Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 822 Past and Destination Wei Mingyu's Brother and Father

Every girl has a princess dream.

Maybe it's being pampered like a princess; maybe it's marrying off like a princess.

In the mansion in Qianjiang New City.

More than an hour has passed, but the dowry sending team has not all left the courtyard of the mansion, which shows how huge the team is.

In the house, Xiao Yu, who is envied by countless people, has an unprecedented peace of mind.

The most beautiful dream I had when I was a child was not as dreamy as it is today, no!

Nothing has been as dreamy as the past 18 years!


When did things start?


In 1999, Xiaohe Village.

The dilapidated home may not even be considered a home in the eyes of other villagers.

Broken beds, broken cabinets, a messy kitchen without even a simple stove - this 'home' has never been opened.

At least in Wei Mingyu's memory.

Dad went in, and it was said that it was impossible to get out alive. From then on, Uncle Lu saw his expression no longer just regretful, but became very complicated.

Because Brother Lu and Lian Shun were seriously injured in order to arrest Dad and his gang...

My mother never worked. Before she met her father, she made money by herself. After meeting her father, she made money by herself. After her father came in, she still made money by herself.

Nothing has changed, only the object of making money has changed.

Xiaoyu understands everything, and if she doesn't understand, her friends in the street will also tell her, who told her to fight fiercely and die~

Otherwise, she would not have lived in peace and stability until now, still a 'simple' girl.

A college student came to rent from the village, and he can make a fuss!

He turned on big light bulbs in the originally dark alleys, and the lights were brightly lit in the middle of the night.

Because of this, Xiaoyu was a little worried, because the big light bulb made her mother unable to make money on her own during this period, and she also snatched up all the pocket money for this month, so she wanted to watch other people's faces for food again?

Xiao Yu didn't want to do this.

She has backbone.

The villagers said that she grew up eating hundreds of meals, but after every meal, I clearly did the housework of each family!

The nanny is more than that meal~

But Xiao Yu doesn't care about that now, what worries her is her mother!

Seeing that her mother, who never had any trace of emotion, has changed recently.

His eyes were full of struggle!

Yes, that's right, it's a struggle, as if you have to make a major decision.

Xiao Yu felt something was wrong. Because my mother started to earn money by herself at home, the people who came here looked at her nonchalantly before leaving!

After the second person left, Xiao Yu rummaged through the box and found the dagger.

Brother Lu gave it.

When I went to Uncle Lu's house for dinner that day, Mrs. Lu saw her dirty little face and washed her face seriously. It was the first time that Xiao Yu used facial cleanser in a fair manner.

When she came out of the bathroom, Uncle Lu's family fell silent.

It took a long time before Brother Lu came to his senses and solemnly handed her a dagger.

It was from that day that Xiao Yu really realized that she was very beautiful, the kind that seduces everyone!

The dirty look before was due to my subconscious self-protection!

So, that day finally came.

Mom sees that she is no longer struggling, it seems that she has made a choice.

She used her own facial cleanser for Xiao Yu. In the past, Xiao Yu used it secretly and then made herself dirty.

This is the first time that Xiao Yu has been acted so intimately by her mother, and she will never forget that day in her life.

That gentle hand caressing her face, that violently trembling heart...

No matter what her purpose is, at that moment, she is Xiao Yu's mother!

at last……

The uncle with lewd eyes came, and then my mother gritted her teeth and wanted to hide.

Of course, Xiao Yu didn't let them succeed. Before her mother went out, she stabbed the uncle, and then rushed out of the door before her mother.

She panicked, fearful in her heart, and felt that there were people trying to catch her everywhere.

At the corner of the alley, she poked her head out. There was no one else in the small square of the village except for two squatting college students. Xiao Yu breathed a sigh of relief and ran quickly...


She fell and fell in front of the two college students.

The many sudden events made her full of fear, because she fell down, her face was not dirty, she was still the beautiful Xiaoyu.

It's a pity that she is too thin, like a hemp stick.

For a 'reborn' person who is full of vicious fronts and long legs, she has no attraction at all.

"Xizi, the virginity complex is bad~"

The college student who installed the big light bulb stood up, helped Xiao Yu, and looked at his thin body. He even thought he was a handsome boy, and even patted the dust on Xiao Yu's body...

"Be careful, boy."

Xiao Yu stared at him blankly, seeing him squatting back and continuing to talk about things with his friends.

They seemed to be talking about a woman named Li Wei whom Xiaoyu had met, who came to Xiaohe village every day with that college student.

It doesn't matter anymore, Xiao Yu suddenly decided not to run away.

She found Aunt Wen Zhenwen and returned to her home.

The uncle was lying on the ground, and the mother was hanging from the room, holding her own dagger.

At the last moment of her life, she finally did what most mothers must do-protect their children.

Xiaoyu walked by in a daze, looked up at her face carefully, as if she was trying to remember her appearance, then, she hugged her mother's legs, leaned her head on it, and after a long time, said sullenly:


She hasn't spoken since then until...

Met the college student with the big light bulb again.

In a clubhouse.

What a nice name.

have a home!

She has a home, a real home!

A home that treats her like a princess!


"There are marriages in China, and this generation is determined by the heavens. You and your son live in the same house, make an appointment to have a white head, and wear a phoenix crown and a xiapei."

The master of ceremonies shouted, calling Xiao Yu back to reality.

Under the service of the makeup artist and best friend, Xiao Yu took the time to change into her wedding dress and get her posture right on the bed.

Although the delivery of the dowry and the formal ceremony of the wedding were arranged on the same day by Zhao Song carelessly, in other respects, the whole ceremony tried to rely on ancient rituals as much as possible.

So, at the same moment when Xiaoyu was doing the right thing and putting on the hijab, at Huajiachi, 3.6 kilometers away, the bridegroom official Song Zhao was even more perfect, accompanied by hundreds of sons and brothers, and got on the 100 A A luxury fleet of Ston Martin supercars, let's go!

Next, is the step-by-step ceremony.

Marriage is out of the question.

In order to prevent this, the best man team composed of 100 princes, except for Song Zhao's colleagues, most of them are second generations.

If you dare to make a fuss, shit will be punched out for you!

Of course, there are still doorstops, except for the bridesmaids begging for red envelopes, the most important doorstoppers are Xizi Xiaojuan and Xiaoyong Xiaoyan who play the role of elders.

To these four people, Song Zhao didn't dare to neglect, and the second generation were also honest.

Finally, when the ceremony was over, the scene suddenly fell silent. Everyone, including the groom, quietly looked at the door, the boudoir door, and then...

Waiting for the siblings.

Not long after, the boudoir door opened.

No one cheered, no one applauded, no one even dared to set off the colorful cannons, only the bridesmaids gently swayed the petals, on the way the brother and sister came.

Everyone watched quietly.

Watching the world's richest man carefully carrying his sister on his back, walking the last part of his way out.

Zhao Song walked seriously, trying to pretend to be relaxed.

He wants to tell his sister.

He is still the same as before, able to lift, hold, and carry.

He wants to tell his sister that he is still young.

Even if she grows up and gets married, no matter when, he can protect her!

"Xiao Yu, help me, brother will send you to get married!"


Xiao Yu replied sullenly, tears streaming down like rain.

Even that day, she didn't cry, but today, she cried.

Do not marry for yourself.

It's the person behind his back.

"Xiaoyu, at the wedding, my brother didn't say anything cruel, and he didn't say anything to ask him to be kind to you from the Song family. You are my brother's sister, and he, Song Zhao, is the only son of the Song family. Let's compare our hearts, from now on , he Song Zhao is my younger brother!"


Xiao Yu hugged Zhao Song's neck tightly, and hissed:


"Hey~ sister, my brother will marry you off!"



An unexpected address made Zhao Song red-eyed.

"Girl, dad will marry you off!"

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