Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 655 Conspiracy Revealed

In the conference room, facing Zhao Rong who was fully fired, Zhao Song nodded and said:

"Without Gui Luyang, even if I go to the channel to directly control Tesla, Pyeongchang Industrial Park will be at odds with me.

In addition to the return of those people to the original management positions, Tesla must not let you decide?

What a good deal! "

Zhao Rong smiled gently: "This is the best way I can think of."

"Thank you for your trouble."

"It should."

"Zhao Song." Xingsheng said, his tone was freezing cold, "Let's sign."

Zhao Song didn't mind, he sat down, picked up the Montblanc and played with it.


At this time, Liu Ying's excited voice sounded:

"Yuanyuan called and said that Yituo Technology's first NC machine hard disk order payment has arrived, 350 million. She also said that Shenzhou's finance is on the way to get a bank credit, and the second advance payment will arrive tomorrow. The same 3.5!"

"Yituo~" Xingsheng murmured gloomily, "The only company we let go, Zhao Song, you have found a good partner, we can't afford Great Wall."

Zhao Song leaned on the back of the chair relaxedly: "You guys are too much to offend, don't always put gold on your face."


"Boss." The clerk behind him yelled excitedly, "Shanshi and Wesonic have received a letter, and the available funds are 100 million. The two bosses said that they can continue to increase the total salary of the employees for at most 3 months!"

"Boss, Director DK called. He said that the research and development budget is sufficient, and the salary can be stopped for half a year!"

"..." Zhao Song sighed, he put down his pen, closed his eyes, and quietly listened to the ups and downs of the report.

"Boss, Sister Wuming Xu is calling. She is on her way to the Provincial People's Bank. She promises to replace the basic account bank before the central control contract expires and get a credit line of 3 billion!"

"Nonsense," Zhao Song opened his eyes and scolded, he glanced at Xingsheng, "The villain is playing tricks, the four major parties are trying to help coordinate, the goodwill is enough, what will she change! No change!"

"Boss, Sister Xu said that Wu Ming can suspend salary for three months at most, and the fund can be up to 9,000 yuan."


"Boss, Wei Xu (bearded man) called. He said that in front of the China Customs, part of the funds can be recovered from memory speculators, and the financial accounting is stepping up."


Zhao Song looked at Xingsheng and praised: "You really have no plans."

Xingsheng remained expressionless: "Zhong Hai has the largest amount of cash in the capital, so we must be on our guard."

Zhao Song asked with a smile: "I'm very curious, how do you plan to get out of such a crime of manipulating the market?"

"Nicholas," said David, who had been watching the excitement, "Mr. Xing is now an American citizen, and as an important employee of Morgan Stanley, he will leave with me on a private jet after the board meeting is over."

Zhao Song frowned and stared at David.

David didn't seem to notice it: "We know you have methods against Mr. Xing, but at least today, his diplomatic immunity is useful."

"Very good," Zhao Song applauded, "I admire it!"

"Thank you." David nodded reservedly, like a gentleman.

Zhao Song rolled his eyes.


Liu Ying yelled: "It's Beijing Urban Construction! As long as you ask, they can provide a guarantee of 2 billion!"

A secretary also raised his hand: "I have this too. It's the China Railway Bureau. They can fully guarantee the difference."

"There are also construction companies here, too."


Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, is this... a turn of events?

"Ahem~" Zhao Rong said with a smile, "Zhao Song, the construction agenda of Tesla's headquarters base is an important part of this conference. It has not yet been decided whether to build it or when it will be built."

"Uh~" Liu Ying tilted her head and thought for a while, then crossed out a few names on the notebook angrily.

"Zhao Song," Zhao Rong put the gold coin in front of Zhao Song, "We have calculated for three years, and we have counted countless possibilities, 4 billion, if there is no administrative support, you can't get it all together!

Sign it! "

"Who said it can't be put together?!"

Liu Ying put down her PDA and screamed, "Boss, it's the three provinces in the Northwest, and the provincial government directly ordered the bank to grant credit! As long as you, boss, ensure that the project is completed on time, the funds stipulated in the contract can be extended.

Boss, we won!

You don't need to sign anymore, let these things play by themselves! "


Sighs came to mind.

Zhao Rong laughed and said, "Little girl, now I doubt how you became the chief secretary."

Liu Ying glared at Zhao Rong angrily.

"For Tesla, which aspires to become an international technology company, it must keep a distance while dealing with governments of various countries. Little girl, please turn around and look at the investors over there. Please think about Tesla Once we take on the color of the Huahua government, what will be waiting for us?"

Liu Ying looked at the smiling international representatives and was speechless.

"Have you considered the consequences of prohibiting equipment procurement, prohibiting scientific research cooperation with international institutions, and closing the market to Tesla in Western countries?"

Liu Ying said stubbornly: "What does this Tesla have to do with it? They are authorizing SUPCON!"

"This is the problem. SUPCON is basically listed as a sole proprietorship of Zhao Song. He is not only sucking Tesla's blood to feed SUPCON, but also goes deep into various cooperation with the government. Girl, you know Zhao Song's behavior Are you playing with fire?"


In the silence, Xingsheng smiled sinisterly, and stared at Zhao Song: "Sign it, we won't leave you any way out."

Zhao Song lowered his head and picked up the pen, and tapped the table. The sound was like the bumping sound of that dilapidated second-hand Jinbei car a long time ago...

Wen Jing raised her head, stared at the pen in a daze, and listened to the sound from the pen tip in a daze.

"You didn't leave it for me, but I always like to leave a way out for myself~"


when was that

what is that place

It seems to be when the sun goes down.

On the way back to Beijing on the Beijing-Shenyang Expressway.

At that time, the two hadn't faded from their youthfulness.

At that time, Zhao Song had the shameless look he has today.

He was driving a golden cup, and said to me seriously: "Wen Jing, I regard you as a way out, if the men are down in the future, you will be my way out..."

Wen Jing stared blankly at the tip of the pen, and asked herself blankly:

Why do I still remember?



Dianhaimin Bureau Z.

The gate was knocked open, and Cai Feng ran away to avoid the roundup of two security guards.

"Two big brothers, younger brother, just make a phone call, just say a word, and just say a word, I will go with you!"

He ran and shouted, and took out his mobile phone and pressed the call button.

Two more security guards appeared at the end of the corridor.

Cai Feng became anxious, put on a boxing stance, and begged: "Brothers, just make a phone call. I didn't steal anything, I just wanted to know about my sister's marriage, but no one told me!"

The security guards didn't care about his pleas, and the top priority was to turn this little bastard to the police station.


Cai Feng made a move, but he was greeted by eight fists.


He fell to the ground and dropped his phone far away.

Cai Feng struggled to lean out, and shouted loudly to the mobile phone whose screen was always on:

"She's divorced!"

"She's divorced!"

"She's a liar!"

"She has nothing to do with the Wei family!"

"Did you hear that? Did you hear that?"

"She's divorced~"

"Click~" The phone was kicked away.

Cai Feng closed his eyes in despair and full of hope, and let the four big men deal with him.


meeting room.

Zhao Song's voice was full of bewilderment and uncertainty, and he murmured: "It's just that I don't know if that back road is still useful~"

He didn't look at Wen Jing, and Wen Jing didn't look at him either.

It's like two strangers from hostile forces.

No, they are already hostile now.

So Zhao Song didn't wait for the expected voice.

Under the fiery gaze of the international representatives and the sighs of the national representatives, Zhao Song opened the cap of his pen, and Zhao Rong on the side quickly opened the document, revealing the signature place.

"Sister Dada, notebooks can be launched, but we must pay attention to quality. The new Tpod is a low-priced tpod designed to seize the flower planting market and clear out domestic low-quality brands. If it matches Hao Ying's second specialization, you can also try to make an impact. markets in third world countries."

"Don't worry," Zhao Rong said with a gentle smile, "My main task is to hand over a beautiful performance to meet the historical moment of Tesla's listing, and then return it to you in its entirety."

"You are my teacher, of course I am relieved. You said that we are just a battle of ideas!"

Zhao Song looked at Zhao Rong seriously, and kept that fascinating face deeply in his heart, then nodded and wrote...

In the corner, the invisible man knocked on the earphones that hadn't responded for a long time, and finally noticed something strange.

He moved quietly and came behind Zhao Song.

Watching him write his first...



Liu Cong rushed in with a bruised nose and a swollen face, hissing, "They can't contact you!"

Amidst countless regretful sighs, Zhao Song stopped writing and asked in a deep voice:

"Who hit it?"

"It should be someone from Xingsheng, and all the conference staff have been driven to the next room." Liu Cong said with difficulty with Qin Hai's support, "Old Wang and the others have come with their buddies. Boss, you do things first, I guarantee them None of them can escape."

Zhao Song gestured to Qin Hai before turning to look at the invisible man.

The invisible man nodded his earphones, Zhao Song nodded:

"Please turn on the signal shielding device."


Zhao Song walked up to David and stared at him.

David smiled and shrugged, not caring.

At this time Qin Hai walked over with Liu Cong's cell phone, Zhao Song took it, looked at the four words on it, and took a deep breath.

"Now the truth is revealed!"

Walking back to the conference table and sitting back in the chair, Zhao Song said deeply:

"I don't know what kind of psychological journey you have gone through. I never imagined that it is a group of flower growers who want to send a flower planting company into hell!"

Xingsheng shrugged and laughed nonchalantly: "When you stop someone from going overseas and hand over Top's head and tail to the top, it's not up to you and me to decide the direction of the matter. The way of a person also treats a person's body, since you won't let me live, then I will let you die!"

"Let me guess~"

Zhao Song rubbed his temples wearily, while guessing:

"My former 'good subordinates' obtained the equipment materials I purchased from Tesla, as well as the research and development materials of Tesla and Supcon, and handed them over to someone after summarizing them.

Someone went to the United States with information, exaggerated and alarmed in front of a certain congressman, and then he found David with the results, so a new plan was born, David was in charge of contacting, and someone returned to China to operate..."

Zhao Song finally figured out the whole picture of the conspiracy at this moment:

"Who are the enemies?

Members, my former partners, Xingsheng, international investment banks and so on.

What will you do?

I think the moment I sign my name, the United States will launch an investigation against Tesla, right?

Under the weight of public opinion, the Huahua government can only avoid suspicion. (Year 2003)

I lose my controlling position and can't do anything, how about you?

Break up Tesla!

Yes, that's right, Tesla will never go public at all!

You will immediately spin off the "sensitive" department that the media said, and then pack up and dismiss the "redundant" employees and the spin-off department, and monopolize them.

If you are not careful, Tesla's patents will also be sold separately.

Let me think, who will the recipient be?

apple! Amazon! Qualcomm! Oh yes, Tesla also has the open source community and the browser project, so there is Google!

What about Shengtian?

Maybe I'll change my name, but it won't have anything to do with me anyway.

Tesla is gone, and Shengtian will be operated and listed.

So what you get will be countless times huge profits! "

PS: The original intention was to write a tense duel, but the result was not very good, and it will end as soon as possible, sorry.

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