Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 711 Whose crime? (two chapters, please vote)

From a financial point of view, New York City is the greatest city in the world, bar none.

From the map, overseas transactions of tens of trillions of dollars are gathered in this small place every year, including the six major state-owned banks, and only their New York branch has the right to clear foreign dollar transactions.

Through tools such as SWIFT and CHIPS, the United States binds every country that uses US dollars for commodity trade and every country that reserves US dollars for foreign exchange. With this, the Federal Reserve can invent something unique in the world-infinite Quantitative easing!

Therefore, since 1998, after the trade surplus between China and the United States (the US-China deficit), the elite United States did not take it seriously, because it was originally part of the United States' globalization strategy.

Therefore, when we watch a Chinese American flaunting his country and discovering gold from the short video, don’t be envious or blessed, because every penny sent to him may have your blood and sweat!

Elite America and the American masses are not the same thing at all.

In order to maintain domestic stability, the unlimited quantitative easing policy was used to send money to the domestic people, and then push inflation to the whole world...

At the moment before Tesla went public, what Zhao Song wanted to meet were representatives of these people, some people who ordinary people could not imagine, some of the most insidious, criminal, hypocritical, cunning, despicable, profit-oriented, and controlling the global economy on this planet. capital!

What about Zhao Song? It is industrial capital that is inherently weak in front of financial capital.


NYSE building.

After going up two floors and taking three turns, Tesla's huge listing team has been diverted a lot.

The Westerner in charge of leading the way was a typical WASP (White Anglo-Saxon), Zhao Song didn't need to ask, he could tell from his typical face and head held high.

What's more obvious is that he didn't take Zhao Song and his party to the destination. After turning the last corner, he pointed to a gate at the end of the road and blessed him in a strange tone:

"Mr. Nicholas, I wish Tesla a smooth listing."

It doesn't matter if the tone is weird, Zhao Song has no time to get angry with such a small character, if there is no such tea party, the person who greets him is not the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, but also a deputy, who made him insist on meeting those financial bigwigs, this small character Maybe it's the assistant, secretary, or someone with a special sexual orientation...

But he didn't have time to vent his anger, which doesn't mean the other party didn't react. When the guide saw that Zhao Song was ignoring him, he raised his hands unconsciously and pulled the corners of his eyes left and right.




After a short period of sluggishness, people around Zhao Song responded one after another.

Liu Ying shook her head with a wry smile, and ran out quickly on her high heels.

Ding Tao sighed, grabbed the other two executives, and turned to ignore them.

The security guards surrounded him with grimaces.

The guide finally realized something, and said quickly, "I am..."


Zhao Song asked with a smile. He took off his suit, rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, and picked up the trash can placed in the corridor. At this time, the security guards had locked the guide so that he could not move.

"Have you seen "Scarred City"?"

"What?" The guide who finally realized what was happening struggled desperately, "I'm telling you Nicholas, I belong to Mr. Y**..."




A quarter of an hour later, Liu Ying ran back panting with cleaning supplies and a brand new shirt, ignoring the puddle of meat in the corner, she picked up a wet towel to wipe the blood on Zhao Song's face, and then waited for him to replace it After looking at the blood-red shirt, he nodded in satisfaction when he found nothing unusual.


Smith Liu, a big Chinese litigator, approached him jokingly.

Zhao Song explained calmly: "Sue him for attempting to rob, and make his life worse than death in the next life."

"Understood." Smith Liu hesitated, "The people inside..."

"Has that door been opened?"


"Then why are you hesitating?"

After such a long time and such a big commotion, the people inside didn't even open the door to care, and the meat stall wasn't even considered a small role!

Get off your horse?

Not really.

Zhao Song shook his head, this is a free America, even the president can do all kinds of unreliable things, let alone ordinary people.

At this time, the door at the end of the corridor finally opened, and a smiling Nancy appeared.

Zhao Song was not surprised by her appearance. There were too many big shots behind her, so she could only represent her.

"Zhao, come here quickly, it would be rude to keep everyone waiting for a long time."

Of course, Aunt Nancy also ignored the puddle of meat.

"Here we come."

Zhao Song greeted her with a bright smile, took Nancy's arm intimately, and walked into the mysterious door with her.


The gate is closed, and Ding Tao and Liu Ying's people are left outside. No one will know what happened inside except the parties involved.


There are usually three kinds of tea parties in the United States, coffee, cigars, and red wine. Considering Zhao Song's age and hobbies, these old men and old ladies had to reluctantly give up the latter two. And also provided him with instant coffee according to the young man's taste.

Meeting, chatting, drinking coffee, in addition to talking really too much, this meeting is actually a public relations communication occasion, no different from ordinary people's daily communication.

Even Nancy seized the rare opportunity to propose a group photo, which aroused great interest of these elderly people.

Of course, Zhao Song naturally waited for the bosses to stand still, and then took the side by himself.

"Nicholas~" The stock god sitting in the middle of the first row suddenly stopped him, patted the empty seat beside him, and said with a smile, "Young people sit here, let outsiders see, we are still full of vitality."



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