reporter circle.

"Hi Mr. Zhao, please come in."

"Hello, Director Bi," Zhao Song said with a smile, "The reason why the guests are advanced, we'd better wait a while and meet the city leaders."

Director Bi nodded with a smile, looked at the young face in front of him, and sighed in his heart: "You deserve to be the richest man, and you don't leak anything~"


If there were no accidents on this day, the scene should freeze at the moment when Zhao Song shook hands with the city leaders.

It not only shows the attitude of the richest man to open up his career, but also expresses the determination and action of Longcheng City Government to develop the economy.

Unfortunately, that's only if.

When gongs and drums were beating, colorful flags were fluttering, and cheers were cheering, the arrival of a black commercial vehicle broke the harmonious scene.

"Who is Dai Fang?"

PS: This map is almost finished, I will do it as soon as possible, in order to speed up the development of the plot, I will add more branch lines.

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