Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1055 New Trends

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Chapter 1055 New Trends

second floor.

In the room not far from Yang Chen, Ling Yuyao and others, the Tai Tuo and several princes stood together solemnly, and everyone's expressions seemed not very good-looking.

"Teacher, what's the matter with you? I think you seem to be preoccupied?" The Eighth Prince frowned, and couldn't help asking. It can be said that these princes and Taifu are old acquaintances.

Before the other party became the Grand Tutor, he was already very famous in the imperial court. They had never seen that the Grand Tutor would be so distracted?

Hearing the words of the Eighth Prince, the Grand Tutor sighed, and said: "My lords, I'm afraid we all made a mistake. If I didn't guess wrong, the person just now is very likely to be a strong man in the imperial realm!"

"Emperor Realm..."

Hearing these words, the complexions of the princes changed. They took a deep breath and said, "Teacher, are you sure that he is from the Emperor Realm? You can't speak nonsense like that!"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

Tai Tu took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes while speaking. It seems that as soon as he closes his eyes, Yang Chen's eyes will naturally appear in front of his eyes.

After all, he is also the Imperial Tutor, so he has naturally seen a strong man in the imperial realm. This kind of arrogant gaze that looks down on the world and can penetrate people's hearts can only be possessed by a strong man in the imperial realm.


At this moment, Tai Tu is more concerned about it.

"I think this man looks familiar. It seems like I've seen him somewhere?" The Tai Tuo pondered for a while, then suddenly patted the storage bag, and then took out something from his pocket.

This thing is like a scroll.

The Taifu opened it, and saw that what was painted on the scroll was a young man in his early twenties. The man was dressed in a white shirt, with a sword behind his back, and he looked heroic and handsome.

The man's eyebrows are like stars, his eyes are domineering, even in the lifeless picture scroll, he seems to be able to feel this fierce killing intent.

"Isn't this the person who helped our imperial court get out of difficulties more than ten years ago? It seems to be called Yang Chen?" Seeing this person, the Eighth Prince was slightly taken aback, and said curiously: "Teacher, how can you treat him well?" What are you doing with your portrait?"

"Eight princes, you can see clearly!" Taifu shook his head and said earnestly, and then he put the portrait in front of everyone so that all the princes could see the face of the person on the painting clearly .

"My lords, you all have seen clearly..."

"Ah!" As soon as the words finished, the Fourth Prince next to him suddenly screamed as if he had discovered something. He raised his hand, pointed at the person on the scroll, and said with a shocked face, "It's him! It's him! There's nothing wrong with it, it must be him!"

"Who is it?" The Eighth Prince looked at him curiously.

"Old Ba, it's him!" The Fourth Prince said impatiently: "Old Ba, look again, does the person in this painting look exactly the same as the person downstairs just now?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was slightly taken aback, and quickly looked over. Sure enough, as the fourth prince said, the more they looked at the person in the painting, the more they resembled Yang Chen just now, they were carved out of the same mold!

"It really is him!"

Taifu squinted his eyes, put away the scroll, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

If he is the only one who thinks they are similar, maybe his Tai Tuo has misread it and made a mistake. But these princes also think that they are alike, which means that the person in this painting is probably the same person as the person in the restaurant just now...they are the same person!

"So this person is my imperial court's great benefactor, Taifu, I'll invite him here right now! We need to thank him face to face!" The Fourth Prince laughed and said excitedly.

If you can make friends with a strong man in the imperial realm, that would be a great joy.


But the Tai Tuo shook his head and said: "No, let's not say whether this person is a benefactor, and moreover, if he is, he may not be willing to see us. If we don't get the consent of the other party, we will rashly If you bother me, I'm afraid not only won't leave a good impression on the other party, but it will be counterproductive..."

Speaking of this, the Taifu pondered for a while, and said: "How about this, the old man will write a letter first, hand it to the imperial court, and hand it over to His Majesty the Queen of Heaven. After His Majesty the Queen of Heaven reads the letter, His Majesty will make a decision."

The Taifu's words immediately won the approval of these princes, so these princes took out paper and pens one after another, and wrote a letter to Tianhou.

Then a servant was summoned, and the letter was sent to the imperial court overnight.



Time, fleeting.

Soon, a week passed.

During this week, Yang Chen and Ling Yuyao have been practicing in the room, nothing else happened. Including the auction, there was no news during this period of time, so it was still relatively free in general.

But the only difference is that Yang Chen can clearly feel that more and more warriors have entered Tianhe State in the past week.

Although these warriors tried their best to hide their aura, they couldn't escape Yang Chen's sense of smell. Just under his induction, there may be no less than 10,000 warriors in Hezhou this day.

Not to mention the people who are still rushing to Tianhe Prefecture, I'm afraid there will be more!

"It's impossible for so many people to be crammed into the auction house. Tianhe Prefecture Auction on earth are we going to weed out these redundant people?" In the room, Yang Chen held the qualification token in his hand, and his eyes revealed The color of contemplation.


But at this moment, I saw that the token that was originally without waves in the ancient well suddenly shook violently. Immediately afterwards, a circle of strange light suddenly burst out from the token's body, spreading out circle after circle, and faintly contained a fierce aura.

"This is?"

Yang Chen frowned, raised his hand directly, and struck a burst of spiritual power at the light.


Following Yang Chen's spiritual power, the light on the token instantly dispersed, and then, these scattered light continuously twisted and twisted in front of Yang Chen, and finally turned into a line of small characters.

"Eligibility token holders, come to Tianhe State Auction House!"


Just a few seconds after the word appeared, it broke apart again, turned into a halo again, and got into the token.


It's not just Yang Chen!

At this moment, in the entire Tianhe State, as long as they have the qualification token, almost all of them have received such a message at this moment.

For a moment, there was almost an undercurrent among the strong men in Tianhe State. Everyone is guessing, what does the Tianhe State Auction House mean?

But the only thing that is certain is.

The purpose of this auction house is probably to weed out some redundant people.

Yang Chen pondered for a moment.

He put away the token, then stood up, and silently walked towards Ling Yuyao's room.

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