Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 631: Behind the scenes (continued)

After the busy voice was silenced behind him, Qin Han took a long breath and began to organize his messy thoughts.

This is the top floor of a five-star hotel, which has been fully booked by Tesla, so there is no need to worry about outsiders disturbing other places except for the conference room used as the command center.

Walking into the Presidential Suite with the door open, and coming to the bar in the living room, Qin Han was just about to pour himself a drink when an unexpected voice came from behind:

"Director Qin, if I remember correctly, it should be working hours now, right?"

Ding Tao?

Qin Han turned around in disbelief, looking at the slender figure who was sitting leisurely on the sofa, "Why are you here?"

"Then where should I be?"

Hearing Ding Tao's question, Qin Han smiled sassyly. She calmly poured herself a glass of red wine, and then leisurely walked over to Ding Tao and sat down.

"Then what is my job?" Qin Han smiled self-deprecatingly, "Standing there with nothing to do, watching you show off your power?"

Ding Tao looked at her suspiciously and asked, "If I remember correctly, we have at least 5 sets of publicity plans that will be launched during this time?"

When Qin Han heard the words, the sarcasm on his face became more and more serious: "Tesla, an island country, has its own system, not to mention that Zhao Song made the decision and even participated in the planning of the five advertising plans. Do you think we have the right to dictate?"

"Oh, yes," Ding Tao nodded, and continued to ask casually, "Do you think other jobs are not important?"

"It doesn't matter now," Qin Han shook his head, "Xiao Yu got up early and went out for a run. Two hours later, the photos appeared in the major media. Not long after the opening, the pink Tpod she was wearing and the Asia S running shoes she was wearing were one after another. Out of stock..."

Qin Han exclaimed, "I was wondering if she would appear in the media wearing a blue TPod and other casual shoes at noon?"

"..." Ding Tao smiled, but did not speak.

"Hatsune Miku is the brand's long-term marketing strategy. After all, CG takes time, but Xiaoyu doesn't. She can change countless sets of clothes, use different technological equipment, and wear various fashion accessories in a day. She is real-time!"

Ding Tao heard the words and asked with interest: "Do you understand?"

"No!" Qin Han denied, "But I understand that Tesla's entire action plan excludes me!"

"..." Ding Tao acquiesced.

"I won't talk about the outsourcing of publicity and distribution channels. The real-time pricing channel is undertaken by Google. In addition to our Tesla, the engineers of the two major technology companies can completely replace the data docking with programmatic." Qin Han stared at Ding Tao. He analyzed word by word, "I am not in charge of the implementation advertising team that made the Olympic Games shine three years ago. Where are they?"

"Yeah~ Where are 'they'?" Ding Tao murmured, "I also want to know where they are, if the boss is still there, I think I should be able to answer your question soon, but the boss ..."

Facing Qin Han's burning gaze, Ding Tao stared back, and asked in a low voice, "'Where are those people who made the boss not here?'"

"You!~" Qin Han trembled all over, and looked at Ding Tao in disbelief.

"Who would believe that a billionaire who is endorsed by the US government, three major consortiums, and under the close protection of the FBI 24 hours a day can get into a car accident in a rich area? He said it was a small foreign businessman who jumped the wall in a hurry?" Ding Tao looked at Qin Han mockingly, " Do you know how the US security director laughed at the boss? 'We can guard against our own people, but we cannot guard against your own'!"

Qin Han lowered his head slowly and murmured, "No one wants his life, and no one dares to take his life."

"So that's how you got into Tesla's management?" Ding Tao stood up and stretched out his hand to grab the woman's hair, but after thinking about it, he withdrew his hand and walked out, saying, "So You were the one who was mainly injured in that car accident? I’ve seen a lot of people who risk their lives for money, but this is the first time I’ve seen people who risk their lives for money like you!”

Qin Han noticed Ding Tao's movement, angrily tore off his clothes, exposing the scar on his chest, and shouted angrily, "That was an accident!"

"That's because the clues were cut off in China! So it was an accident!" Ding Tao didn't turn his head, "You are not afraid of what will happen to the boss if an accident happens to you?"


Create an accident, so as to achieve the purpose of Qin Han's rapid advancement.

This is the truth that Ding Tao and the others took nearly a year to know, but there is no evidence.

What makes Ding Tao puzzled is how those people can make the accident happen as expected. Are they not afraid that something will happen to Zhao Song? Once something happens, no matter how small they are in a group or how much influence they have, it will not be solved easily.

It is a pity that when the investigation began to involve violent institutions, it was stopped by Zhao Song: We are in the world of ordinary people, using ordinary people's means to take revenge on those plotters.


The door was slammed shut, leaving a slightly embarrassed Qin Han alone.

She straightened her clothes, picked up her glass and drank with a calm expression.

I don't know how long it took before she picked up her phone and dialed:

"They sensed that I was excluded from island operations."

"What are they going to do? I don't know!"

"I probably guess that this may be a brand new business thinking."

"Maybe they are doing experiments, and there are many experiments involving international groups, including Google, whose shareholder organization and Tesla are highly overlapped. In this experiment, Tesla may have found a way for Google to make profits. I The shareholders who were worried about the overlap turned to stand behind Zhao Song..."

"My opinion? My opinion is to release Zhao Song immediately and let him sign the damned Er Rong agreement!"

"Because the longer the time drags on, those international investors who want to make profits in Tesla's civil strife and stand on our side will follow Tesla's move to attack the world's second largest consumer electronics market and turn to Zhao Song's side. Because Zhao Song can bring them more benefits!"


In another time and space, 2003, for many people who eat melons, this year can be attributed to the first year of eating melons.

This year, a female hero in both the East and the West began to attack the role of the founding spokesperson of the Internet.

The woman in the east is called Zhang Yu. She completed a melon-eating drama involving 22 directors with a single photo, but unfortunately, she didn’t release more ingredients and a sentence of "I am voluntary", and disappeared into the long river of history.

In the West, she is a 28-line female fashion artist. The video released by her ex-boyfriend is stored in the hard drives of countless homeboys.

She did it!

No one expected that after being influenced by her boyfriend's XA release, this 28th-line female artist did not disappear from sight as expected, but instead became the bread and butter of major fashion media and paparazzi!


June 14, morning, Beijing, East Third Ring Road.

The place where Zhao Song was imprisoned was a mysterious courtyard not far from the Hilton Hotel.

The yard was very quiet. Zhao Song guessed that the yard was closed by a certain department after it was repurposed for waste before it was demolished.

In the room, he was playing with a video tape.

He stared at the tape for a long time before putting it into the VCR and pressing play.

This is the master tape. In this time and space, he will be the only nerd in the world who owns that picture.


With a seductive moan, a naked woman appeared in front of the camera, Zhao Song's eyes were in a trance, and he muttered:

"Paris Hilton~"

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