Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 745 Conspiracy

Li Linna was still deceived. In the intriguing business world, not to mention the fashion circle, even senior people in the entertainment circle are as pure as a little white flower.

Wen Jing, who met Madoff through Nancy, stepped into the highest-end capital circle as early as four years ago, and got countless opportunities to participate in investment. The most well-known ones are her investment in Elizabeth Holmes, as well as video and social networking sites good luck.

Zhao Song used time and success to prove that his words are the golden rule in the capital market, but no one had heard of him before his rise, and no one cared about it. Words that show off their knowledge are engraved in their bones.

Maybe her degree in mathematics and finance is true, but combined with Zhao Song's words, Wen Jing's investment gains have long been beyond the reach of the financial market.

Because of the huge income, Wen Jing can write whatever investment report she wants for Li Linna every year. What she needs is not Li Linna's capital, but the connection between the two. No, it is just right for this April Fool's Day .

Compared with an ex-girlfriend who cheated Zhao Song, two ex-girlfriends will be more persuasive!

Zhao Song's premonition at the beginning was correct, Madoff was a big trouble, but compared to the huge gain, the trouble was nothing, and Wen Jing, who cheated people out of experience, handled it with ease.

First, she united with several big figures who had been kept in the dark to withdraw the investment together, and took a drastic drastic action; then, through the coordination of the big shots, she reached an exchange agreement with the official, and the official exchanged Wen Jing as a tainted witness to expose her by keeping her information confidential. Madoff's fraudulent behavior is killing the donkey by killing the donkey; and the deficit of tens of billions of dollars will even cause headaches for the officials, so Wen Jing made a counterfeit and transferred the trouble to a bad guy.

All of this, even if Li Linna does not sign, Wen Jing is imperative!


After seeing off the long legs, Wen Jing returned to the coffee shop.

In the store, the black suits have disappeared, and those people are not the federal agents that Li Linna misunderstood. They are actually bodyguards, the bodyguards of the three of them.

Wen Jing is one of the three, the other two, one is Crazy Qiao, and the other is...

Irving Jacobs, founder of Qualcomm.

The old man has stepped down as the president of Qualcomm, but the young son still needs his escort, so he is here.


When Wen Jing sat back in the booth, the old man asked.

Nodding, Wen Jing replied: "I have explained everything, combined with the FBI's previous suspicions and the evidence in hand, they will report it as soon as possible to activate the long-arm jurisdiction of the United States!"

Crazy Joe, who was doing nothing, suddenly raised his head: "Long-arm jurisdiction? What do you mean? Do they dare to arrest that kid across the country?"

Owen laughed dumbly: "How dare they! Our stock market is still waiting for that kid to save his life, but the Madoff incident has had too much impact. They really need someone to divert attention from the officials after the incident is exposed."

Crazy Qiao nodded in understanding, and then questioned: "You just said that kid saved the stock market?"

"To be exact, it is Tesla, an important index stock. More precisely, when Tesla's stock price falls, the cash in Zhao's hand will initiate a buyback."

Crazy Joe sneered: "The cash in his hand? Come on, Mr. Owen, Tesla does have money, but he is not alone in deciding how to use the money."

Owen didn't care about Crazy Qiao's attitude. He knew that this old guy had been preempted by Zhao Song everywhere in the past few years, and it was becoming more and more abnormal.

He smiled slightly and looked at Wen Jing: "Wen, please explain."

"Steve," Wen Jing said softly, "Liao has sold all his investments and cashed out recently, so Zhao Song's personal cash flow is quite a lot."

Crazy Joe: "How much is a lot?"

"No one knows!" Owen interjected, "Because the account operated by Liao has other 'important people', so we know that he has a lot of money and that's enough!"

Crazy Joe's face became gloomy, and he suddenly changed the subject and asked, "Owen, tell me about Tesla's order from Qualcomm."

"Impossible!" Owen Jacob yelled, "Steve, the confidentiality agreement regarding the order was signed under the witness of multiple parties, I don't want to break the rules!"

Crazy Joe also yelled: "Then take out your most advanced chip, not that scorching bastard!"

"Give you the best of Qualcomm!"

"It's the same goddamn piece of shit for Tesla?"

Owen: "..."

Wen Jing suddenly said, "If I'm not mistaken, that chip should be jointly developed by Qualcomm and Tesla."

Owen shrugged at Crazy Joe when he heard the words. Although he didn't speak, he expressed his meaning clearly.

Crazy Joe was silent.

The changes in history make the current IT interface completely different.

The Iphone, which should have been released in 2007, has not been released because of patented technology and Tesla's various crashes. In fact, even if there were no patent disputes, Madman Joe would not allow it to go on the market because of the bad hardware.

But what if the hardware problem is solved?

Liang Song, who was supposed to go to South Korea to train talents and make Four Star Semiconductor the world's number one, is now the CEO of flower planter Huahong Semiconductor; the chip design boss who originally quit Apple is now the director of Tesla's WiMAX department. Yes, Tesla used this excuse to get the US government to approve the introduction of this technology tycoon, but now all fools know that the cooperation between Tesla and Qualcomm is hosted by that tycoon!

In terms of chip manufacturing, the optics expert who continued Moore's Law has already gone to heaven with the plane, maybe hell, who cares~

Therefore, Wanji Electric is still the number one in the world, and its production capacity was one of the conditions for the settlement between Zhao Song and Zhang Jianmou before. That is to say, even if Four Star is still able to design the S5L8900 chip, Apple will not be able to manufacture it, because Tesla has already taken over all the high-end production capacity in the world.

Unless Crazy Joe goes to Intel! But let Intel produce four-star chips? What a joke!

"Steve, let's get back to the topic and talk about Nortel."

For Wen Jing, she doesn't care about Apple's life or death.

Soon, the world's largest population market will start 3G commercial use. The era of mobile Internet that Zhao Song talked about is coming. Although smart phones are still far away, as Tesla's product release date is getting closer, be quiet I don't want to miss this wave of Zhao Song's mouth!

Crazy Joe: "..."

"That's right," Owen continued with a smile, "As soon as Madoff explodes, I don't think Charles Murphy will be able to hold on anymore."

Wen Jing nodded in approval: "I heard that when Nortel was in jeopardy, as an executive, he also invested 50 million private funds in Madoff."

At this time, Crazy Qiao also let go of his worries about Apple, and said: "If it were me, the limited consideration would definitely be to sell hundreds of thousands of IPV6 addresses and the CDMA sector."

Owen smiled: "So this is our chance!"

Crazy Qiao said solemnly: "This is also the boy's chance. Now he and the good guy above are about to wear a pair of pants."

"Steve," Wen Jing shrugged and smiled, "Did you forget what I did just now?"

Crazy Joe: "..."

Owen said cheerfully: "Zhao Hui is entangled in Madoff's troubles, so he should not have the energy to participate."

Crazy Qiao gritted his teeth and said, "Even if there is one, we must try our best to stop him!"

Let Tesla go on like this, what future does Apple have?


If two figures who are as famous as the American stock god have a problem, it will no longer be a problem, but a huge trouble!

The exposure of Madoff in his previous life was the result, and the subprime mortgage crisis caused his investors to withdraw their funds intensively.

Crazy Steve Joe and Irwin Jacobs, the two big IT figures, simply didn't see the huge economic crisis under the water.

They never thought of the serious consequences of causal inversion!


In the further investigation of the FBI, a jaw-dropping century Ponzi scheme loomed.

The matter could no longer be concealed, and the American government immediately activated its long-arm jurisdiction.

"Fuck you, that bastard congressman signed, why should I go to the United States for trial? I want to kill him!"

Under the scolding of the world's richest man, countless cheated big shots who received the news took action one after another. While using various methods to withdraw funds, they discovered a super big thunder hidden deep in the dark!

"Quick! Try every means to get back the funds. We can only need the capital, no, even if we can't get all of it back, we can get back as much as we can!"

April 3rd.

One of the four major investment banks in the United States, Lehman Brothers could no longer bear the sudden pressure and asked the American government for help.

At the same time, Tesla shares issued an announcement on the New York Stock Exchange, announcing that in 2008 it would no longer adhere to the past style, and that it would distribute dividends this year, with an unprecedented proportion.

This measure brought back a lot of blood from Bear Stearns, one of Tesla's major shareholders and one of the four major investment banks in the United States, and further strengthened the American government's determination to save Bear Stearns and abandon Lehman Brothers.

On April 7, Lehman Brothers, seeking help from the government to no avail, began to seek help everywhere.

The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States appeared in front of everyone 7 months earlier than the previous time and space in the seemingly 'invisible'!

On the same day, Nortel's share price collapsed.

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