Rebirth Turn of the Century

Chapter 824 Supplement

When the Concorde entered cruise mode, Zhao Song on the plane covered the dozing Benben with a thin blanket.

The old dog staggered not only because of his age, but also because of his serious injuries.

As a descendant of the meritorious dog Lian Shun, it is the smallest and stupidest of several children, so Zhao Song named it "Ben Ben".

But don't forget, he is just the stupidest of those kids. After hard training, he has become the best companion dog in the world.

Perhaps it is not as good as those brothers and sisters who are making up, but in its life, it has the most brilliant bloom——

In the disaster ten years ago, relying on its dog nose, together with Ding Tao, one person and one dog used their hands and paws to dig out 34 people!

The last one is Zhao Song.

At that time, there were two big Internet celebrities in the world, one was a human being, Wei Mingyu; the other was a dog.

Dogs can explode, but what about people?

Zhao Song patted the old dog gently for a while, and waited for it to fall asleep before picking up the materials at hand.

It was given to him by Liao Yingzhu, a long time ago.

The research and development progress information of all the partners under the Central Control Department.

On the cover of the document, there are only two big words:

top secret.

There are so many high-tech companies with different or even unrelated affiliations, and so many research and development materials. In today's world, no one can gather them together and watch them at the same time, except Zhao Song.

But Zhao Song still didn't look at it.

He just stared blankly at the word 'top secret', and put it aside casually.

Since he woke up, he has been self-willed until now, except for the persuasion of two or three acquaintances, no one has stopped him, which shows that the matter has been under the control of many people.

Flower growers are like this. If you don't force yourself, you will never know how great your potential is.

What's more, Zhao Song's purpose is not to let these people and these companies break through some cutting-edge technology in a short period of time, but to let them complete what he was planning and doing from the beginning, and it took a full 15 Years, it took a lot of resources and money.

In the case of being one generation behind the world's leading technology, complete domestic substitution!

I have done everything that should be done, you can't do it, let me be hit by a car, you are all sinners!

At this time, Zhao Song was so willful.

Putting aside the materials, Zhao Song began to have another headache.

Many people know that when social wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few people, the economy will suffer major problems.

What makes Zhao Song a headache is that his money can't be spent!

The troubles of the rich people that ordinary people know, some are bragging, some are really humble.

Zhao Song started his own business again, and a Faraday went directly to seven superfactories, in addition to injecting a boost to the domestic industry, it was just to spend money.

The reason why people are human is that they have seven emotions and six desires under the huge social relationship.

On this basis, what a person possesses is not only life, freedom, dignity, wealth, health, but also honor, fame, and social influence.

Cash out and run away, change nationality...

As social animals, let's not talk about whether those people can integrate into foreign society, but in the land where they grew up, their reputation is really stink.

Win money, lose honor, fame, and more social influence.

Between gain and loss, do you still need to argue?

Taking Zhao Song himself as an example, what did his honor, his social status, his reputation, and his social influence bring him?

The most troublesome problem - the money can't be spent!

There is no need to pay for the project, and the factory can start working.

There is no money in the cooperation agreement, and the three links and one leveling have begun to be implemented in local areas.

Before I started spending my own money, the low-interest loans from the bank couldn't wait to deliver it to my door.


The local government will immediately launch the most favorable talent policy to help you compete for talent.

How can I forget Zhao Song.

Even if he slept for ten years.

Who can forget Zhao Song.

Fame and social influence, these are his more precious things besides wealth.

Zhao Song is proud.

Then another headache:

"But the money can't be spent~"

He raised his head and stared at the taciturn boy, Ding Tao, who had become the same as before.

"What are you doing?"

Ding Tao looked at Zhao Song vigilantly. He knew this expression very well. It was the same as when he was working in Zhong Hai. It must be no good for the boss to behave like this.

"Ding Tao, tell me, I want to raise wages for the guys, how about it?"

"..." Ding Tao scratched his head, stared at Zhao Song's expression, and asked cautiously:

"Which company's guy?"

After asking, without waiting for Zhao Song to answer, Ding Tao quickly continued, "Don't talk about SUPCON Group, let's not say that you have handed over most of the shares. As early as ten years ago, all companies under SUPCON took advantage of That crisis completed the industrial upgrading and transformation, and the labor shortage, low wages, sweatshops, and other messy things will not affect the central control!"

Speaking of this, Ding Tao admired his boss very much.

Not any company can bear the pain relief of industrial upgrading, but he can make such a big determination.

And as early as the beginning of the century, he began to lay out.

After the robot company of Jingcheng Dynamics cultivated its founder, the first plan was industrial robots!

Instead of the monster that can walk and do somersaults now.

“How about One Kilometer and Jingxi Logistics?”

Zhao Song tapped his legs and said while pondering, "Qi Qiangdong, try to contact, form a team, and study to cancel all outsourcing business within the scope of influence of all Jingxi Mall!"

Still didn't escape from SUPCON, but fortunately, it was Jingxi Mall, which SUPCON didn't hold a lot of shares in.

Ding Tao's eyes widened: "What do you mean?"

"Go to social security~"

Zhao Song said carelessly: "It seems that when I started my business, I provided social security for you, but it turned out that the business was successful. Why are there people who work for me without social security?"

"..." Ding Tao swallowed, and asked tremblingly, "Old...boss, do you know that... how many people are there? How much will it cost?"

"It doesn't matter if you have money or not, I have money!"

Zhao Song said with a smile, that appearance makes people want to slap him.

Ding Tao didn't dare, and let the beautiful stewardess fasten his seat belt on the sound of the plane broadcasting that it was about to land, and then carefully reminded:

"Boss, Jingxi Mall...will be listed soon."

"This is your mission!"

Zhao Song stopped laughing, and his face gradually became serious: "If you are short of money, I will vote again!"

"You invest, and other shareholders may not be too happy."

"Either do as I ask, otherwise, I will not agree to go public!"

Zhao Song sneered and said, "I believe that the two major shareholders, Shenzhou Group and Supcon Group, will hold the same opinion as me."

Ding Tao: "But if you accept your investment, plus Shenzhou and Supcon, you will become the controlling shareholder again."

"Do you know what common prosperity is?"

Patting Ding Tao on the shoulder, Zhao Song said leisurely, "The reinvested equity can be entrusted to the management to hold it on behalf of the management. As for the dividend income...

employee compensation.

And, dividends to shareholders! "

"...Boss, you are truly a saint."

Ding Tao's tone couldn't tell whether there was any irony.

But Zhao Song didn't care, shook his head and said: "I'm not a saint, if I were, I would donate all the shares in Jingxi!"

Having said that, the Concorde has landed smoothly at the Capital International Airport.

A luxury convoy came slowly and stopped at the boarding gate.

Zhao Song got up, carried Benben off the seat, put on the dog leash, and walked towards the door.

"This is the last task I entrust to you, do it carefully.

Don't go to that intersection.

The scenery that belongs only to me.

What are you fussing about! "

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