Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1178: Twist of battle

Biquge, the fastest update is 80,000 years of rebirth!

Chapter 1178 Turning the tide of battle

The gate of Guanghan Palace.

There are many glaciers.

A red figure stepped on the snow and slowly disappeared into the distance, while behind her was a bare and white expanse. Although the scenery is beautiful, it seems very monotonous. It seems that there is no other embellishment except for the glacier.

But who would have thought?

Just a few minutes ago, there was an army of hundreds of thousands stationed in front of the huge Guanghan Palace? The mighty figure, even the biggest glacier, can't completely bury them, right?

But these figures just disappeared like this.

Like a ghost, there is no trace of it anymore.

"Red... red..."

Bao'er slumped to the ground, looking at the red figure in the distance in amazement, her big eyes showed fear for the first time.

When facing Emperor Qingkong, she did not back down. When facing hundreds of thousands of troops on the endless island, she didn't even frown. But when he saw this woman, Bao'er finally felt a little fear in his heart.

"The Queen of the Red Dust... Is this woman the Queen of the Red Dust..." Bao'er swallowed and murmured to herself.

Not to mention her, even the Great Elder at the side felt panicked, and the other timid disciples were so frightened that they feces and peeed and became incontinent. The crotches of several men and women were wet, and there were bursts of foul smell.


A strong man in the imperial realm, plus an army of hundreds of thousands!

Say no and be gone?

Is this method really human beings able to do it?

"It's no wonder that Zhongzhou has produced a large number of talents over the years, and there have been many powerful people in the imperial realm, but no matter what, the court still stands... Is there really anyone in this world who can threaten her with such a powerful woman? "The Great Elder was silent for a moment, thinking deeply in his heart.

He has also seen many powerful people in the imperial realm, but there has never been anyone who can directly hit the depths of his heart like the Hongchen Queen.

"This war... doesn't seem to require us to take action?" At this moment, the Great Elder seemed to remember something, and said with a smile.

It seemed that he deliberately used a humorous tone in order to liven up the atmosphere, but at this moment, no one could laugh.


With such a powerful woman, why do they need to take action? They might have been a little worried about Zhongzhou before, but now, they have started to worry about Endless Island.

The hunter hunts the rabbit, who is the hunter?


At this moment, a disciple in the crowd suddenly asked: "Grand Elder, tell me, did Your Majesty use all her strength just now?"


As soon as these words came out, the Great Elder took a deep breath.

The biting cold wind seemed to be freezing people even more at this moment, and everyone shivered involuntarily.



Zhongzhou territory.

The war is still going on, and fierce fighting is going on in various places, and the sound of wailing and screaming is echoing almost all the time. Blood stained the city walls, swords stood on the pile of corpses, and broken banners wailed tragically against the strong wind.

This war should have been evenly matched.

But no one noticed.

A woman in red clothes quietly joined the ranks of the war, and with her joining, the situation of the entire war seemed to be subtly changing.

Where she walked, there were not too majestic scenes, and there were no heart-piercing screams.

Everything seemed extremely quiet.

But the strange thing is, following the places this woman walked, those soldiers from the royal court who caused incomparable troubles to the Zhongzhou soldiers disappeared one by one?

So much so that before the soldiers in Zhongzhou realized what happened... the battle was already over?

Those people who were fighting with you red-eyed one second, disappeared in the next second?

What words should I use to describe this feeling?

All the Zhongzhou soldiers stood there in a daze, their mouths were wide open, and their expressions froze. And when they reacted, the red figure had gone further and further away, and finally completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Dongyang Town, Guanghan Palace, Zhongzhou Port... Next, is the last place?"

Standing on a city wall that was burnt black by flames, Queen Hongchen spoke calmly and muttered to herself.

And under her, there was a group of Zhongzhou soldiers kneeling, all kneeling respectfully, not even daring to breathe harder.

Just two minutes ago, that indescribable thing happened in front of them alive.

However, compared to the turbulent waves in everyone's hearts, the Hongchen Queen is extremely calm, and the depths of her narrow and beautiful eyes are always unfathomable, as deep as the ocean.

"Your Majesty, you have wiped out the invading troops in various places, and then only the army in the port and the endless island is left. Including the queen of the endless island, and the remaining masters of the imperial realm, they are also in the port .” A Zhongzhou general cupped his fists and said respectfully.

The Red Dust Queen nodded.

Just lift your feet and prepare to walk in the direction of the port.

"Your Majesty!" At this moment, the general suddenly gave a wry smile, and said in a rather helpless tone: "Your Majesty, I don't know if I should ask you something. You are so powerful, why do you still need an army? With your ability should……"

Speaking of this, the general smiled wryly and did not continue.

But anyone can hear what he meant.

With the strength of Queen Hongchen, it really doesn't matter if there is an army or not? The Red Dust Queen alone is enough to defeat thousands of troops, right?

What else do they need these troops to do?

Isn't it nonsense?

Hearing this general's words, Queen Hongchen fell silent, her eyes revealing a thoughtful look. She seems to be very interested in this issue, even more interested in destroying those armies.

Seeing this scene, the general almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

I was just being polite, but the Queen of the Red Dust really thought about it seriously? Your sister, what does this mean? Do you want to be so shameless?

And just when the general was feeling depressed, he saw Hongchen Queen turned her head and replied: "Other countries have armies, if I don't have an army, I will lose face."

After saying this, the corners of Hongchen Queen's mouth slightly raised, revealing a thrilling smile, and her figure turned into a wisp of red smoke and disappeared in place.

The soldiers left behind were stunned, not sure if they were annoyed by the words of the Queen of the Red Dust, or they hadn't recovered from her smile.

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