Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 723: The Net War Brigade Appears

30 minutes is enough for many retail investors to escape the peak of 6,000 points.

30 minutes is also the time when Zhao Song can complete the leap of wealth.

This may be a naked conflict of interests. But pure monetary interests don't mean much to Zhao Song today.

In his opinion, the "upward" circle seems to have no momentum, and behind every prosperous capitalist, there may be more powerful capital.

Everything he bet on Tesla is that he doesn't want to compromise with these most disgusting capitals on Wall Street and act according to their "suggestions".

His life is already troublesome enough. The consequence of compromising with Western capital is to face the trouble of "capital" of flower growers in the future.

His home is there, and he can tell which side is the enemy and which side is the backstage!


30 minutes is enough for Betty to leisurely read a fashion magazine and drink a cup of Americano coffee.

Times Square is a triangle at the intersection of 42nd Street, Flood Street and Seventh Road in Manhattan, New York.

In addition to the triangular intersection, Tesla's "money ability" closed two-thirds of 42nd Street.

Beyond the fence on 42nd Street is a coffee shop, where Betty, who refused to attend the listing celebration, sat here.

The motorbike team outside the window was passing through the cordon. The sound of the 8 cannon barrels on the leading prince's motorcycle made Betty worry that the glass of the coffee shop would be broken.

On 42nd Street behind the cordon, there is an orderly crowd, extending from here to the stage in the center of Times Square.

The convoy has slowed down, and the four people inside are punching, hugging, joking, and teasing with the crowd, and they are as familiar as family members.

Betty knew that these people were composed of Tesla employees and senior fans, but she didn't know what Zhao Song and these people were going to do.

This is the only area in the United States that requires owners to hang eye-catching publicity screens in the legal plan. And now, all the screens from the police line to the intersection are playing Tesla's promotional advertisements.

In the sky, two more helicopters were added; on the ground, countless OB vans were crowded; there were many cameras, and the host was talking excitedly.

Betty is sure that CNN's live broadcast is not the end, and in the future there may be countless TV stations joining this grand party!

But so what?

It's not doing useless work!



Betty looked away, and after the waiter brought a cup of soda water and took away the coffee cup, she took out the PDA. The twisted K line on it made Betty's calm face inexplicable.

Such an increase simply negates all the previous work of Tesla's affairs team and ridicules her and Wei Mingyu's previous futile efforts.

I am fine, and I have walked into the life I yearn for. Where is Wei Mingyu? Being regarded as the prototype of a virtual character, the posters are kept at home by nerds who don’t know what dirty things they are doing, and they make false claims with people they don’t like, and participate in social banquets that they hate, and then get this kind of harvest? ! !

An increase of less than 40%?

This is simply a big joke!

As for the jump in the wealth list, apart from changing from ten digits to single digits, as long as it is not number one in the world, what is the meaning of other rankings?

At this moment, Betty couldn't express her feelings, whether it was disappointment or something. However, as a thank you to Zhao Song for bringing her to the new world, she started to operate the PDA and placed a purchase order with all her private money. The price was the lowest purchase order price listed on the trading platform.



I don't know how long it took, but Betty didn't hear the expected transaction prompt, and looked at the PAD with confused eyes.







Her order may be very large for ordinary people, but it is insignificant in the face of the huge amount of transactions. However, such a 'small' order did not complete a one-time transaction, but a small transaction.

At this time, even Betty, who is a layman in the stock market, knows that something is wrong.

"Is this... a fight again?"

Why did she say the word 'again'?



Not only did they fight, but also...

The battle is fierce!


Countless American stockholders are experiencing the most complicated long-short battle.

"118.33, 118.35, 118.39 for 1,200 lots... Boss, they don't have many high positions before 118."

"29 points positive, 26 minutes left before the boss transfers the shares."

Liao Yingzhu: "Put at 118.40, clear the low price sell order!"

"219 hands, 1899 hands, 2089 hands, clear!"

Liao Yingzhu: "Put at 118.45, prepare for the second set, and in one minute, I want the stock price to return to 118.5!"

"The second group is on standby."

"Boss, the volume of off-exchange transactions is decreasing, and no one borrows shares in small amounts anymore."

"Very good, without the leveraged retail investors, there should be no deaths."

"At 29 minutes and 23 seconds, Boss, there was public opinion on TV and the Internet. It was a discussion about Tesla's domestic substitution and concerns about the quality of planting flowers."

Liao Yingzhu: "Old Jin, it's your turn to play."

Lao Jin: "Got it, Mr. Liao. All groups, come out and show off!"

"The editorial department is on standby." "The troll team is on standby." "The keyboard company is ready." "This is the Heizi team." "This is the gangster team~" "Lemon essence..."

The first generation of network keyboard warriors officially debuted.

They will evade the important and ignore the trivial between words and street slogans, deviate from common sense, have clear direction, and have strong subjectivity. They can instantly mobilize people's emotions, arouse huge empathy, and amplify empathy, and use the good people's Compassion, so as to achieve their goals.

The Internet discourse skills that have been tested by the island nation's business tactics and actions will once again guide and invade the minds of the American people, guide their thoughts, and then manipulate public opinion!


Liao Yingzhu, who was full of black lines, shouted angrily: "What a mess, be quiet."

In the headset, Lao Jin explained with a wry smile: "The higher-ups ordered the entire operation to be recorded as a historical witness. The nicknames of each team are named by the big boss himself, and they must be read out."

Liao Yingzhu: "...Jack~"


"Block them!"

"Yes sir~"


"30 points positive, 25 minutes left."

"Boss, the third public opinion has appeared. Expert discussions are appearing on the largest economic program in the United States. The content is clear: doubts about the consumption level of flower growers, and concerns about Tesla's flower planting strategy!"

Liao Yingzhu: "Director Qin Han?"

Qin Han: "Director Liao, our department has already coordinated the relationship between CCTV and Beijing Satellite TV, and the signal will be sent to CNN at any time."

Liao Yingzhu responded immediately: "Please use the fastest speed!"

After speaking, Liao Yingzhu, under the attention of the red vests in the audience, ran down the high platform and watched the live broadcast of CNN news on the big screen with the people.

Seeing Liao Yingzhu standing beside him, Evans opened his mouth but didn't say a word.

What to say, he has never seen such a complex multi-air battle, from outside to inside; from the Internet to TV media...

At this moment, he just wanted to roar: What are you playing, sea, land and air? This is stock trading, not a hot war!

On the TV, CNN's beauty host was eloquently broadcasting the live broadcast of Zhao Song's entry into 42nd Avenue, and then people saw that she suddenly put her hand next to her ear, as if after receiving some instructions, she quickly made an introduction. Also take advantage of the opportunity to complete the screen transition.

"Hi everyone, this is China Central (Beijing) Television Station."

All kinds of strange yellow-skinned and black-haired beauties hosted, and strange city scenes appeared before the eyes of Western people.

"I'm standing in the capital right now..."

"Shang Hai."



"Outside the Tesla flagship store in Shenzhen..."

"It is now 22:30 Beijing time, and there are still 11 and a half hours before the normal opening time of Tesla's flagship store."

"But as you can see, there is already a long queue outside the flagship store. Next, let's interview the scene..."


Evans stared blankly at the TV, then shook his head and smiled wryly, picked up the phone, and explained to his agent:

"Buy it dude...yes, all of it! For such a low price, I can't think of a reason not to buy it!"



Beijing, Xidan.

Chen Ning and Fa Xiao Lao San stood outside the crowd, looking anxiously at the orderly queue.

The street police station seemed to know something, and did not dispatch all the police forces as Chen Ning expected, only a car with flashing police lights came, leaning quietly on the side of the road, without any other actions.

At this moment, a sneaky middle-aged man came forward, and under Chen Ning and Fa Xiao's staring eyes, he asked mysteriously:

"Dude, do you want to be a babysitter? It's 20 yuan for an hour in line, and you'll pay on the spot!"


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