Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1090 The situation is serious

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Chapter 1090 The situation is serious

In the Tianhe State Auction House, which was covered in ruins, Emperor Tianhe held his daughter's heart in his hands. His hands were dripping with blood. The blood flowed out from between his fingers and fell to the ground.

In Emperor Tianhe's eyes, two lines of hot tears slowly overflowed, and the vicissitudes of his face were filled with sadness and pain.

"Crazy... This guy is crazy!" Lin Nian took a deep breath, clenched his teeth, and was also shocked by the scene in front of him, with a little unbearable expression on Junyi's face, and said: "This The guy is really crazy, even killed his own daughter! It's outrageous!"

"It is said that a tiger's poison does not eat its offspring, but I never thought that Emperor Tianhe would not let his own daughter go!" Ke'er gritted her teeth and said the same thing.

No one thought that Emperor Tianhe would be so crazy that he wouldn't even let his own daughter go.

" concubine." Emperor Tianhe held Concubine Liu's heart in his hands, tears filled his eyes, and then, a disgusting scene appeared. I saw Emperor Tianhe suddenly opened his mouth, and actually swallowed the heart directly. Immediately there was only a sound of "Peng", and countless red blood glowed from Emperor Tianhe's body.

Concubine Liu's heart seemed to have given Emperor Tianhe a new life, and his eyes were shining again, and his aura was even stronger than before!

"Concubine, my concubine! It's all your fault, it's all your fault!" Emperor Tianhe roared angrily. At this moment, he seemed to have gone crazy, his eyes were full of madness, and he kept screaming. Said: "It's you! It's all you! If it weren't for you, my concubine would not have died, it was all caused by you! You will return my concubine's life!"

A voice containing the aura of the Great Emperor suddenly resounded here.

The sound was like rolling thunder, crashing in everyone's ears.

Yang Chen frowned, and hurriedly took Lin Nian and Ke'er back a few steps. His body landed on a boulder not far away, and then he gently put them down.

"Lin Nian, Ke'er, you two, be careful, this bastard might be a little crazy! Hide better, don't get hurt by him!" After Yang Chen finished speaking, his body moved, and he immediately flew towards Emperor Tianhe. past.

"Where are you running?"

Emperor Tianhe sneered coldly, and after saying this, he actually lifted up a huge boulder beside him. The huge stone was as light as nothing in his hands, and then he threw it out as easily as if he wanted to throw a sandbag.


On the boulder, there was a bloody glow, and the air shook violently wherever it passed, and a dark trajectory was drawn in the air.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen frowned, and directly stretched out his right hand to lightly touch the boulder.


In an instant, the boulder burst open, turning into countless powders and scattered all over the ground.

"As a majestic master at the emperor level, you can use such a substandard attack. It seems that you have lost your mind." Yang Chen sighed, and there was no pity in the eyes of the emperor Tianhe. A trace of ridicule and regret.

He had heard long ago that this Blood Soul Yin Corpse Art had a great impact on human brains and would affect people's minds, but now it seems to be true. It is estimated that the Blood Soul Yin Corpse Art just entered the body at one time, causing Tianhe Emperor's body to be a little unbearable. Coupled with the blow of Concubine Liu's death, the two streams of anger directly defeated Tianhe Emperor's intelligence.

Turned him into a madman!


This was what Yang Chen was most worried about.

Yang Chen, a normal master of the imperial realm, might not be afraid, but a crazy master of the imperial realm, how terrifying it is, you don't need to think about it.

"Lin Nian! Ke'er!" Thinking of this, Yang Chen turned his head and shouted, "You two hurry out now, go find some in the forest..."

Before Yang Chen finished speaking, a powerful killing intent suddenly approached, and the cold wind blew past, making Yang Chen's hair stand on end.

Yang Chen turned his head to look, and saw that the blood-stained face of Emperor Tianhe was less than half an inch away from him, his eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes, and he was staring at him coldly. Meaning is like materialization.

The next moment, Emperor Tianhe suddenly raised his right fist, and then swung it out quickly!


On the fist, there are countless densely packed, hideous faces.

These faces were like tarsal maggots, adhering to Emperor Tianhe's fist, and the ghost-like roar made one's scalp numb.

Yang Chen didn't have time to react at all, he was blown away by Emperor Tianhe, his body flew tens of meters away like a cannonball in an instant. His body directly collided with a stone not far away, and the strong impact caused Yang Chen's chest to surge with energy and blood, and he directly spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Although my Ancient Immortal Physique can restrain him, it is at the level of Emperor Realm after all. If I get punched, it will be really uncomfortable." Yang Chen murmured in his heart, he took a deep breath, Tore off his shirt. I saw that the place that was bombarded by Emperor Tianhe sank impressively, the red mist lingered around the wound like bloodshot, and the pain spread.


Lin Nian exclaimed, ready to run over.

"Don't come here!" Yang Chen took a deep breath, resisting the pain in his chest, and said, "Lin Nian, you will take Ke'er away now, and go to the forest in Tianhe Prefecture to find some people! Remember, a woman of six The men, there are seven people in total, the woman is the Mistress of the Guanghan Palace, and one of the men is the Grand Tutor of your imperial court!"

Hearing this, Lin Nian was slightly taken aback.

But before he had time to ask more questions, Yang Chen continued, "Remember, this guy has already gone mad. If he doesn't leave, I'm afraid the entire Tianhe Prefecture will be reduced to a battlefield! After you find this group of people, quickly take them with you!" Leave Tianhe State!"

"Master, what about you?" Lin Nian was slightly taken aback, and asked subconsciously.

But this time, Yang Chen didn't answer him again, but with a movement of his body, he rushed towards Emperor Tianhe in an instant.

Yang Chen is already answering Lin Nian with actions!

Now that Emperor Tianhe is going crazy, if he is not killed here, it will definitely seriously affect the Endless Island. At that time, it will be a threat to Xiaoyue, Chu Rou, or Ling Yuyao and others.

Therefore, Yang Chen must deal with this threat now!

Seeing Yang Chen who was fighting against Emperor Tianhe again, Ke'er said: "Brother, just leave it to the master, let's leave quickly, don't let the painstaking efforts of the master down!"

hear this.

Lin Nian gritted her teeth, although she felt a little bit reluctant, she still nodded and left with Ke'er.

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