Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1001 The truth?

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Chapter 1001 The truth?

"Mr. Yang, I have something to tell you." Wu Shanhe stood up, cupped his fists at Yang Chen, and said.

Hearing this, Yang Chen was slightly taken aback.

Although he had doubts in his heart, when he saw Wu Shanhe's serious expression, he knew that Wu Shanhe might have something important to say.

At that moment, Yang Chen nodded and stood up.

He and Wu Shanhe walked towards the corner of the hall together.

The two walked into a room, and after Wu Shanhe closed the door, he knelt down with a plop, with tears running down his old face, sobbing uncontrollably.


Wu Shanhe lowered his head, two lines of hot tears slowly rolled down his face.

"Get up, why kneel down?" Yang Chen sighed, gently helped him up, and said.

Wu Shanhe wiped away his tears, and said in a low voice: "Father, the second brother was arrested by people from Dali Temple and the court, but my son can do nothing... I, I am really ashamed of my father's teaching! I have no face to see you again Father!"

As Wu Shanhe said, tears burst out of his eyes again, and his face was full of self-blame.

Hearing this, Yang Chen smiled wryly, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Okay, I never meant to blame you, so don't blame yourself. Besides, you are also the president of the Martial Artists Association. With the entire association, of course we can’t just rely on impulse to do things.”

"Father, I..." Wu Shanhe raised his head.

"Okay, don't talk about it." Yang Chen said with a smile: "The second child is not a child anymore, he won't blame you. I understand his character, if the Warrior Association is also implicated because of him, I'm afraid He won't feel good either."

Wu Shanhe was silent.

He sighed, and sat down dejectedly. Although Yang Chen said so, Wu Shanhe's eyes were still full of shame.

"Little Snot, you just said that you have something to tell me? What exactly is it? You called me here because you wanted to talk about these things, right?" Yang Chen's face turned serious, and he asked in a stern tone.

"No, of course not." Hearing Yang Chen's words, Wu Shanhe quickly stood up and said, "Father, my son has something important to tell you today, please listen carefully!"

Seeing Wu Shanhe like this, Yang Chen smiled and said, "What's the matter? So mysterious?"

Wu Shanhe pondered for a while, and said, "Father, do you know who arrested the second brother today?"

"Who? Isn't he from Dali Temple?" Yang Chen looked at him suspiciously.

"The people from Dali Temple are nice, but do you know who is the minister of Dali Temple now?" Wu Shanhe gritted his teeth, his expression turned ugly.

"Who is it?" Yang Chen asked.

"It's the fourth child!" Wu Shanhe slapped his thigh and said with a dejected and angry face.

"Fourth?" Hearing these words, Yang Chen's heart skipped a beat, and his voice suddenly increased a lot, and he said, "Which fourth? Little Snotty, please explain clearly to me, which fourth is it?"

"Father, is the fourth child!" Wu Shanhe said seriously with tears in his eyes: "Which other fourth child can there be? Father, the fourth child has changed, he is no longer the fourth child we used to know! "

Hearing this, Yang Chen's eyes darkened, and the soles of his feet softened. If it wasn't for Wu Shanhe's support, Yang Chen would almost fall to the ground.

Yang Chen said with an ugly face: "You mean, the current Dali Siqing is... the fourth child?"

"Yes, adoptive father, the fourth child... has changed!" Wu Shanhe said with a sigh.

"Impossible, how is this possible!" Yang Chen waved his hand and laughed palely: "Little snot, are you really good? Now you dare to lie to your adoptive father? Tell me, what you just said You lied to your adoptive father, right?"


Wu Shanhe said anxiously: "Father, don't you still believe it? The fourth son has changed, he is no longer the old fourth son!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Yang Chen gritted his teeth and raised his hand directly, the table in front of him was instantly torn apart.

Yang Chen's eyes also showed anger.

"Little Snot, don't you know what the fourth child is like? Among the children, the fourth child is the most obedient person. How could he do such a thing?"

"Have you forgotten that when I wanted to beat you all those years ago, it was the fourth brother who came forward to intercede for you!"

"Also, when you were attacking alien races back then, when you were besieged by alien races, it was the fourth brother who desperately went to save you!"

"Also, when you were in Shiwan Dashan, you were poisoned, and it was the medicine that the fourth brother went to ask for you, and your knees were broken by others!"

"Have you forgotten all these things?"

"No! The little snot will never forget what the fourth child has done for us!" Wu Shanhe knelt down with a plop, and said with tears on his face, "But foster father, it's been 80,000 years, a full 80,000 years In the past, anyone will change their minds. The fourth child was indeed our good brother, but now...he has changed! Foster father, you have to believe what I say!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Yang Chen sneered, pushed Wu Shanhe away in front of him, and walked forward angrily.

"I know the fourth child better than any of you, there is no way he would do such a thing! You must have made a mistake!"

"Father!" Wu Shanhe knelt behind, crying bitterly.

Wu Shanhe's words were like needles piercing Yang Chen's heart, making him speechless in pain, and his hands under his sleeves trembled slightly.

The fourth child is the most talented and sensible among the four children, and also Yang Chen's favorite child.

But now Wu Shanhe told him that the fourth child has changed? How does Yang Chen accept this?

Yang Chen stopped, took a deep breath, and said, "Even if it's the fourth child, he must have his own reasons. I don't believe he will harm his brother!"

"Father..." Wu Shanhe opened his mouth.

"Okay!" Yang Chen waved his hand and said, "I'm a little tired, don't talk about this anymore!"

Hearing this, Wu Shanhe lowered his head and had no choice but to give up.

He knew why Yang Chen didn't believe it. To be honest, even he and Mo Qiu didn't believe it at first. But the matter has come to this point, even if they want to believe it or not, they can't help it. The fourth child is indeed not the old fourth child.

Yang Chen took a deep breath and said, "Little Snot, do you have a way to enter Dali Temple?"

"Father, what are you going to do?" Wu Shanhe's face changed slightly.

"I want to see the fourth child!"

Yang Chen clenched his fists tightly and said seriously: "I want him to tell me what's going on with this matter!"

Hearing these words, Wu Shanhe's expression changed instantly.

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