Director Wang turned his head to look at Zhao Tao and roared angrily at the subordinates watching the drama next to him: “The police officers who dare to come to the police station to harass us, why are you all watching?” Lock him up for me. ”

Looking at the chief of Fawei, the subordinates next to him secretly complained, what does it matter to us? However, he still stepped forward and prepared to handcuff Zhao Tao.

Seeing this battle, Zhao Tao was a little dumbfounded, and roared angrily at Director Wang: “My father is the chairman of Pengcheng Real Estate, if you dare to shut me up, my father will definitely complain to your superiors.” ”

Chief Wang didn’t care what Zhao Tao said, and yelled at a few of his subordinates: “Don’t let me lock up this madman who threatens the police at the police station.” ”

Good guys, this adds another charge.

Director Wang scoffed, what is Pengcheng Real Estate in front of the Ye family?

Besides, even if you are powerful in Pengcheng Real Estate, can you give me a million a year?

After Zhao Tao was taken away, Director Wang looked at Ye Feng with a smile and said, “Mr. Ye, are you still satisfied?” ”

Ye Feng nodded and said, “Director Wang, do a good job, strive for a higher step, with your performance, a promotion and salary increase are just around the corner.” ”

Director Wang seemed to have beaten chicken blood, Director Wang knew what Ye Feng meant, as long as he was promoted to another level, he would give himself a lot more money every year.

“Mr. Ye, rest assured, I will definitely contribute to the prosperity of Xiangjiang.”

Ye Feng patted Director Wang on the shoulder and left with Zhang Qianwen.

Out of the police station, Zhang Qianwen looked at Ye Feng with strange eyes and asked, “What medicine did you give our chief?” Serving you so wholeheartedly? I’ve been in the police station for two years, and I’ve never seen our chief smile so happily. ”

Ye Feng smiled and said, “Maybe he adores me.”

Zhang Qianwen gave Ye Feng a blank look, and if he didn’t say it, he wouldn’t say it.

The two got into the car, Zhang Qianwen saw that Li Xin’er was also there, and the two held hands and chatted together, putting Ye Feng aside.

Ye Feng shook his head with a wry smile, he seemed redundant.

Looking at this, I still want to enjoy the blessing of Qi people tonight, and it’s a little hanging.

Still the old place, after enjoying dinner, Ye Feng first tried to open a room, in case… Right!

After Li Xin’er pulled Zhang Qianwen and the two to the room, Zhang Qianwen winked at Li Xin’er, Li Xin’er understood in a second, the two turned around, looked at Ye Feng and said: “Why are you following us.” ”

Ye Feng’s face thickened this time and said, “Sleep, what’s wrong?” ”

The two glanced at each other, pushed Ye Feng out of the room, and said, “Find a room again and go to sleep yourself.” ”

Ye Feng smiled bitterly and sighed, alas, knowing that there was no drama today, he swore that the next time they called the two out together, he would be a.

Seeing Ye Feng sighing there, the two women smiled even happier, both of them knew Ye Feng’s thoughts, but the two of them still couldn’t let go.

However, Li Xin’er quietly drew a circle in Ye Feng’s hand when pushing Ye Feng, Ye Feng glanced at Li Xin’er, and saw Li Xin’er quietly wink at Ye Feng playfully, Ye Feng understood in seconds.

I couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s still good for Xin’er, I know how to feel sorry for myself.” ”

After Li Xin’er and Zhang Qianwen entered, they locked the door, and there was a silver bell-like laughter from the two.

However, Zhang Qianwen didn’t know that Li Xin’er had secretly sold both of them to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng outside the door showed a victorious expression.

At twelve o’clock in the evening, Ye Feng went out,

The next day, in Zhang Qianwen’s white eyes, Ye Feng sent the two to work.

Today Ye Chen and Ye Yan came back, Ye Feng had to calculate well, how much did he earn in this World Cup?

At about noon, Ye Feng was resting in the villa, and Fubo came in with Ye Chen and Ye Xian.

After Ye Feng led the two to the study, he closed the door.

A little excited, he asked, “How is it?” How much was earned? ”

Ye Xianxian said: “I have placed a lot of bets on various black markets in the United States, and I have made a total of 8 billion US dollars during the entire World Cup, but there is a black market gambling house that is ready to pay the bill, and I asked me to come back.” ”

Ye Feng heard 8 billion, the whole person immediately felt refreshed, as for the casino where the accounts were paid, he ignored them, Ye Chen would deal with them, and no one dared to rely on his accounts.

Ye Feng looked at Ye Feng again and asked, “What about you?” How much was earned? ”

Ye Chang replied: “Boss, I have changed bets in some European countries, and some people in Europe are still very rich, and I have won a total of 9.5 billion US dollars.” ”

Ye Feng was very satisfied with Ye Feng.

“Good, good, you guys did a good job, one person receives a million bonuses, and the rest is transferred to my account.”

The two are very happy, thank you boss, thank you boss.

Hey? Ye Feng suddenly remembered, didn’t he still have a surprise package? Why didn’t the system issue it? It can’t be embezzlement, right?

System, system, give me out? (Ding!) Host, the system is here! )

Ye Feng asked with a dark face: “System, I found the treasure, my surprise package!” ”

(Ding!) Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and receiving a surprise package. )

System, open the gift package for me!

(Ding!) The host opens the surprise package, congratulations to the host for obtaining 100 attribute points, and congratulations to the host for obtaining the time acceleration aura)

“Eh, system, this is gone? 0 You won’t give me embezzlement, will you?

(Ding!) Host, the time acceleration aura is the reward this time, and 100 attribute points are only incidental. )

Ye Feng asked: “System, what is the use of the time acceleration aura?” ”

(Ding!) The time acceleration halo can enjoy the acceleration of time, and the years are not old, for example, you can put the time acceleration aura on researchers, and their scientific research speed can be accelerated by 10 times.

You can also put the Time Acceleration Aura on yourself, and you can speed up anything you learn tenfold. )

Ye Feng almost drooled, what is the most lacking thing in scientific research projects? It’s time!

In the future, his scientific team will study anything ten times faster than others.

He can also let the Ye family put the time acceleration aura on them when they build the Green Dragon Technique in the future, which can help them train quickly.

This is simply more bullish than a cheater, he can think that in the future, with the assistance of the time acceleration aura, the Ye family will quickly grow into a super family.

Ye Feng opened the system panel and prepared to take a look at the recent development of the Ye family.

(Host: Ye Feng)

(Family: Ye family)

(Constitution: Level 3: Full Level)

(Family title: top giant)

(Family Halo: Loyal to the Family)

(Impact: 32 million/100 million)

(Clan: 20 people, you can check the loyalty to the family, more than 90 can give your life for the family, never rebel.) )

(Assets: $14.5 billion: company market capitalization plus funds.)

2 billion US dollars in special funds for scientific researchNote: Cannot be used for other purposes)

(Attribute points: 100 points, Note: 10 attribute points can be exchanged for gene potions and martial arts perception potions)

(Medicines: 7 bottles of gene potions, 6 bottles of martial arts perception potions)

(Family guards: 247 people, soldier king, optional male and female, 15 points each of three-dimensional attributes, 10 cubic meters of space, can be upgraded.)

Recruitable: $500,000 per person)

(Talent pool: $1 million for top business talent: Top scientific research talents 10 million US dollars, scientific research assistant 500,000 US dollars)

(Time Acceleration Aura: Tenfold)

(Military Mall: redeemable for all weapons, and weapon machine tools)

(System space: 10,000 cubic meters)

Seeing that the company’s market value has increased by 1 billion in a few months, Ye Feng is very satisfied, it seems that everyone is working hard for the development of the family.

And the family influence has also increased to 32 million, and it seems that it can be upgraded by May and June next year, maybe faster.

Then Ye Feng exchanged 100 attribute points for 5 bottles of gene potions and 5 bottles of martial arts perception potions.

He prepared to give it to everyone in the Ye family when he had saved 19 bottles of both potions, and then gave everyone to practice the Blue Dragon Technique, and there was ten times as much time to accelerate the aura, then everyone could quickly reach the first level.

In this way, everyone will live a long life, and it is no longer a false statement.

The next day, Ye Feng came to the Ye Foundation and came to Ye Suqing’s office.

“Sister-in-law, I’m coming,” he greeted.

“Xiao Feng, it’s been months gone, where did you go”? Ye Su asked lightly.

“Sister-in-law, isn’t it that we have no money to repair office buildings and family residences? I went to earn some money. ”

Ye Su lightly heard that Ye Feng got money again, and knew that it would definitely not be less, and every time Ye Feng gave money, he used billions and US dollars as a unit of measurement.

Ye Su chuckled and asked, “How many billions of dollars is this time?” ”

Ye Feng smiled and said: “Little sister, you still know me, but your pattern is small, guess tens of billions.” ”

Ye Su was stunned, and tens of billions? Last time I gave $10 billion, and this time again?

Ye Su chuckled and said, “Xiao Feng, I won’t guess, you just say how much!” After the first few stimuli, my heart was a little unbearable if I guessed. ”

Hahaha, Ye Feng said: “Little sister, then you have to be prepared this time.” ”

“It’s okay, Xiao Feng, you say, I should still be able to hold on.”

Then Ye Feng gently spit out a number, “Little sister, I made 29.5 billion US dollars this time.” ”

Boom, like a thunderbolt, Ye Su’s light brain buzzed.

“Xiao Feng, you robbed the National Bank?”

“Uh, Ye Feng’s black hair, sister-in-law, if I rob the National Bank, can I still talk to you here?”

“So where did you rob”? Ye Su asked lightly.

Ye Feng said helplessly: “Little sister, can we remove this snatching word?” ”

Ye Feng explained, if he didn’t explain it again, the sister-in-law estimated that he wouldn’t be able to get by with this word grab.

Ye Feng said: “Little sister, hasn’t it been the World Cup recently? I went to Argentin, and the money was earned by gambling. ”

Ye Su asked suspiciously, “Can you earn so much by gambling?” ”

“Sister-in-law, I went to Argentina, but I also let others go to various developed countries around the world to gamble money,” Ye Feng explained.

Ye Sulight still asked with some disbelief: “Then you can determine that you can win the bet.” ”

Ye Feng suddenly laughed, and whispered in Ye Su’s ear, “Little sister, after collecting my money, who can win in the next game and how to win, someone will tell me!” ”

Ye Feng made up a lie for Ye Sulight and told Ye Sulight about Thomas and their knowledge of the result, and the fact that he knew the result of the game in advance pushed Thomas and them, just said that he operated with them!

Ye Su opened his mouth lightly, can he still play like this?

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