Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1272: News

Chapter 1272 News

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Uncle Jiang frowned, and said with some displeasure: "I have already said, I have no interest in this matter, please stop talking, please go back."

As Uncle Jiang said, he was about to close the door again.

But this time, Yang Chen didn't give him a chance, he directly lifted his foot and walked into his wooden house.

"You..." Uncle Jiang's face changed slightly, he took two steps back, and looked at Yang Chen warily. A fierce aura also emanated from his body, it can't be seen that this guy is still a warrior?

But if you think about it carefully, it's not surprising. After all, if the people who can survive in this place don't have any skills, they would have been dragged out and eaten by monsters long ago.

Yang Chen smiled, and didn't care about the other party's reaction, he just said lightly: "Uncle Jiang, don't be nervous, I know you have no choice but to live here, right? I also know that you like to write some interesting stories, but It's a pity that these articles of yours didn't sell for a penny... You were so poor that you hid in the deep mountains and old forests to avoid debts, right?"

Hearing this, Uncle Jiang's expression changed.

Without saying a word, Yang Chen took out a cloth pocket from the storage bag and gently placed it on the table. The cloth pocket slammed on the table, making a "jingle" sound, and it was a bag full of coins.

"You... what do you mean?" Looking at the bag of money on the table, Uncle Jiang's eyes straightened.

"It's not interesting." Hearing this, Yang Chen smiled and said, "It's just that I happen to have some money on hand. If you take this money, it should be able to repay the debt you have on hand, right?"

Hearing this, Uncle Jiang took a deep breath, and the excitement in his eyes was beyond words. Indeed, the money in the cloth bag not only allowed him to repay his debts, but also allowed him to live a good life for the rest of his life.


However, at this moment, Yang Chen stretched out his hand, grabbed the cloth bag directly, and said with a smile: "However, I only have one request, that is, after three days, you will be our tour guide for entering the mountain. You have to Make sure we won't get lost in the mountains, only in this way will I give you this bag of money, do you understand?"

Hearing this, Uncle Jiang took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart. After a while, he nodded and said, "Okay, as long as you give me the money, I will agree to go out with you! "

"On the road."

Hearing this, Yang Chen smiled.

There was also a look of satisfaction on his face.

He knew that for such a desperate person, he only needed to give him a little favor, and it was enough for him to be grateful. After all, giving timely help is often more important than icing on the cake.

After saying this, Yang Chen raised his hand and patted the other person's shoulder. After that, he didn't stop any longer, turned around and walked towards the door.

His figure also gradually disappeared into the Warcraft Mountains, but Yang Chen did not return to Li's Mansion immediately, because he felt that the time to go back was not right. If Yang Shan knew that he had meddled in this matter, he would definitely be furious.

So he planned to live outside for the next two days, and then return to the Li Mansion to visit his father and aunt after the matter was settled.

And time passed quietly in this waiting.


I don't know who leaked the news.

Yang Chen could hear it everywhere, people around were talking about the thunderstorm after three days. They seem to have known the news in advance, knowing that the beast will have a catastrophe three days later?

In the restaurant, there are several people sitting.

While drinking, they talked about it.

"Have you heard? I just heard the news from others. I heard that three days later, that beast in the Warcraft Mountains will have a catastrophe!"

"Heavenly Tribulation?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone exclaimed, with shock in their eyes.

"Really? Where did you get the news?"

"Yeah, how do you know that he will go through a catastrophe when he makes a move?"

"Your news is not false, is it?"

"It can't be fake!" Hearing this, the man laughed and said: "I have a friend, he is an inner disciple of the third-class sect, I learned this news from him, what he said, There must be no mistake! Moreover, many people in the imperial capital have already heard the news, and many forces are preparing to attack the Warcraft Mountains in three days!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed one after another.

Even the guests at the other tables sitting around couldn't help but look sideways. In the eyes of everyone, there was a flash of brilliance and a color of thinking.

"Three days later, Heavenly Tribulation?" An old man sitting in the corner muttered, and the wine glass that was just about to be delivered to his mouth also stopped in mid-air.

There was also a hint of thought in his cloudy eyes. Opposite him, there were several young people sitting.

This group of people were all dressed in uniform, a purple robe, and each carried a copper compass behind their backs.

And on their skirts, there are a few words tattooed.

Ben Leizong.

Benlei Sect is a big sect in southern Xinjiang, its status is not inferior to Yunhai Sect, and their suzerain is a master of Martial Emperor Realm.

In the past two years, Ben Leizong's status in southern Xinjiang has been steadily rising, especially after Yunhaizong was exterminated, Ben Leizong has a faint momentum of becoming the number one sect in southern Xinjiang.

Even the people around looked at the guests at this table with eyes of awe.

"Three days later, there will be a catastrophe coming to the Warcraft Mountains? Why don't we know about this news?" A young man sitting opposite frowned and couldn't help saying.

Just now that person said that the entire imperial capital already knew about it. If so, how could they, as the majestic No. 1 sect in southern Xinjiang, not know about this news?

"I guess this person is spreading rumors? Don't worry about it." Hearing what the young man said, a beautiful woman sitting on the right smiled faintly.


However, the old man shook his head, poured the wine down his throat, and said: "This old man always feels that this matter reveals something strange, and this matter does not seem to be groundless."

"What does Elder Yige mean?" Hearing this, everyone couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, the person known as Elder Ge fell silent. After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter whether the news is true or not. Is this a waste of time? So this old man thinks that after three days, no matter what, we should go to the Warcraft Mountains!"

"Don't forget, the suzerain told the old man when we went out that we have to get the place where the mist gushes out no matter what!"

"It is absolutely let the people of the Yunhai Sect take the lead!"

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