Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 719 The story behind the scenes (two in one, ask for a ticket)

For Chinese people, the happiest moment should be when property is counted.

Seeing the growth of wealth compared to calculating the time to pay off debts is as refreshing as going to a pedicure shop and encountering a special price at a spa, and the supermodel technician will do it in person.

Of course, in flower growers, women are generally the ones who can enjoy this moment of happiness.

Just like Jiao Ning at this time, as the first batch of Xidan Tesla clerks, she has already reached the management level, and she is calculating her family's property based on Tesla's stock price.

On TV, Zhao Song, who is rarely seen on TV, is being interviewed, but Jiao Ning has completely lost interest in watching it, because her small family has two members, she and her fiancé——Bill Gates The florist and super programmer in his mouth, Wang Xin.

After seeing the numbers on the calculator, she yelled coquettishly, "Old Wang~ If you increase it a bit more, you'll be a millionaire!"

Compared with her fiancé, her tens of thousands of wealth appreciation is nothing to mention.

Wang Xin, who was coding with a headset, looked up blankly: "Ah? Ah~"

Jiao Ning didn't care, her fiancé also achieved such achievements because of this purity. She stepped forward and kissed him, happily put away the stock certificates of the two of them, and sat back beside him.

How could the super programmer's computer not have a scientific Internet environment? Under Jiao Ning's command, Wang Xin easily came to foreign IT forums. Teaching Ning English is not good, and the content can only be translated by Wang Xin.

Jiao Ning: "What does this passage mean?"

Wang Xin: "This is the hardware moderator's high evaluation of TSLbook PRO's appearance, workmanship, and feel."

Jiao Ning said proudly: "Of course, when the boss helped Shenzhou buy IBM notebooks, he asked for the keyboard design department of the island country for Tesla. Now the notebook keyboard with full key range can be so comfortable, except for Shenzhou's Thinkpad. We're Teslas!"

Wang Xin nodded in agreement, because the programs are run by the underground mainframe of the Shenzhou Gemini, so as a temporary product evaluation, he used TSLbook PRO to write codes, as for heat dissipation...

Jiao Ning next to him finally discovered the difference in his fiancé's notebook: "What's under your notebook?"

"Laptop cooler produced by Wu Ming." After answering, Wang Xin seemed to have thought of something, and reminded, "By the way, I posted the review on a professional forum, and many old friends have the intention to buy it. in stock……"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jiao Ning: "Don't worry, with the lowest price of 18,000 TSLbook PRO, 50,000 units in stock are enough to handle."

Wang Xin shook his head helplessly: "There is also Tpod, the Mp3 player that can fully display the loud field of "star sky". The most cost-effective one is Tpod classic, and nothing else will work."

Tech nerds, playing digital is a basic skill.

"What do you mean?" Jiao Ning was stunned, "More than two thousand Tpod classic? Cost-effective?"

"Yes!" Wang Xin nodded, "The one that is cheaper than it can't fully hear the sound field of that song, but the sound quality is better than it, but it is not as cheap."


Jiao Ning seemed to have discovered some great secret, but was interrupted by a phone call just as he was about to say something.


Putting down the phone, Jiao Ning looked at her fiancée in confusion, and muttered to herself:

"Old Wang, you are right to worry."

Wang Xin raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

"All the specialty stores in Beijing are blocked," Jiao Ning, who didn't know whether to be angry or happy about the sudden overtime order, scratched his head and said irritably, "Old Wang, do you think they want to buy TSLbook PRO or Tpod?"

"There are all of them!" Wang Xin hesitated, thinking of the hardware fever forums he often visits, "Actually, there are more rich flower growers than you think."



New York, 9:57.

The only Tesla store outside of Manhattan, across the road.

After feeding her newborn third child in the back seat of the Ford pickup, Mrs. Evans picked up the record book and recorded the number of customers entering and leaving the opposite store according to her husband's request.

She grew up on a small ranch in Montana. She doesn't read much but is not stupid. Her husband who treats her family well has been doing something wrong recently. She was a little worried, so she called her cousin who was grazing cows in her hometown to follow her secretly.

For her, the most important thing for a family is to be neat and tidy. As for divorce, she doesn't even think about it, and she doesn't care about bankruptcy. At worst, she hides in the holiday villa built by her father in no man's land, and sees who can do what she wants !

Although there is no Gotham City with pure folk customs in reality, our Huangshi people's tradition of hospitality... can't be lost!

After counting the customer data for the third 10 minutes and sending it to her husband, Mrs. Evans looked up at the sky. Although the clouds were thick, according to the experience of living on the ranch, it would rain at night at the earliest, so she Rest assured, staring at the opposite Tesla flagship store, continue to count.


9:58, New York Stock Exchange, trading floor.

After handing over the media to colleagues in the affairs team, Zhao Songyou returned to the original point of Gaotai.

Tesla's celebrations and receptions were held near Times Square. If he didn't want to go there early, he could only stay here.

Zhao Song leaned on the railing and looked at the busy red vests below the stage, tapping his fingers rhythmically.

"It's useless~" Liao Yingzhu, who had run out of funds again, leaned over and rubbed her hair dejectedly, "Those institutions are not suppressing the market, but controlling the market. Although there are more and more trading accounts, if there is no main force to intervene, it is currently impossible It can only be this way."

Zhao Song's face remained unchanged: "Can you explain the meaning of 'more and more'?"

Liao Yingzhu said: "The number of retail investors entering the market is increasing."

"Is there a high proportion of newly opened accounts?"

Liao Yingzhu tilted her head, recalled the data report from the information department, and then replied, "Not a lot."

"What do we need now?"

"We need a main force to go long!" Liao Yingzhu said firmly, "It's not our accounts that can't be seen by anyone, but a large institution with a name and a surname! As long as there is a large transaction to give confidence to retail investors, I am sure to break through it." The blockade of those people!"

"Can SDIC do it?"


Liao Yingzhu was dumbfounded, "What are you talking about?"

Zhao Song asked again: "Can SDIC do it?"

"That thing..." Liao Yingzhu asked stupidly, "That thing has money to support us?"

Zhao Song shook his head: "I don't need it to pay, I mean, can the account of the company under it work?"

"Okay~" Liao Yingzhu nodded again and again, "That's great!"

Zhao Song stretched out his hand, and Liu Ying on the side hurriedly got on the phone.

"Nancy, is it convenient to talk?"

After answering the phone, Zhao Song said straight to the point:

"I can give you the shares I promised you during the equity dispute half a year ago, but I need your help."

"What price? What's the job?" Nancy also knew about Zhao Song's situation, and she spoke directly.

"115 dollars," Zhao Song said with certainty, "I'm sure those people will stop at 120, so if you can get the shares at this price, it's cheap and big!"

"...what's the matter?"

"Ask the people behind you, do you accept me to mortgage Tesla shares at the highest interest rate? If you agree, please use a third-party channel to knock down the specific account with your share purchase funds in the shortest possible time."

"Agreed!" On the phone, Nancy agreed without even thinking about it. You are a bastard if you don't take such a big advantage. "After sending the account, a lawyer will come to the door within a quarter of an hour. As long as you sign name, and the money will arrive within five minutes!"

Zhao Song agreed, and then said: "Also, CNN needs to send a few more camera crews to live broadcast the footage of the Tesla store and digital stores in real time."

"no problem!"

Hearing Nancy's answer without hesitation, Zhao Song smiled: "Do I have friends now?"

"See what you said, Zhao," Nancy's smile also filled the phone, "I have always been your unwavering 'good friend'!"


Handing the mobile phone to Liu Ying, Zhao Song took out the note he had prepared, and turned to look at the dazed Liao Yingzhu.

"This is the account information of the National Investment Corporation. Remember, see the situation before 10:55 and use the maximum leverage!"

Use the money from selling and mortgaging Tesla shares for maximum leverage?

What kind of number would that be?

Although the shocked Liao Yingzhu got the most anticipated answer, she still couldn't help worrying: "Zhao Song~"

"Don't worry, Tesla is not the only one fighting for the stock price," Zhao Song comforted softly, "Everyone is working hard!"

The inertia of history is strong. In the last life, there has never been an Internet listed company with such a low rise in stock price. In this life, even if Tesla went public half a year earlier, the rise should not be so low!

If it continues like this, can those spectators with the label of "Internet" still sit still?


At the same time, Silicon Valley.

Page smiled at Sergey, who was wrong in his judgment.

It's a pity that Sergey didn't make any statement, but asked anxiously: "What should I do? Is this kind of Internet company that has no bubble after going public, still an Internet company?

Page, such an increase will definitely reduce investors' confidence in the Internet, which will affect our listing. "

"What else can I do?"

Page lazily picked up the phone and called the background supervisor:

"From now on, tilt all IT and digital keywords to Tesla, pay attention to CNN news reports, and do a good job in pushing Tesla-related news!"

Sergey: "..."



Tesla's trading volume suddenly increased. After breaking through several barriers in a row, the stock price fluctuated around 115 yuan. Finally, under the control of many institutions, it finally regained its calm. The price stabilized at 115.7 yuan, and the gate of 120 yuan was still far away. no period.

Tesla's real-time market value is 42 billion, and Zhao Song's total assets are 33.9 billion.

There is still a long way to go to No. 1 and No. 2 in the world, where wealth is soaring towards 50 billion.

On the trading floor, Evans finally put away his fanatical attitude of praising others and regained his composure.

He tried his best to hide the anxiety in his heart, and raised his head, as if he wanted to see something from the leisurely young rich man.

Then he got no information except for a finger tapping on the railing.

The rough data obtained from his wife has been connected into a curve. If the stock market can faithfully reflect the market performance, the increase in Tesla's stock price is obviously abnormal.

After completing a new task, Evans paced anxiously. Suddenly, he stood beside a white shirt, took off the Rolex on his wrist, and quickly stuffed it into the white shirt's hand.

The white shirt stood up with a normal face, and when no one noticed, he pretended to urinate and left the console.

Evans sat down hastily, and quickly called up the background data. During the manipulation, he didn't know why, and he seemed to hear the rhythmic beating sound of the young rich man in his ears.


The data was called out, and as a 'representative of the market', he quickly completed the segmental summary of the data.


Combined with the information sent by his wife, two rising curves quickly overlapped in his mind.

correct! Trading accounts are increasing, and the stock market is indeed reflecting the market. The reason why the increase is too low is because of the lack of main force!

No main force!


At this time, his wife called, and the noise from the headset made Evans, who had entered a certain state of mind, restless.

"Honey, I want to count until when, the radio station is full of that damn "Star Sky", my ears are about to be slammed to death!"

There is not enough hardware and software to analyze the large dynamics of the symphony, what people hear is the noise of all the instruments being kneaded together.

At this moment, Evans' reaction was unprecedentedly sensitive, and he quickly asked: "Tell me dear, how many bags are the people coming out of there carrying? Are the bags big or small?"

If the marketing of TSLbook PRO has just started, what about Tpod?

It is impossible for young people in the United States not to know the Tpod series products.

"There are big ones and small ones, but there are many small ones!" On the phone, the wife replied quickly, "And many people brought out several small ones."


Everyone may have a state like Evans in his life. For students who grow flowers, they definitely hope that this state will happen during the college entrance examination. Obviously, Evans is lucky enough. When he is facing bankruptcy, he seems to have never In that tapping finger, a certain rhythm was mastered.

"The turmoil just now (in fact, Zhao Song released the shares to Warner in a targeted manner) shows that there are institutions controlling the market, so where is the pressure point?"

Talking to himself, Evans set his sights on the number 120, his eyes became brighter and brighter:

"If I also made leverage, will I be cut to death by those institutions as leeks like countless retail investors when I reach the range of 120?"

After finishing speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and called his agent:

"Listen Miller, clear me when the price reaches 17.9, then get me max leverage, keep the phone open, and be ready to enter again at any time!"

On the phone, the stockbroker replied excitedly: "Oh~ Evans, I can't guarantee that the phone will be open to you at any time, do you know how big a client I just received?

My God, an inconspicuous old couple, they are just like homeless people from the countryside, but they fucking took out a full 80 million dollars! Evans, it's dollars! "

80 million dollars?

Country farmer? Wanwan couple?

How much commission does this vampire get?

Evans opened his mouth and asked idiotically, "Let you manage money?"

"No! Like you, buy a Tesla."

"What advice did you give him?"

"No, he seems to have his own ideas, wait..." On the phone, the agent seemed to be flipping through a notepad, "It's incredible, Evans, you seem to have thought of going together, according to your prediction-the main force of long and short It will definitely appear, there will be a confrontation between 118 and 120, and then multiple parties will win.

Evans, tell me, you must know something, tell me..."

I tell you shit!

Evans explained again and hung up the phone decisively.


In the ear, the sound of rhythmic percussion gradually weakened, Evans breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured:

"Wanwan couple? Which investor will it be?"

Which could it be?

In this life, there should not be too many people who rely on Zhao Song to make a fortune.



Relying on the gradual increase in small transactions, Tesla's stock price is 116.1.

On the top floor of the Times Square building, seven kilometers northeast of the New York Stock Exchange, a listing celebration party is waiting to begin.

Some Tesla executives have arrived here ahead of schedule to receive distinguished guests and media representatives.

Tesla's international shareholder representatives, as half-owners, were received by executives, and they were very relaxed and comfortable.

Just like the bald representative of UBS First Boston, he is leisurely holding a wine glass and standing in front of the huge French windows.

Downstairs, the police lights are flashing, and the intersection of the world has been closed.

A dense crowd stood in front of the set up stage, which stretched to the end of the street.

Although he didn't know what the kid was trying to do, the bald representative didn't care. He looked at the thicker and thicker clouds above his head, and saw the shadowy staff members on the top of the opposite skyscraper, with a sinister smile on his lips.


On the skyscrapers, something like a cannon barrel has been erected, and a few big Western men in gray uniforms are carrying a few things that look like cannonballs.

"Bang bang~"


Hearing the sound, several big men turned their heads immediately, only to see an oriental man appearing suddenly holding a cannon barrel and smashing it to the ground.

Cai Feng shook the baseball bat in his hand, and waved his hands with a smile: "Hey, there are so many of you, can you tell me how many groups of people are implementing artificial rainfall?"

The big guys didn't answer, they put down the cannonballs in their hands, looked at each other, and walked towards Cai Feng with grim smiles.

Looking at his slender arms and legs, and at the figures of several big men, Cai Feng rationally threw down the baseball bat, and squatted down with his head in his hands:

"Brothers, you guys have a private lawyer, so be gentle when hitting me."



When the fists and kicks were close to him, Cai Feng saw through the gap that the door of the top platform opened, and another group of big men in gray uniforms came over with gun mounts.

"Bang bang~", he looked at the sky in despair.

The icy rain fell, and the bald representative of the Times Square building looked at the agitated crowd downstairs with a sneer.

"Twenty thousand people? Hmph, after this rain is over, let's see how many people you have left!"

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