Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1175 Great War (5)

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Chapter 1175 Great War (5)

"Come on, lead to death!"

In front of Dongyang Town, Mr. Yang stood quietly. He raised his right hand and hooked his fingers at Commander Yao who was opposite him. His tone was relaxed, but it contained an unquestionable majesty.

Hearing Mr. Yang's words, Commander Yao's expression changed. For some reason, Commander Yao's heart suddenly trembled when he heard Mr. Yang's words.

An inexplicable fear filled Commander Yao's heart.

However, when he remembered that there were so many soldiers behind him, Commander Yao took a deep breath, and said coldly, "It's just you? You young brat, you want to kill this Commander? You're still ten thousand too early year!"

Say it.

Commander Yao's body flew straight up and rushed towards Mr. Yang who was opposite him. He saw the five fingers of his right hand close together, and a red light rushed out from it, covering his right hand. In an instant, a scorching heat emanated from Commander Yao's right hand, and his entire right hand seemed to be a knife, which looked extremely sharp.

It turned out that even the surrounding air was cut with a crack, and the air rolled back to the sides, making a "chi chi" sound.

When he was five or six meters away from Young Master Yang's body, Commander Yao suddenly raised his right hand and slashed fiercely towards Young Master Yang who was opposite him.

"Fire Cloud Knife!"


With a slash, a scorching red air wave roared out directly from Commander Yao's palm. The red air wave expanded rapidly in the air, and finally turned into a sharp red giant blade.

bang bang bang bang...

Wherever the giant blade passed, the ground exploded instantly, splashing out crazily at any time. Together with the surrounding hard stones, they were instantly split in half by this giant blade, as if cutting tofu, it was extremely easy.

"Your Highness, be careful!" General Ma exclaimed, and subconsciously took a step forward, as if he wanted to block the attack for Young Master Yang.

After all, Mr. Yang is the present His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the biological son of the Empress Hongchen, and he is bound to be the man who will inherit the throne in the future! If there is any problem with this man in Dongyang Town, then his General Ma is really doomed!


After all, General Ma was one step too late.

He is fast, but Mr. Yang is faster!

I saw that just as General Ma raised his foot, Mr. Yang beside him had already moved, his body was like a ghost, and he ran directly towards the flying red giant blade.

He raised his hand and tapped the giant blade lightly.



As soon as the words fell, everyone saw a scene that made them unbelievable. They saw that the huge blade, which was still aggressive at first, broke apart directly after following Mr. Yang's finger.

The red spiritual power disintegrated and shattered in an instant.

"What?" Commander Yao's expression changed suddenly.


Before he had time to think about it, something happened that made his scalp tingle even more. Mr. Yang raised his right index finger and flicked it lightly at the red spiritual energy. Then I saw that the red spiritual power that was about to dissipate actually became solidified, and then turned into countless small sword glows.

The sword tips of these sword qi pointed directly at Commander Yao, which was extremely sharp.

They are densely arranged in the sky, making one's scalp tingle.

"What's going on?" Seeing this scene, Commander Yao's expression changed instantly, because he found that he had lost contact with these spiritual powers?

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't mobilize these spiritual powers again, as if these spiritual powers didn't come from his body, but had nothing to do with him?


Seeing this scene, General Ma on the side showed joy, and couldn't help saying: "It's the sword intent! His Royal Highness's sword intent! I didn't expect to be able to see this move with my own eyes today. I am so honored!"

Sword intent is the famous stunt of His Highness the Crown Prince. You must know that sword intent is a very mysterious and mysterious thing. If you want to practice sword intent, you must have an extremely powerful talent. Although many people are great swordsmen, they spend their entire lives and cannot even touch the threshold of sword intent.

And anyone who can penetrate the sword's intent can be called a master of swordsmanship.

Swordsman, Grandmaster.

There is an essential difference between the two.

And the prince is only 80,000 years old now, and he can already control the sword intent, which is already a very crazy thing for many people.

The Tianqing sword master of Beihai had practiced swords for a hundred thousand years before he first glimpsed the threshold of sword intent.

The ten-mile sword god in southern Xinjiang spent countless years, but he couldn't step into the ranks of sword intent.

In today's world, there are only a handful of people who can possess sword intent.

As soon as the sword intent came out, Wan Jian surrendered!

And at the moment when these red sword intents appeared, the soldiers found that the weapons in their hands suddenly fell to the ground with a clanging sound. The sword, which was originally just a piece of ordinary iron, suddenly buzzed, as if it was trembling.

"How is this going?"

"Why is my sword trembling suddenly?"

"Is this the sword intent?"

Commander Yao took a deep breath, suppressed the fear in his heart, and shouted coldly: "What kind of bullshit sword intent? Don't play tricks there, let Commander die!"

Finish this sentence.

Commander Yao just took a step forward, but before his step reached the ground, the surrounding sword intents roared like a torrential rain.

Boom boom boom!

The sword intent kept bombarding down, and a large amount of spiritual power was splashed up like waves, and Commander Yao's body was instantly swallowed by these sword blades.

Red mist filled the air, and it was not clear whether it was Commander Yao's blood or spiritual power.

And after the sword intent dissipated, there was no Commander Yao on the ground, and there was no one left.

"Commander Yao..."

"Commander Yao is dead?"

The soldiers opened their mouths and looked at this scene with horror on their faces. Commander Yao is a figure at the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm, so he died like this? This is... too easy, right?

That Mr. Yang killed a strong man at the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm without even lifting his foot? It's easier than killing a chicken!

What kind of cultivation is this guy?

After doing all this, Young Master Yang slowly withdrew his hand, and said calmly: "General Ma, I have already done what I should do, so I don't need to teach you what to do next?"

"Humble job understands!"

General Ma cupped his fists.

"En." Hearing this, Mr. Yang nodded, and his figure turned into a majestic glow, disappearing into the distant sky.

After Mr. Yang's figure left, General Ma pulled out the sword from his waist, and said coldly: "All officers and men obey the order and follow this general to kill the enemy! Don't leave a single enemy behind!"

The voice just fell.

Countless soldiers immediately rushed into the camp of the government soldiers, without Commander Yao sitting in charge, this group of government soldiers was like scattered sand, and they were defeated in an instant.

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