Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 791 He is still alive

Putting personal affairs aside, ordinary people have complicated mentality these days.

Earthquakes are common in island nations, but ones of this magnitude are uncommon.

It is common sense that there are casualties in an earthquake, but it is not in line with common sense that the richest man is on the list of casualties.

This is the young man they watched growing up.

How can everyone not worry?

So countless ordinary people put aside gloating and prayed earnestly.

And always pay attention to the news there.

When they saw that Tesla and Zhao Song were fully committed to cross-border rescue, few people said sour words.

When they heard that the chief operating officer of Tesla had been awake for 48 hours, their faces were complicated.

When they knew that the best companion dog in the world had rescued 137 people, they were extremely excited.


When the dog named 'Benben' found the man in the golden rescue time, countless people cheered!

Reflected on the New York Stock Exchange, the stock price soared again, although Tesla's previous all-out rescue behavior had already made it the brightest star in the market.

The skyrocketing stock price means he's still alive.


He's just alive...


In the majestic building, in the office of a certain executive, an invisible man stood upright in a panic.

The red eyes, the vicissitudes of the face, and even the hands wrapped in gauze still ooze red blood.

"I dereliction of duty!"

"It's not your fault," the middle-aged man with flowers on his shoulder sighed, got up and came to the invisible man, patted his shoulder and said, "Before departure, he has already reported all possible situations .

you are right.

He is also right.

All are right.

The fault lies in this earthquake that no one can think of! "

The invisible man said firmly: "No, he thought of it, and the organization must know the disaster relief plan he asked Yikilometer and Jingxi Mall to make before!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man raised his eyebrows, glared at the ninja and asked, "So what do you think we should do to prevent the protagonist of your mission from this 'accident' that happened abroad?"

invisible Man:"……"

"Oh..." The middle-aged man sighed again, and said softly, "Let's go back to the team~"

"My task has not been completed!" The invisible man frowned and said loudly, "He is still alive!"

"I'm not discussing with you, but an order!" The middle-aged man replied calmly, "Return to the team!"

"Chief, you should know what he is..."

"Of course I know!"

The chief's voice was extremely calm:

"Of course I know who he is!

A mediocre high school student turned into a business genius in an instant after entering college;

An average guy who's tone deaf and never even took music lessons made three Grammy songs in two years;

One of the world's best product managers and creative directors emerged from the rigid exam-oriented education system;

The world's richest man who accomplished a wealth miracle in just three years;

A flower grower entrepreneur who entrusts the livelihood of tens of millions of people!

A special consultant who frequently entered the center and boldly made countless predictions! "

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man took a deep breath and said deeply: "The most important thing is that many of his predictions have come true!"

invisible Man:"……"

The invisible man panted heavily, and asked in a muffled voice, "Since you know, why do you let him run around?"

"Because of the big picture!"

When the middle-aged man said this, he suddenly opened the door, gestured to the two guards, and then closed the door.

There was a sound of heavy footsteps outside the door, and the alert level was raised.

The invisible man's face suddenly changed: "What?""

"..." The invisible man couldn't refute this sentence. He didn't understand business matters, but he knew how Zhao Song scolded those black and white people in private.

In such a lifetime, the most vicious words the invisible man has heard are no match for a few words from Zhao Song.

"So behind the compromise is that Zhao Song must go to the island country until the end of this crisis, and not give him any chance to make trouble."

As he spoke, he waved his hand to prevent the invisible man from answering, and continued, "I could give up some economic benefits, what's the difference between 3 trillion and 4 trillion, but..."

He pointed to the northeast, which is the island country.

He couldn't continue, and sighed deeply, "That kid's prediction is too scary, no one can take responsibility, if this disaster happens in China!"

"What would happen if there were no earthquakes?"

"That place is not a business research institute at all. After visiting, it is the main reason why he dismissed you."

After a while, the invisible talent nodded slowly, gritted his teeth and said:

"What a mess," scolded, "For his body and his affairs, how many instructions have been given by the leaders, and how many hairs have been grayed in a hurry?

I have told you so much just to fulfill his entrustment seriously!

Or... last wish! "

The invisible man was silent.

Sighing again, said softly:

"Technology other than military use will be handed over to the research and development of Laohewan's college circle. For commercial applications, the Zhao Song department will be given priority!"

"..." The invisible man still didn't speak.

The leaders in charge promised that the old Hewan academic circle will remain unchanged for 10 years under the leadership of the Zhao Song Department. As the frontier of education reform experiments in flower-planting colleges and universities, it will attract the attention of countless leaders!

At least within ten years, the disadvantages of inbreeding in the academic circle that he cares about and despises will not appear there. "

"..." The invisible man finally nodded.

Na walked forward slowly, took a deep breath, and said to the military notebook:



"Delivery information!"



, trembled and asked:

"What's this?"

"The world of 0 and 1," the invisible man said leisurely, "A genius programmer added a few 'small' instructions based on the original compression algorithm, so that it can be processed in the shortest possible time in materials, manufacturing, Military and other fields to complete fast search and lossy compression."

"Chief, you must find experts in all relevant fields to interpret it within the context and logic of the relevant industry."

"Chief, he is still alive." The invisible man said again.

"I know," he patted him heavily on the shoulder, "so you must return to the team, and you will personally guarantee all his arrangements for all the people and things he cares about!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!"


On the road, there is a constant flow of cars coming and going. Thanks to the increasing national quality, the Olympic lanes in Laohewan are rarely occupied.

Suddenly, a fast-moving non-Olympic executive car appeared in front of everyone. In front of it, a leading cavalry made all the traffic police on duty ignore its existence.

And after looking at its license plate number, countless caring people also saw it, and many showed expressions of concern and regret.

It was an old Audi A8, and it had the most '2' license plate in Beijing, and many people knew who it belonged to.


Twenty minutes later, Tesla Center.

This is the 'HOME' button that Zhao Song pressed for this planet in this time and space. This button is for the flower planter.

Liao Yingzhu and Gui Luyang, who got off the A8 car, looked at the majestic and beautiful building in front of them in a daze for a while, and then walked in quickly.

After a while, they walked through an unknown number of secret passages, and they came to the research base deep under the Tesla Center.

"how is he?"

Looking at Zhao Song with a tube inserted in the glass, Liao Yingzhu asked with red eyes.

"He's still alive."

I can write, and I will update it from time to time.

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