The staff who were claiming the prize saw Richard coming, stopped their work, and said hello to Richard.

Ye Feng said secretly, trouble came.

Richard asked the staff, “How much did this gentleman win?” ”

Mr. Richard, “This gentleman hit a 7.” $7.5 billion,” the staff said respectfully.

Richard frowned slightly, picked up the bet record on the table and looked at it.

Turning his head to Ye Feng, he said, “Sir is really lucky, under Richard, I don’t know what Your Excellency is called?” ”

“Mr. Richard, my name is Ye Feng, I don’t know if I can continue to claim the prize?”

Of course, Richard said to the staff: “Continue to claim the award to Mr. Ye.” ”

After a while, the staff took out 75 tens of millions of dollars of chips, as well as a 5 million dollar chip made by the club, put them in a box and handed them to Ye Feng.

Richard looked at Ye Feng and said, “Mr. Ye, you have good luck today, or will we play two?” ”

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and said, “How does Mr. Richard want to play?” ”

“Mr. Ye, let’s bet on the goal time you bet with Miss Cameron just now?”

Richard looked at Ye Feng after speaking.

Ye Feng didn’t answer, but asked a little angrily, “You spy on me?” ”

Richard smiled and said, “Mr. Ye, Cameron is my sister.”

Ye Feng immediately understood, and almost guessed the identities of Cameron and the man in front of him, they should all be people from the Meilong Foundation.

Cameron can get security to back down with a word, and Cameron’s full name is Cameron. Meilong, the man in front of him is obviously the boss here, if he can’t guess Ye Feng, he doesn’t have to mix.

“Okay, Mr. Richard, let’s take a gamble, the next game should be the game between Spicy and Australia, how many balls do you want to bet?” Or only bet on the first one? ”

Ye Feng looked at Richard after asking.

Richard thought for a moment and said: “From the first goal, this game can score a few counts, after each goal, guess the goal time of the next goal, whoever guesses the time closest to the goal time wins, how about a goal of 500 million dollars?” ”

Ye Feng was overjoyed in his heart, this is another good person who came to send money.

In the future, his manor and office buildings will be repaired, and he must have a share of the credit of this Mr. Richard.

Ye Feng nodded and agreed, and the two came to the place where Ye Feng and Cameron were sitting just now, and opened another bottle of red wine.

Ye Feng said to Richard: “Mr. Richard, guess first.” ”

Richard was also not polite, and said directly: “I guess the first goal scored in about 15 minutes.” ”

This seemed to Richard to be the most reasonable time.

Ye Feng flipped through his memory and recalled that the first goal of the game was scored by Xiao Banya in the 11th minute.

So he said to Richard: “Mr. Richard, then I will guess 10 minutes.” ”

Richard raised his eyebrows, “If Mr. Ye doesn’t score in 12 minutes, you’ll lose.” ”

Ye Feng smiled indifferently and said, “Look at the will of heaven, God let me win and I will win, and God can’t help me if he doesn’t let me win.” ”

Richard clapped his hands and said: “Mr. Ye has a good attitude, no wonder he can win.” ”

You know, if the score and the win and loss can be controlled, then the goal time can not be controlled at all.

Who cares about the time when the players play, and who can score goals in minutes?

So this gamble is purely providential.

However, killing Richard could not have imagined that Ye Feng had the memory of the previous life as a cheat.

Or a super cheater that you can’t forget after the fusion of two souls.

Soon this game began, Ye Feng was not worried at all, leisurely drinking red wine, Richard was still watching seriously, after all, five hundred million US dollars was not a small amount for him.

In the tenth minute, a player was about to shoot, and Richard who watched became nervous, praying in his heart, don’t go in, don’t go in, as long as this goal doesn’t score, he basically wins.

The result still disappointed Richard, and as the cheers rang out, Sibanya scored the first goal.

Richard couldn’t help but sigh again and said, “Mr. Ye, God is so good to you. ”

Ye Feng said with a smile: “Mr. Richard, luck is all luck, that is, God rewards food.” ”

Ye Feng continued to ask, “Does Mr. Richard still gamble?” ”

“Of course, I will bet on luck with Mr. Ye today.”

After speaking, Richard reported a time.

“This time I bet the second goal was around 25 minutes.”

Ye Feng also reported his time, 30 minutes, because the second goal was scored by Austria near the end of the first half, that is, as long as he exceeded Richard’s report for 25 minutes, he could win steadily.

As the game went by, twenty minutes into the game, Richard was nervous again, and if he didn’t score in seven minutes, his $500 million would be gone.

When the time came 25 minutes, looking at the ball still passing on the field, Richard couldn’t help but curse, Falke.

Ye Feng said, “Isn’t Mr. Richard’s right? ”

Richard couldn’t help but glance at Ye Feng and said: “You win, of course not, my 500 million US dollars can be saved for a long time.” ”

Ye Feng gave Richard a thumbs up, “Mr. Richard, you used the word “saving” well.” ”

Ye Feng continued to ask, “Does Mr. Richard want to continue?” ”

Richard said: “Forget it, I admit defeat, Mr. Ye is indeed lucky today.” ”

Richard suddenly burst into a bad laugh, I can’t lose money alone.

“Mr. Ye, if you still want to play, how about I find you two people to play with you?”

Of course, Ye Feng has no problem, can he still refuse to send him money in vain?

He said, “Of course, Mr. Richard, I’m always at your disposal.” ”

Richard’s entry into the monitoring room, Thomas and his main friend Daijiro asked, “Richard, what are you two talking about sitting there?” ”

Since the monitoring room could only see people and could not hear sound, the two only saw Richard and Ye Feng chatting.

Not knowing what he was talking about, Richard looked at the two and said: “This kid is lucky today, and he won more than 700 million in the field without panic, just when the two of us chatted, I lost 1 billion US dollars.” ”

The two widened their eyes, and Thomas said: “So, this kid won $1.7 billion today?” ”

Richard nodded.

They only earn hundreds of millions a day, and they still need a few people, and only during the World Cup can they make such huge profits.

Richard said: “How about it, do you two want to play?” ”

Thomas refused: “You know, my family is not allowed to touch this thing, if the family knows, my place will be gone.” ”

The main friend Daijiro stood up and said, “Go, I’ll play with him twice, see how bad his luck is?” ”

Richard and Sumitomo Daijiro came to Ye Feng’s side, and Richard introduced Ye Feng: “This is the main friend Daijiro.”

He introduced Ye Feng again: “This is Mr. Ye Feng. ”

Ye Feng and his main friend Daijiro shook hands.

The main friend Daijiro spoke: “Mr. Ye, Richard said that you have good luck today, why don’t we both gamble two?” ”

Of course, Ye Feng couldn’t ask for it, so he asked, “How do you want to bet on it?” ”

“Mr. Ye, the second half will start soon, the current result is 1:1, let’s bet on the score!”

“Whoever guessed right and who won, guessed wrong and counted as a draw, how?”

Ye Feng nodded and agreed, “Of course.” ”

Only Richard’s frowned, because this was a game that Ye Feng would lose, and the control of this game was in their hands.

He didn’t bet with Ye Feng earlier because he knew the result, and his arrogance did not allow him to do so.

It is okay to circle other people’s money, but gambling with Ye Feng on luck is another matter.

But this will not be able to explain it, so he can only continue to watch.

Ye Feng said: “Master friend Mr. Daijiro, guess first!” ”

Okay, then I’ll come first, the main friend Daijiro seems to be watching the game on TV, analyzing the situation, and after half a day, he said: “Then I will bet on the 3:1 Australian geography.” ”

Ye Feng was a little confused, this little devil was as open as himself? Or did you really guess it?


Because the score of this game is 3:1.

Ye Feng asked, “How much does the main friend, Mr. Daijiro, want to bet?” ”

The main friend Daijiro raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Feng and said: “Mr. Ye won 700 million in our field, and won me Richard 1 billion, so how about we bet 3 billion?” Mr. Ye won’t be without money, right? ”

Ye Feng was a little suspicious, there was definitely something wrong with this horse, although he had already guessed that someone might control the game, but it wasn’t so coincidental, this met the main master?

So Ye Feng opened his mouth and said: “Mr. Daijiro, it is okay to bet three billion, but the score I am optimistic about is also 3:1 Austria.” ”

After speaking, Ye Feng stared closely into the eyes of his main friend Daijiro.

The main friend Daijiro’s eyes contracted, and this kid wouldn’t know anything, right?

Ye Feng saw the eyes of his main friend Daijiro flicker, and it seemed that he had really met the main lord.

The main friend Daijiro said to Ye Feng: “Mr. Ye and I chose the same one will not be afraid, right?” ”

Ye Feng sneered and said, “Of course, I’m not afraid of normal matches, I’m afraid of abnormal matches.” ”

Hearing this, Richard and Sumitomo Daijiro’s faces changed.

Staring at Ye Feng, Ye Feng was not afraid at all, just looked at the two like this.

Richard said: “Mr. Ye, you are not authentic, since you are a player like us, it is a little inappropriate for you to come to us to make money, right?” ”

Ye Feng laughed, “I’m not a dealer, the two of you don’t want me to shout out the words, just sit down and talk slowly?” ”

No way, Richard and the two had to sit down.

Ye Feng opened his mouth and said: “Mr. Daijiro, I came here and fished you 700 million, you want me to pay back 3 billion at this moment, I’m afraid it’s a little unauthentic, right?” ”

Sumitomo Daijiro said coldly: “Isn’t this also Mr. Ye Feng, don’t you do it first?” ”

Ye Feng was also a little embarrassed, this originally thought that he had a hanging, but he didn’t expect that people were the manufacturers of hangings.

So he said: Two of you, let’s do this, my billion, I definitely want, this is what I won by luck, as for the remaining 700 million, you give me 500 million, in introducing me to another field, this matter will be closed, I will not say it, how?

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