Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1053: Kill Lei Tianxiao

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Chapter 1053: Kill Lei Tianxiao

"Ling... Palace Master Ling?"

Seeing Ling Yuyao, Lei Tianxiao's body trembled, and a smile appeared on his angry face, and he said, "So it's Palace Master Ling? I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to appear on Endless Island ? What a surprise!"

"What's so strange about this?"

Ling Yuyao smiled and said, "Why, can you come, Sect Master Lei, but I can't?"

"No, no, of course not!"

Lei Tian smiled when he heard the words, quickly waved his hands and said.

Just kidding, Ling Yuyao is the lord of Guanghan Palace, the helm of a first-class power. Let alone a martial saint, even the elders in the sect are all martial saints, right?

How dare he, a small second-rate force, go against Ling Yuyao?

And see this scene.

The eyes of the people around were wide-eyed, their faces full of disbelief.

"Hehe, Eighth Prince, you guessed wrong this time." On the second floor, a prince suddenly glanced at the person beside him and teased.

The Eighth Prince is the one who just said that there is a good show to watch.

Hearing this, the Eighth Prince smiled wryly, with a look of helplessness in his eyes. He originally thought that although these two guys are powerful, they should only come from third- and fourth-rate small forces, but he didn't expect to have such a big background?

"For the suzerains of the second-rate forces to be so secretive, this group of people should be of the first-rate forces." The Eighth Prince murmured and said.

And just when the people above were discussing.

Yang Chen and the others below continued their conversation.

"Sect Master Lei, I'm really sorry. I didn't know that this group of people belonged to your Thunder Cloud Sect. If I knew, how dare I kill them? After all, isn't this destroying the relationship between Sect Master Lei and me? "Ling Yuyao sighed, and while speaking, there was an apologetic look on her beautiful face, and Yang Chen beside her shouted wonderfully.

I haven't seen her in more than ten years. This girl's acting skills have improved a lot, right?

If he hadn't seen what happened just now with his own eyes, would he really think what Ling Yuyao said was true?

"It's okay, it's okay!" Hearing Ling Yuyao's words, Lei Tianxiao quickly waved his hands and said, "Palace Master Ling, don't blame yourself, those people must have bumped into Palace Master Ling, that's why they were killed. Let me tell you, Ling Palace Master, you killed well, if I was present, I would definitely kill them too!"

"Hehe, is that so?" Ling Yuyao smiled.

"Cough, since this is a misunderstanding, I will take my leave first." Lei Tianxiao coughed lightly, and after saying this, he turned around and left.

Did not dare to stay for a moment.

However, he had just walked a few steps when a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Sect Master Lei wait a minute!"

Lei Tianxiao froze for a moment, turned around to look, and saw that the person who spoke was none other than Yang Chen who hadn't spoken just now.

"What are you doing, what's your business?" Lei Tianxiao frowned and shouted angrily.

He didn't dare to provoke Ling Yuyao, but Yang Chen might not. In his opinion, Yang Chen must be a servant following Ling Yuyao. It's nothing more than a servant, but he dared to show off his power to him like this, wouldn't it be a shame to Lei Tianxiao?

"Hehe, Sect Master Lei."

Yang Chen cupped his fists and said with a light smile, "I'm sorry, Sect Master Lei, can you keep the auction qualification token before you leave?"

Qualification token?

As soon as these words came out, there was an instant silence in the entire hotel. In the quiet lobby, everyone's eyes widened, with a fiery look in their pupils.

Qualification token, that is the only thing that can touch rootless water!

"It turns out their purpose was qualification tokens."

"It seems that today will not end well." The grand master murmured, then glanced at the princes around him, and said, "Everyone, please remember that the number of qualification tokens is tight now. The cards must be preserved, otherwise, I am afraid that the end will be the same as Lei Tianxiao, and be robbed of the qualification!"


"Understood, Taifu!"

All the princes nodded when they heard the words.


"Eligibility token?"

Lei Tianxiao was taken aback for a moment, and there seemed to be something wrong with the expression in his eyes. He gave a dry laugh and said, "Qualification token? What qualification token? I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Sovereign Lei, you said this yourself just now, and you said it in front of so many people." Yang Chen smiled slightly, stretched out his hand, and smiled at Lei Tian: "Lei Tian smiled and gave the qualification token Hand it over, I can spare you!"

"It's up to you!"

Hearing this, Lei Tian laughed and roared, and the anger in his heart was instantly aroused.

As a majestic second-rate suzerain, he was actually underestimated by a mere servant. If it gets out, what dignity will he have in the future?

However, before he met Yang Chen, Ling Yuyao took a step forward and said lightly: "Sect Master Lei, I advise you not to think too hard, now take out the qualification token for participating in the auction, and we can make you safe." leave."

"Palace Master Ling?"

Lei Tianxiao's complexion changed, and he also said in a gloomy voice: "Master Ling, don't bully others too much. Although my Leiyunzong is not as good as your Guanghan Palace, if we really anger us, we will not be ashamed of Linggong. Lord, it’s not a good thing for you, is it?”

"I messed with you?"

Ling Yuyao smiled and said: "No, Sect Master Lei, I'd better remind you. If you offend me, maybe you still have a chance, but if you offend the person next to me, I'm afraid you won't be able to do it today." Get out of this door."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was slightly taken aback, and all eyes were on Yang Chen who was beside Ling Yuyao. They had the same thought as Lei Tianxiao, thinking that Yang Chen was just a guard beside Ling Yuyao.

It was the first time that everyone began to pay attention to this young man.

"Only by him?"

Lei Tian laughed coldly, and said disdainfully: "The old man started to practice martial arts at the age of four, and this year he is 7683 years old, and his cultivation has reached the third level of the Martial Saint Realm! Just looking at the entire Canglan Continent, It can be regarded as a leader, and in Zhongzhou, there is no one who does not know the old man's name! He is an unknown junior, and he can prevent the old man from going out?"

"Palace Master Ling, your joke is really not funny at all!"

Ling Yuyao smiled, but did not speak.

Yang Chen was also expressionless.

However, the actions of the two of them undoubtedly dealt a great blow to Lei Tianxiao, his face darkened, and he rushed towards Yang Chen.

"Son, don't be crazy! If you want the qualification token, you have to show some skills to show grandpa!" Lei Tian laughed angrily, fisted with five fingers, and slammed towards Yang Chen viciously.


Wherever the fist passed, the air vibrated violently, and a jet-black crack was cut away.


Yang Chen sighed, and said lightly: "Forget it, since you want to see the real skills, then I will reluctantly show you my skills."

After saying this, Yang Chen raised his right hand.

Facing Lei Tianxiao's fist lightly.

It can be seen that with Yang Chen's finger as the center, a blue light suddenly bloomed. That Lei Tianxiao didn't even utter any screams at all, but was directly swallowed by the cyan light, and his body disappeared in place in an instant.

As if it had evaporated, where was Lei Tianxiao?

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