Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1292 Meet

Chapter 1292 Meet

One hundred million!

For some superpowers, perhaps this figure is not particularly heavy, but for a family living in a remote place like Qingfeng Empire, this amount of money can be said to be astronomical!

This amount of money requires the entire income of the Li family for 50 years, even if everyone in the Li family does not eat or drink, it will take 50 years to get it together!

Yang Shan didn't understand.

I just "passed away" for a while, why did Li's mansion change? He remembered that before he left, Li's residence was still in full swing, very rich.

In the blink of an eye, the once prosperous family became heavily in debt, which made Yang Shan somewhat unacceptable.

"Huh? What's going on here? Talk to me!" Yang Shan raised his hand and slapped the table a few times, making a deafening sound of "bang bang bang".

Although he is only a steward in name, in fact, he has already been the head of the Li family. Although the description of dove occupying the magpie's nest is somewhat ugly, Yang Shan is recognized by the outside world as the veritable head of the Li family.

Including the entire Li Mansion, it must be under the protection of Yang Shan to flourish. Of course, among the annual profits of the Li Mansion, Yang Shan can naturally receive a lot of commission.

However, now that he came back again, he found out that the Li family owed so much money? How could Yang Shan not be angry? How not to get anxious?

Being swept by Yang Shan's gaze, everyone lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look at him, for fear of offending the opponent's bad luck at this juncture.

But at this moment, Yang Shan took a step forward, walked up to an old man with white hair, and asked, "Grand Elder, I want to ask you something! You are the elder of this family, tell me something about it!" , What the hell is going on here? How can our Li family owe so much debt?"

"Cough... this." Hearing this, the Great Elder laughed dryly, his old face trembled, and there was a little embarrassment in his eyes. Some problems. It may be that there is a loss in the business, so it has caused so many debts."

"Yeah yeah!"

"That's right, it's a business arrears!"

"What the Great Elder said is very true! The business of medicinal materials has been sluggish recently, and it is only natural that the Li family will face losses!"

"I heard that a family in a neighboring country lost 200 million yuan in five years, which is worse than our Li family. There is no way around it!"

Hearing the Great Elder's words, the elders quickly nodded in agreement, and followed behind.

"Arrears in business?" Hearing this, Yang Shan frowned, his face gradually darkened, and said: "How can you owe so much money in business? Yang went to Li's Mansion in various places in the imperial capital just two days ago. The inspection of the medicinal material shop, including the transfer station of the medicinal materials sent to various places, all the places are operating as normal, but no losses have been found."


As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the elders changed and they looked at each other.

Some people faltered and hesitated, some had gloomy faces, as if they were suppressing their anger, while some simply closed their eyes, pretending that it had nothing to do with them, and hung up attitude.

Seeing this scene, Yang Shan sighed, with a little helplessness in his eyes, and said, "Forget it, since it's a business debt, there's nothing I can do about it. Maybe Yang Shan got it wrong two days ago. , put this aside for now, let’s talk about it later.”

After saying this, Yang Shan just crumpled the piece of paper into a ball and threw it on the ground.

Seeing this scene, the elders all heaved a sigh of relief, they quickly stood up and sent Yang Shan out of the door. Every elder's eyes showed a look of relief.

But what no one saw was that the moment Yang Shan walked out of the conference hall, Yang Shan's face also became gloomy instantly. There was a hint of anger in his eyes, and Yang Shan's face was so gloomy that he almost dripped water.

"A group of elders, as high-level officials in the Li family, are so pathetic!" Yang Shan sighed and murmured, his eyes showing helplessness.

Why couldn't he see that those elders were simply lying to him? Yang Shan had dealt with them for more than ten years, and he slowly became the top leader of the Li family from a servant!

The opponent's little trick, of course, cannot escape Yang Shan's eyes!


Yang Shan had to let them go!

Because these people are all high-level elders of Li's mansion, they hold a lot of power in Li's mansion, and many things can only be carried out through them.

If they are pushed into a hurry, it will be a bad thing for the entire Li family!

"Hey, 100 million... such a big hole, where should I fill it?" Yang Shan shook his head with a wry smile, and muttered to himself, with his hands behind his back, he walked slowly forward.

It seems that even the back is full of sorrow.


Just when Yang Shan had just walked a few steps, he saw a servant running over from not far away. This time the man was running out of breath, and his forehead was dripping with sweat. He looked very excited and excited, as if something terrible had happened.

Before reaching Yang Shan, the servant shouted excitedly: "Master! Master! Great joy! Great joy!"

"Big happy event?"

Hearing this, Yang Shan couldn't help frowning, feeling a little bored in his heart. He owed 100 million just now, and this kid still told himself a happy event? Aren't you looking for scolding?

"What kind of bullshit happy event? Ergou, did you take the wrong medicine today? Are you in such a panic?" Yang Shan said angrily. He raised his hand and slapped Ergou on the forehead.

"Ouch!" Er Gou was patted, and grinned grinningly: "Master, listen to me, it's a happy event! It's really a happy event! The young master is back!"


Yang Shan was taken aback for a moment, his face full of suspicion: "Which young master?"

"Hey...Master, you are really old! Which young master do you think it is? Of course it is Mr. Yang! Mr. Yang is back!" Ergou said with a wry smile.

"Young Master Yang?" Yang Shan was taken aback for a moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and then, his eyes showed joy, and he asked excitedly: "You mean Xiaochen?"

"That's right! It's Young Master Yang Chen!" Ergou nodded hastily.

Hearing this, Yang Shan was also shocked, his eyes showed excitement, he laughed and said: "Okay! Okay! This is really a good thing!"

"When did this brat come back? He didn't inform me in advance when he came back, what a brat! I will beat him up when I see him later!"

Yang Shan's face was extremely excited, his eye sockets turned red with excitement.

It can be seen that the old father is also very happy when his son comes home.

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