Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1256 Conspiracy?

Chapter 1256 Conspiracy?

One after another, the claws like beasts were dug out by Emperor Mingchen one after another. And as more and more claws were dug out, everyone felt a shock.

"No wonder there is so much blood. I didn't expect that there is a cavern under this land, so shocking!" The demon god also murmured, a little surprised.

And Emperor Mingchen was still digging down.

Soon, a complete body was dug out.

This guy is not a human, but a huge tiger. This tiger is white in color and extremely huge. Its body is as big as several stories of buildings. Even Yang Chen has never seen such a huge tiger.

It's just that the tiger is obviously out of breath, and even its smooth and white hair has been stained red by blood. The eyes that were originally bright and bright are now cloudy, and there is no life in the pupils.

"This is..." Seeing this big tiger, Yang Chen frowned, with doubts in his eyes.

But before he had time to ask, the demon god at the side suddenly fell to the ground with a "plop", tears gushed out of his eyes, and the tears spewed out uncontrollably like a valve that was not closed tightly.

"Brother Tiger!"

The demon god suddenly howled in pain, and he quickly climbed to the side of the big tiger, the pain in his eyes became more intense. He stretched out his hand and kept pawing at the soil beside the big tiger, as if he wanted to dig the big tiger out of the soil.

"Di Yan?" Seeing this scene, Yang Chen quickly stretched out his hand, trying to help the demon god up from the ground.

"Di Yan, what are you doing? Do you know this tiger?" Yang Chen asked curiously.

Hearing this, the demon god nodded and burst into tears: "Master, to tell you the truth, this Brother Tiger is a friend of mine when I was young, and he is also a descendant of the White Tiger clan. Later, I came to Canglan Continent and established the Endless Island Afterwards, Brother Tiger and I suppressed Endless Island, which is also a two-week Zhenzhou Spirit Beast..."

The demon god's face was painful, and he kept sobbing. At the end, he was sobbing so hard that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

hear this.

Yang Chen sighed, he stepped forward, and gently closed the white tiger's open eyes. After taking a few steps back, he clasped his fists at the white tiger and bowed deeply.

The demon god was also trembling, stood up, wiped his tears, and said in a low voice: "Brother Hu, you have never enjoyed any blessings in your life, and you came to the Cangnan Continent not far away with me. You are enjoying the happiness...but I never thought that you would end up like this, after all, I killed you!"

Hearing this, Emperor Mingchen sneered and said: "Okay, don't be so busy crying, you will cry later! If I guessed correctly, the corpses buried in the ground are probably not just white tigers. , and your other brothers!"

As soon as these words came out, the demon god was shocked.

He also reacted, and quickly ran towards the other paws, then stretched out his hand, and pulled those paws out forcefully.

Immediately afterwards, several giant beasts were exposed to everyone's sight.

Yang Chen saw that a gigantic boa constrictor was directly pulled out by the demon god. His head was covered in blood, as if he had been smashed flat with a blunt instrument, and his brain flowed out along with the blood.

Yang Chen also saw that there was a huge fox lying on the ground, but its fur had been stripped off, revealing its bloody flesh inside. Intestines and viscera flowed all over the floor, and the soaring fishy smell swept out and permeated the surroundings, making people feel nauseous.

A total of nine beasts.

No more, no less, just eat all the Zhenzhou spirit beasts in the entire Kyushu.

"thump"! Seeing this scene, the demon god directly knelt down, his expression almost collapsed. Tears flowed out of the demon god's eyes uncontrollably, and his whole body burst into tears, choking with sobs.

"Brother Tiger! Brother Snake! Brother Fox..."

The demon god's face was full of tears, and the wailing was heart-wrenching.

These Zhenzhou spirit beasts are all old friends who have been friends with the demon god for many years, and many of them are playmates who played with the demon god when they were young. Now, these spirit beasts have all died in front of him, how can the demon god not be sad?

Yang Chen sighed, and said: "Di Yan, the Sri Lankan has passed away, so don't be sad anymore. The most important thing now is to find the murderer who really killed them, find out what happened between them, and then help you Revenge is the right thing to do for your friends!"

"That's right, what Yifu said makes sense, this is the most important thing!" Hearing these words, Emperor Mingchen also snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "Demon God, you have lived for a long time, why don't you Crying and crying when something happens, like a woman? If you are a man, don't cry easily!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen frowned, with displeasure in his eyes: "Okay, fourth, please stop saying a few words!"

Hearing Yang Chen's opening, Emperor Ming Chen didn't say much, and threw the shovel in his hand to the side, and then quietly pondered the runes on the ground.

"Father, what you said is right, the blood is flowing from the bodies of these Zhenzhou spirit beasts." Speaking of this, Emperor Mingchen raised his finger and pointed to a certain place on the ground, and said: "Father, look, after the body was dug up, the blood here was cut off, and the color of the soil was gradually darkening."

While talking, Emperor Ming Chen dug a handful of soil from the ground and put it closer to Yang Chen. It can be seen that after the formation is cut off, the color of the soil is gradually darkening, and soon it becomes no different from ordinary soil.

"That's right, these Zhenzhou spirit beasts are the center of the formation!" Yang Chen murmured and nodded, but what made him even more puzzled was: "What does the owner of this island need these spirit beasts for? And what does he arrange?" What is the purpose of such a huge formation? Don't tell me, he is to feed the flowers and plants on this island?"

Even if it is to feed these flowers and plants, you seem too big and redundant after so many years.

"Only the island owner knows the specifics!" Great Emperor Mingchen squeezed the soil into powder with his right hand, his voice trembled a little, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

There was also excitement in his eyes.

Emperor Ming Cheng could predict that there must be a huge conspiracy behind it!

Even this conspiracy is enough to shake the entire Canglan Continent!

And he will be the one who uncovers this conspiracy!

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