It was not until the early morning of the next day that Ye Chang and the others returned after delivering the weapons.

Ye Feng asked, “No problem, right?” ”

“Boss, everything went well, but fortunately you didn’t go up, and that General Garse specially looked for you on the freighter.”

Ye Feng sneered, and when he was busy during this time, it seemed that he would also care about the equipment of some of their neighbors.

Next, he was going to the United States and finishing the things arranged by President Wang, Ye Feng left a freighter and asked Ye Chang to drive the rest back to Xiangjiang.

At the same time, Ye Feng called Daoud, commander of the Saudi Navy.

“General Daoud, I have a good battleship here, I wonder if you want it?”

When Daoud heard that Ye Feng had another warship, his eyes lit up, and he quickly said: “Yes, Mr. Ye, of course I want it.” ”

“Well General Daoud, I’ll get on my men and drive the warship to your port, and you’ll receive it then.”

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he asked again, “General Daoud, this is a battleship, sixty million US dollars, how about it?” ”

“Of course it’s no problem.”

Daoud readily agreed.

Compared to the increase in naval power, money is irrelevant.

After disposing of the hot potato on his hand, Ye Feng went to the United States, where President Wang said at that time.

Two days later.

When he was about to arrive at the port of the United States, Ye Wei took out his mobile phone and called a phone number given by President Wang.

After connecting, Ye Feng asked directly: “President Wang asked me to pick up the goods, where are the goods?” ”

A man’s voice on the opposite side came out and said, “In the Falling Cedar…”

The man hung up after reporting the address.

When Ye Feng was about to arrive at the port, a warship suddenly drove over.

The freighter in front stopped and was inspected.

The freighter in front stopped and was inspected.

After shouting twice in a row.

Ye Feng made people stop, anyway, there was nothing on the boat.

A group of American soldiers came out of the warship opposite, got on the board and walked over, led by a captain.

After getting on the freighter, he looked at Ye Feng and asked, “Are you the person in charge?” ”

Ye Feng nodded and said, “Yes, I came to the United States to buy goods and take them to Xiangjiang to resell.” ”

The captain said, “So what’s on board now?” ”

Nothing was loaded, it was an empty ship, I originally pulled living materials, but in some small countries along the way I directly resold them.

Ye Feng’s answer did not miss the slightest, if you say that it was originally an empty ship, this will arouse suspicion, and no one will run empty to burn oil.

The captain glanced at Ye Feng and said, “Now is a special period, we are going to conduct a search.

Ye Feng spread his hands and said, “Okay, then you can search!” ”

The captain waved his hand and let his soldiers enter the ship to check it out.

Ten minutes later, the soldier came out and reported to the captain: “Sir, there is nothing, it is an empty ship.” ”

The captain nodded, said something to Ye Feng, disturbed, left the freighter, got on the warship and left.

Ye Feng faintly felt that these searchers should be related to what he was going to get this time, but Ye Feng was not worried at all, he was someone with an external hanging.

After coming to the port, Ye Feng ordered the people to dock the freighter, and then went to some people to buy a ship of living materials to cover this mission.

After that, Ye Feng came to an abandoned building of the shirt drop machine by himself according to the address said by the connector, and then called the connector.

Half a day later, the man picked up the phone, and then hurriedly said: “The thing is under the floor of room 28 in the basement, I can’t come, you can do it yourself, and hang up the phone after speaking.” ”

Ye Feng smiled bitterly, he really connected with the special agent.

Ye Feng came to the basement and found Room 28, a rusty iron door, which was also unlocked.

After Ye Feng entered, it was empty and there was nothing.

Ye Feng closed the iron door and slowly knocked on the floor.

When he was almost finished, Ye Feng finally heard a hollow sound.

Ye Feng carefully opened the floor, and there was a staircase below, and the further down the space became.

After hitting a flashlight, he came to the bottom, which was a space of about 20 square meters, and Ye Feng saw two large wooden boxes placed on the ground.

Ye Feng walked over to take a look, and the introduction above stunned Ye Feng, and saw that it said aero engine, two large boxes, and two models.

Ye Feng shouted bullishly, in this era, it is really awesome to get this thing from the hands of the United States, no wonder the warships of the United States have all dispatched to search.

However, this thing can be purchased directly from the arms mall.

But his own strength is too weak now, selling some warships is already the maximum limit, if you sell planes again and let others know, then there will be great trouble.

However, you can invest in an aircraft manufacturing company in other countries in the future, and your own aircraft will have a provenance, so you can sell it with confidence.

Then Ye Feng used the system space to load the two aircraft engines into it, and turned around and left here.

Since the others were still purchasing supplies for the ship, Ye Feng first found a hotel to rest for the night.

The next day, after everyone loaded the supplies, they left the port.

As a result, as expected, he was stopped by the American warship again, the same captain from last time.

After getting on the boat, he glanced at Ye Feng and said, “The procurement of materials is over?” ”

Ye Feng said with a smile, they were all contacted in advance, “I went to load the ship directly, so it was only delayed for one day.” ”

The captain nodded in response and said, “I still have to check.” ”

It should be, it should be, said and took out a wad of dollars from his body and handed it to the captain, who put it away without leaving a trace.

Then he asked his soldiers to check it.

Since the boat was full this time, the soldiers took some time to search.

After a long while, the soldiers came out, saluted the captain, and reported: “Report captain, all the living materials, everything is normal.” ”

The captain looked at Ye Feng and said, “Okay, you can go.” ”

After speaking, he led people down.

Ye Feng continued to set sail and returned to Xiangjiang a few days later.

First let people find a warehouse, then put two aircraft engines in, and let Ye Yi arrange for someone to guard it.

After resting for the night, I called President Wang the next day.

Ye Feng said to President Wang: “President Wang, I got back what you wanted, when will you send someone to get it?” ”

President Wang’s voice on the other side was obviously excited.

“Where is it now?” I’ll take a look first. ”

Ye Feng reported the address of the warehouse to President Wang, and he also passed.

After a while, President Wang arrived, said hello to Ye Feng, and couldn’t wait to go in and take a look.

Ye Feng was crying and laughing, and said: “President Wang, things won’t run away by themselves, what are you in a hurry?” ”

President Wang glanced at Ye Feng and said, “This was achieved at the expense of several of our comrades.

What do you say I’m in a hurry? ”

Ye Feng was immediately in awe of those people, and quickly took President Wang inside.

When President Wang saw a few English words written on the package, President Wang’s eyes became a little moist.

That’s what several lives have been paid for.

He was also secretly shocked by Ye Feng’s ability, and the things they couldn’t help really let Ye Feng do.

President Wang bowed to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng quickly picked him up and said, “President Wang, what are you doing?” ”

Ye Feng, you deserve my bow, I thank you for everyone.

Helplessly, Ye Feng could only bear it.

Then he said: “President Wang, I don’t care about the transportation behind, you should be able to handle it.” ”

In the past few days, I will let my people guard here first, and the people you transport will be pulled away when they come.”

Well, I’ll arrange it as soon as possible,” President Wang said.

Next, Ye Feng is going to buy an island abroad, he will move all the munitions factories over, and by the way, he can also buy all the production lines of warships and some other heavy equipment production lines, and the things in his system will have a source in the future.

But this matter is urgent, he has to take his time and choose an island well, which will be his military production base for a long time, but he can’t be sloppy.

Ye Feng arranged this matter to Ye Meng, and now everyone else is basically busy, only Ye Meng’s arcade game company is completely on the right track and a little more relaxed.

Ye Meng received a call from Ye Feng, and after learning that he wanted to buy an island, Ye Meng couldn’t help but ask: “Brother, you don’t want to find a place to be the king yourself, right?” ”

Ye Feng’s face turned dark, and he didn’t know what this girl thought.

How can the brain circuit be so big?

Hurry up and run errands, I will be the king and make you a princess, and Ye Feng will hang up after speaking.

If the conversation continued, Ye Feng didn’t dare to guarantee that any words would pop out of Ye Meng’s mouth.

And when Ye Feng set out to buy islands and arrange an arms factory.

Island country.

In the chairman’s office of the main friend foundation building, the main friend Aita looked at the woman in front of him and asked, “The investigation is clear?” ”

The woman replied, “The bosses are all over the investigation.”

“Ye Feng suddenly rose more than half a year ago, and I didn’t find out where some of the money in the early stage came from, but it should be him who shorted the currency of Taiguo and the old Jiapo later.”

“Although it is American Soros on the surface, there is also a force in the secret that should be HSBC and Xiangjiang Huaxia Bank.”

“But we found out that the short sale was inextricably linked with Ye Feng, and it is likely that Huaxia Bank gave Ye Feng the pot.”

The main friend Aida asked, “Have you found out the relationship between Huaxia Bank and Ye Feng?” ”

The woman shook her head and said, “They seem to have attended several gatherings with some other families in Xiangjiang, but someone deliberately erased the traces, so we didn’t find out.” ”

Sumitomo Aida said: “If you can’t find it, you don’t need to check it.” ”

“I heard that David, the son of the head of the Burton Consortium in the United States, was assassinated, and he also had a conflict with Ye before the accident!”

“You go and contact the Burton consortium for me, just say that I will join forces with them to avenge David and his main friend Daijiro.”

“Yes, boss.”

The woman said yes and went out.

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