Which is easier?

While thinking, as a party of capital, we should substituting ourselves into it unconsciously to prevent others from thinking. Because the more people are aware of this problem, the more dangerous it becomes for us.

How to do it?

Go to the group to lower your intelligence!

Change the blog from social current affairs to celebrity gossip.

Invest heavily in sports, film and television, and cultural industries...

If there are ordinary people who don't like celebrities, entertainment, sports, film and television, it doesn't matter, 3G will be commercially available soon, will 4G be far behind? Short videos are waiting!

The above cannot be accomplished by one or two capitalists. So we're going to band together and start a club, a business school, or have a regular dinner...  

So which is easier?


When he said these words, Zhao Song's eyes flashed with a dangerous light, and he said it in a seductive tone.

It's a pity that the bearded man was unmoved, because he knew that all Zhao Song's actions were contrary to his words.

If he gets involved in anything, Zhao Song has the ability to support him, and also has the ability to suppress him.

So instead of continuing, he changed the subject and said something seemingly irrelevant:

"Mr. Zhao, I need to tell you something about Sina."

Zhao Song: "What happened to Sina?"

Big Beard: "In the past few years, Sina has raised capital to go public, and Shenzhou's shareholding ratio has been declining. Coupled with the management's voting rights, we don't have much say in the board of directors."

"I know this," Zhao Song nodded, "but Shenzhou's opinion should be a matter that must be considered in their decision-making."

The bearded man shrugged: "Obviously they deliberately ignored Shenzhou's opinion this time."

Zhao Song frowned: "What's the matter?"

"The 'micro-blog' department, which is in the public beta phase, plans to become independent from Sina. During the board meeting, a number of investors said: With reference to similar companies in the United States, with Sina's user base, Weibo can be operated as an independent company and listed in the United States. .”

Zhao Song: "...good news~"

There is no lower limit to capital, and Weibo is the best proof. To say it is a brothel bustard is an insult to the term.

However, as a member of the capital, since it dares to go public independently, Zhao Song dares to participate behind the scenes!


Liao Yingzhu is in the hands of a private equity fund that attracts the rich and powerful in the United States. Do you want to discuss qualifications with her?

In the future, whoever dares to delete a post will be slapped by Zhao Song!


In a busy day, nothing went well except for Xizi and Dashuai who agreed to join Central Control.

After parting from the bearded man at the intersection, Zhao Song decided to relax. For Zhao Song, looking at some human scenery is obviously a good choice.

So when Ermao arrived in his Audi, he changed cars with the invisible man hiding in the dark, and the two of them drove a low-key Jetta around Laohewan.

Laohewan is said to be a new city, but it is actually a large construction site. A stadium and two gymnasiums for the Olympic Games have been completed. In the near future, before the arrival of international athletes, all construction sites here will also stop.

Behind the construction site, there are villages that have become rich one after another. For the people in the villages, the increase in wealth has obviously brought about a change in their mentality. At the same time as unrestrained consumption, there are also some dirty things.

For example, during the time when the lights are first on, there are already many young 'aunts' standing in some corners.

'Auntie' is not very old, all of them wear heavy makeup, and their bodies can also be bulging forward and backward. From time to time, they wink at passers-by who pass by and look at them.

After a while, several men came forward to chat, some got nothing, and some walked away with their arms around the young "auntie"!

"Price gouging~"

Zhao Song muttered resentfully in the car.

Ermao: "..."

Clutching, shifting gears, turning, Ermao glanced at the high-quality 'Auntie' outside the window, and asked expectantly: "Brother, why does this look and class stand outside?"

"Outside the station, there is less commission for the bustard, and with a small protection fee, you can build a house in your hometown after working for one year."

Ermao was surprised: "Brother, what's the price here?"


Zhao Song replied gloomyly, "Don't say that other places come here because of their fame, I would think it would be too expensive for me!"

Ermao: "...is there still a business at this price?"

"It can only be said that the aborigines in Laohewan have a weird way of thinking. They think that those who are above this price are not just 'aunties'," Zhao Song said helplessly. seat."

"What do you mean by turning from a superior to a regular?"

"It is after developing feelings with the client during the transaction, driving away the client's original wife and getting married to become the landlord's wife."

"... Niubi~"

"There are even more awesome ones," Zhao Song said coldly, "With the new batch of demolition funds allocated, there are more than a dozen more betting B teams targeting these upstarts!"

Ermao heard the words, immediately slowed down the speed of the car, and said with a vigilant face: "Brother, you can meddle in your own business if you want, just send a word, but you can't risk yourself!"

"What are you thinking about?" Zhao Song said angrily, "I have already spoken, but can the police handle it?"

"Then what do you want to do?"

Zhao Song: "Bai Dao can't stop it, so start with Gray Dao. Go back and find dumb Liu, and ask him to gather those old guys who have missing fingers and broken legs before, and go to those gangs!"

Ermao: "Brother, what is the identity of dumb Liu, is it a little sensitive to ask him to do this!"

"I'll say hello," Zhao Song said nonchalantly, "10% of the money that was cheated will be remuneration, and the rest will be donated to the Skynet project of the Beijing police."


Zhao Song never sympathized with those who were cheated, but behind the destruction of those people, there were countless tragic innocent groups involved.

He is the founder of Old River Bend, and he will never allow more tragic things to happen here. Since the white way cannot be eradicated, then let this place become a restricted area for some people from the gray way.

In the past two years, he has always used his identity to do things that he imagined in his "previous life". For example, if Party B dares to default on wages in Laohewan, then no matter what the reason is, as the largest Party A, he dares to default on Party B who undertook the construction. project payment.

How they deal with those who ask for salary, Zhao Song will deal with them.

What? The contractor ran away? Don't blame you?

Excuse me, please study the entry contract carefully. There are detailed regulations on labor outsourcing. Is it reasonable for you to be unclear?

In short, those who use unsound laws to exercise power will always be retaliated by Zhao Song's power.

Zhao Song doesn't care if he offends or not, as long as it's fun!

Otherwise, why did he come back from 'rebirth' and go all the way to where he is today?

It's not for that moment of 'coolness'!

What, there's someone behind you?

Tell me his name quickly, I'll beat him to death!

Don't you know that the more people I offend, the happier the leaders behind me are?

As for why the world's richest man has a leader, Zhao Song didn't bother to answer.

He has a lot of leaders, and his name is sensitive so he can't say more. Even the richest man in the world has a headache because of this, because there are always people asking him to do something through his status as a leader.

For example, one of his leaders... his wife Betty!

In the Jetta, Zhao Song took his eyes away from the pretty aunt on the street, took out his vibrating mobile phone, and looked suspiciously at the strange number on it.

This is a private mobile phone number, and incoming calls are always clearly identified. It has been a long time since he saw the 11-digit caller ID.

Somehow, he pressed the answer button.

The voice is female, also very strange.

The tone was very polite, but Zhao Song could still hear the 'approachable' under the long-term pampering.

It's Bai Li's so-called girlfriend, the "No. 1 lady" in the new generation of capital.

Unlike Bai Li's famous ladies in the world, her name is more complicated, not because she is the owner of a certain club, nor because of her relationship with the entertainment industry and the upper class, but because of the prominent identity of the man behind her.

Zhao Song had seen Xizi's reminder message and knew there was such a person, but Zhao Song was still surprised that such a small incident in Madian Street could involve such a powerful person.

After hearing Zhao Mingyuan's request, Zhao Song was even more surprised: "Forget it?"

He took away the phone, looked at the number again, put it to his ear, and said strangely, "I can forget it, Ms. Zhao, it is a little past 17:00, and six hours later, the same thirteen social idlers People come to your house for a walk, let’s forget about it, don’t you think it’s okay?

By the way, you don't have to worry about whether I know where your home is. The furs in your three cloakrooms are world-renowned, and I've been admiring them for a long time! "

Zhao Mingyuan: "..."

Zhao Song: "Miss Zhao hesitated? It's been a long time since no one violated your wishes, so I can't react?"

"I think Mr. Zhao has misunderstood a bit," Zhao Mingyuan explained slowly on the phone, "I mean it's better to make friends than to be enemies these days..."

It's a pity that before Qing Rou finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Song arbitrarily. He pressed the speakerphone, dropped the mobile phone on the car seat, and asked unceremoniously: "I have offended many people. He is a street person. How old are the junior cadres?"

Zhao Mingyuan was speechless.

"Furthermore, I have many enemies, who is your Miss Zhao?"

Zhao Mingyuan: "..."

Zhao Song: "Are you stupid? Are you buzzing? Didn't expect someone to talk to you like that?"

Zhao Mingyuan: "..."

Zhao Song: "Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself. Miss Zhao, let's not talk about my friends for now, let's talk about mine. I'm a little curious. You sneaked out to be a son of a bitch. What kind of face are you licking? Betty said that women should cherish good times and not be too anxious to have children?"


"You 38~"


After hanging up the phone, Zhao Song manipulated on the big screen and explained angrily:

"Ermao, I saved the recording of the call. You will give it to Chen Ning later, and tell him to let the people who should know know. If they don't give an explanation within three days, I will give them an explanation!"

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