At the same time, in the prison where Takeshita Jun was held.

Although the luxury of a special cell is not comparable to a five-star hotel, it is not inferior to an ordinary hotel.

The door of the cell was opened, and the table was filled with all kinds of mountain and sea delicacies, accompanied by a beautiful woman.

This is Takeshita Jun, who is serving his sentence in prison, and what he does not know yet is that his old son Takeshita Suke is dead.

At this time, a subordinate walked in with a plate of tuna sashimi.

“Young Master, this is a tuna that has just been caught, it is less than two hours old, and it is fresh.”

The subordinate placed the tuna sashimi in front of Takeshita Jun.

Takeshita Jun showed a surprised expression, he was so good to take a bite, especially the freshest.

He said to his subordinates, “Go down and receive the reward.” ”

“Thank you, Young Master.”

After that, the subordinate walked out.

Takeshita Jun picked up the chopsticks and tasted it, and immediately showed a happy expression and said: “Not bad, not bad, that’s the taste.” ”

He said to the woman next to him: “Go and get a bottle of red wine and eat with me.” ”

The woman answered and went out.

Takeshita Jun continued to eat, but after eating two bites, he suddenly felt that his stomach hurt, more and more painful, and cold sweat broke out on his head.

“Help, help.”

The prison guards outside the cell saw Takeshita Jun fall down and quickly ran over.

After checking Takeshita Jun’s condition, Takeshita Jun was already pale and his hair was wet with cold sweat.

The prison guard was startled, and quickly took out the walkie-talkie and called: “Come to the doctor, call an ambulance, Takeshita Jun can’t do it.” ”

When the prison guards on the other side of the walkie-talkie heard that Takeshita Jun had an accident, they quickly took the doctor to the cell, and someone else went to call an ambulance.

When the doctor came, Takeshita Jun was already in a coma.

After a while, the ambulance also came, Takeshita Jun was sent to the hospital for an hour, the doctor came out and sighed, and said to the prison guards and leaders: “Food poisoning, very toxic, ineffective rescue, patient death.” ”

The prison guards and prison leaders were pale, and they didn’t know how to tell their main friend Aida that at least a hat loss was inevitable, and thinking of this, several people couldn’t help but itch their teeth with hatred for Takeshita Jun’s subordinate.

However, they apparently did not know that their main friend Aida was dead, and they escaped because of it.

As for the subordinate who gave Takeshita Jun tuna sashimi, after leaving the prison, he made an OK gesture in one direction and disappeared into the alley, never to be seen again.

Hong kong.

Now there are still 10 days before the New Year, and all the clans of the Ye family management company have also sorted out the development of the past six months and are ready to report to Ye Feng when the time comes.

Ye Feng called Ye Su lightly.

“Aunt, you inform the clansmen, the day after tomorrow we are ready to hold the year-end meeting, wait

After the meeting, let all the companies under Ye’s family take a holiday to give employees a holiday, and let those who can’t let go take a rotation off. ”

“Okay, Xiao Feng, I’ll come down to inform them, but where is our meeting?”

Ye Su asked lightly.

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said: “Let’s open it at the foundation headquarters, sister-in-law, you prepare a conference room, and then let our security check it, some words cannot be passed out.” ”

“Okay, Xiao Feng, I see.”

Ye Su said softly, and the two hung up the phone.

On the other side, on Green Island, Ye Lu is now focusing on the affairs of Green Island, and the security company has been handed over to Ye Qi to do.

At this time, one of the recruited security guards ran over to report to Ye Lu: “Boss Lu, the pirates have appeared. ”

Ye Luyi showed a surprised expression when he heard this, and finally came.

So he took out the walkie-talkie and shouted: “Brothers, the pirates are coming, ready to fight.” ”

When more than 300 guards heard this, they immediately took out their equipment and were fully armed.

Three minutes later, everyone gathered and stood in a neat row.

Ye Lu ordered: “Pirates are coming, and everyone is ready to fight. ”


An earth-shattering roar resounded throughout the island.

At sea, five steamers with pirate flags flanked by barrels on the left and right sides.

On one of the boats, a middle-aged strong man looked at Green Island not far away.

The mouth cursed and said: “Damn, the place where labor and management usually rest was sold by you, wait for labor and management to see which fool dares to take over.” ”

When I finish solving this group of fools, I must teach Africa some lessons.

Next to the man stood a young man.

The young man advised: “Boss, be careful, those who dare to take over the island should not be simple. ”

The middle-aged man said: “What’s not simple, there are more than 1,000 brothers under labor and management, all of them have guns, how many people can they have on the island?” Is it possible that there are still troops? ”

When the young man saw that the boss did not listen to advice, he did not say anything more.

These two are the leaders of this gang of pirates, Johnnina and Ian.

I heard that Green Island was sold by the African government, and the two people who were doing business outside hurried over to see who dared to take over their territory.

Although they only occasionally go up to repair for two days, in their opinion, this is their territory.

On the island, Ye Lu and his people had already laid an ambush, just waiting for the pirates to come up.

And in order to attract this group of pirates to come, Ye Lu dug a canal on the side of the island to bring in the warships, and made a camouflage, otherwise he was really afraid that this group of pirates would not dare to come.

Almost half an hour later, the pirates’ ship stopped at Green Island, five boats, about 1,000 people, most armed with AK47s, and some with other rifles.

After Johnina jumped off the boat, he shouted to everyone, brothers, someone has robbed our territory, what should we do?

Snatch them back, kill them, and a messy shout sounds.

Johnina nodded in satisfaction and said: Go to the island, kill me when I see someone.

Ye Lu looked at the group of pirates and sneered, and ordered: “Wait for them to go inside, give me another call, two helicopters block their back road, don’t let them board the ship.” ”

“The rest of the helicopters, sure enough, machine guns, all fire on me, try not to let us have casualties.”

The group of guards nodded in unison.

Soon, the group of pirates came to Ye Lu and the others less than 200 meters away, and Ye Lu shouted and opened fire.

In an instant, the overwhelming bullets flew towards all the pirates, several helicopters took to the air, and one missile after another was launched from the helicopters.

The heavy machine gun clicked, clicked, clicked, hit the pirates, and was directly beaten into two sections.

Johanina was stunned and lost hundreds of brothers at once.

Hurriedly shouted to the remaining subordinates: “Hide, return fire, take our bazooka over, and beat the labor and management hard.” ”

Although they had already lost hundreds of people, these pirates had seen blood after all, and quickly stabilized, began to hide behind trees, and fought back behind large rocks.

However, they soon discovered that their firepower was completely younger brother in front of the fire of others, and they were simply pressed and beaten.

People’s helicopters hovered above their heads, and in one helicopter there was a Gatling heavy machine gun, which hit them without even the whole corpse.

Every two minutes, a missile is fired from under the helicopter.

It’s just impossible to play.

But their AK47 hit someone’s helicopter like a tickle.

The bazooka also became a decoration, and no one dared to touch it, because just now several people tried to get the bazooka, and they were all headshot.

Only 10 minutes passed, and the pirates had lost several hundred men, some of them were already frightened and turned around and ran towards the ship, but it was all in vain.

Those who ran over were all cut apart by the two helicopters guarding the perimeter.

Originally, Johnina already had the intention to retreat, but seeing that the retreat was broken, he directly yelled: “Brothers, if they don’t give us a way to live, then we will fight with them, even if we die, we will have to pull a cushion.” ”

The pirates who were forced into a desperate situation also went crazy, and one by one they stood up without fear of death and wanted to rush over, but in the face of absolute firepower, this was obviously in vain.

Soon these people were all headshot, this is a sniper rifle arranged by Ye Lu, specifically to hit people who are a threat to them, and the people who went to get the bazooka before were killed by him.

The pirates were not afraid of death, of course, there were also those who were afraid of death and wanted to fight to see if they could escape, and these people were also smart, did not run in the direction of the ship, and began to run to the left and right.

But they obviously thought too much, and the helicopter saw their movements clearly from above, click, click, click, and these people also stepped into the footsteps of those who fled in front.

After another two minutes, the pirates suddenly realized that they seemed to be out of bullets.

Before they went to the island, they also knew that they might encounter resistance, so they all brought some bullets, and one person had seven or eight shuttles, but who would have thought that they would encounter such a desperate situation.

The pirates’ bullets grew quieter, and soon everyone ceased.

But they ceased, and Ye Luke did not cease fire, but continued to shoot.

Just now, the pirates could still resist, but now they can only wait for the arrival of death.

Some pirates gradually became frightened, threw away their guns, stood up and ran, and some lay on the ground shivering.

Johnina and Ian were also desperate, and John looked at Ian and said, “Brother, I’m sorry, I should have listened to you.” ”

Ian took out a pistol and put it on his forehead and said: “What’s the use of saying this now, take a shot yourself, less pain.” ”

Said that he was about to shoot, but several times his fingers were going to be buckled, and he stopped again, and finally he couldn’t get his hands off.

Handing the gun to Johnina, he said, “Boss, give me a pain.” ”

Johnina looked at the gun in his hand, pointed it at Ian, and said, “Brother go well.” ”


He aimed the gun at his temple again.


A minute later, the fighting ended and all the gunfire stopped.

Ye Lu ordered everyone to go down and replenish the gun, leaving not a single mouth alive.

The death of more than a thousand people did not cause their mood swings in the slightest, if ordinary warriors might have other emotions, but they were all systemically recruited guards, only serving Ye Feng alone.

After everyone finished replenishing the guns, Ye Lu arranged for several seriously injured guards to go to Xiangjiang for treatment, and a few who died were also buried.

After all, there are more than a thousand people with guns, and although they are all wearing body armor and helmets, casualties are inevitable.

After all this, Ye Lu called Ye Feng to report.

After hearing this, Ye Feng said: “The dead brother is buried thickly, I will arrange the injured, and the rest of the pirate corpses are poured with gasoline and burned, and then buried on the spot to avoid accidents.” ”

“And those five pirate ships, when the time comes, we will smelt and build our own warships.”


Ye Lu agreed and went to work.

Ye Feng in Xiangjiang sighed after listening to the report, his island is still a little weak, and after this economic crisis makes money, he must transform the island.

Strive to turn the island into an iron barrel, those big guys have to give the island a safe ride, and the guards recruit about 2,000 people.

Alas, forget it, don’t think about it first, let’s talk about everything when you have money.

All your support is my motivation to update.

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