Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1309 Dating

Chapter 1309 Dating

"Yang Chen, you killed my son, it's time to avenge this hatred!"

Gu lord's words full of hatred and sinister drifted slowly above the mansion, and they did not dissipate for a long time. And in these words, there is even more intense hatred towards Yang Chen, he seems to want to tear Yang Chen up, cramp his bones, and blow his bones to ashes!


If Yang Chen were here at this moment, he would definitely be deeply shocked, because in his impression, he seemed to have never seen this man before? Not to mention when did he kill his son and cut off the inheritance of his race?


The hatred in this population is not fake.

It's not hard to see that his hatred for Yang Chen is very strong!

"Hmph." With a snort, the hatred on Master Gu's face gradually subsided, and the gentle smile appeared on his face again.

Compared with the hated look before, he was a completely different person.


Just as Master Gu raised his foot and was about to leave the Wu Mansion, there was a sudden rush of footsteps behind him.

"Master Gu!" Accompanied by the urgent voice, Master Gu turned his head to look over, and saw Mr. Wu chasing out from the mansion at some time, panting all over his face.

"Oh, it's Mr. Wu?" Looking at the man who was sweating profusely, Mr. Gu frowned, his eyes showed doubts: "What's the matter, Mr. Wu? Why are you sweating profusely from running?"

Mr. Wu took a sharp breath, then leaned into Master Gu's ear, and suddenly said a few words softly.

After waiting for Mr. Wu to finish these few words, Mr. Gu also frowned slightly, his eyes suddenly showed surprise, and he asked suspiciously: "You mean, Yang Chen from the Li Mansion wants to see you?"

"Yes! My servant came to tell me just now. He said he wanted to meet the person in charge of the underground boxing match. He asked me to go to Li's mansion to find him at noon tomorrow!" Mr. Wu said while wiping his hands. Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, his eyes also showed fear, and he said with some anxiety:

"My lord Gu, what should I do? This Yang Chen has a great background. It is said that even His Majesty of the Qingfeng Empire can't control him, and even saluted him! I heard that this person's cultivation is very strong. Heavens, he has a great reputation in Southern Xinjiang and Central Province, and many strong people are in awe of him!"

While talking, Mr. Wu gritted his teeth, and the look of panic in his eyes became more intense.

Although he has some status in the Qingfeng Empire, he is only a businessman after all, not comparable to those strong warriors.

After all, in the eyes of warriors, all merchants are just ants. If he wants to kill them, it will definitely not be difficult!

Mr. Wu originally just wanted to use this opportunity to extort some money from the Li family, and then quickly escaped, leaving everything to Mr. Gu. But I didn't expect that this Yang Chen would come to the door so quickly? He even feels a little regretful in his heart now, he shouldn't be such a thief as Master Gu!

"Master Gu, can I do this?" Mr. Wu was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, his eyes even had tears glistening, and his face turned red from anxiety.

"Hmph!" Seeing the impatience of the other party, Mr. Gu snorted cold air from his nose, his eyes showed disdain, and said indifferently: "Okay, look at your worthless appearance! You're just a brat , to scare you like this? How embarrassing you are!"

Mr. Wu smiled wryly upon hearing this.

It's not because he's worthless!

May I ask, who in Qingfeng Empire doesn't know Yang Chen's name? This guy, but his name alone is enough to make the Qingfeng Empire tremble three times!

"Okay." However, when Mr. Wu was in a hurry, Mr. Gu also opened his mouth, and said slowly: "Don't worry, isn't there still me here? Don't worry, I'm here, you can protect me." You're fine!"

While Master Gu was talking, he raised his hand and patted the other person's shoulder, and said comfortingly.

And with Mr. Gu's words, Mr. Wu's mood calmed down a little. After thinking about it, he also felt that Mr. Gu's words made sense.

After all, this guy is very likely to be a strong man in Wu Zunjing!

No matter how strong Yang Chen is, he's only in his thirties, right? He didn't believe that no matter how powerful a kid in his thirties was, he could be as powerful as a master of Wu Zunjing?

"Yes, Mr. Gu, what you said is true!" Thinking of this, Mr. Wu also heaved a sigh of relief, and asked cautiously, "Then... how should I answer Yang Chen?"

"Oh, I wanted to find him, but I didn't expect him to come to the door by himself? That's okay, it saves me effort!" Master Gu sneered, and said, "Go tell Yang Chen, Promise to meet him, and at noon tomorrow, you will have a big banquet at Qingfeng Restaurant, waiting for his arrival! And invite him to have a sincere discussion about the debt of 100 million yuan..."

"Remember, the more sincerity the better!"

"Yes, I understand." Mr. Gu's words were like clearing the clouds and seeing the fog, lighting up the melancholy in Mr. Wu's heart. He nodded hastily, then turned around and went back to the Wu Mansion to go to work.

Until Mr. Wu left.

Master Gu sneered, and said quietly to himself: "Yang Chen, Yang Chen, you brought this to your door, so don't blame me for being cruel! Hahahaha!"

Speaking of this, Master Gu suddenly laughed wildly, the laughter shook the whole Wu Mansion, and the sky shook.

It seemed that the melancholy that Mr. Gu had suppressed in his heart before dissipated a lot in an instant, and the whole person was overjoyed.



at the same time.

Lee Mansion.

In the chamber, the lights were dim.

At this moment, there were several figures standing in the hall. These people were all the elders of the Li Mansion, as well as the high-level people in charge of the Li Mansion.

However, at this moment, these elders are all silent, with their heads lowered, as if they are facing some panic, even their bodies are trembling slightly.

Yang Chen was sitting quietly in the middle of this group of people, his face was terribly gloomy, as if water could drip from it. Even the air was filled with a suffocating oppressive atmosphere.

Yang Shan was sitting beside him, his expression was hesitant to speak.

In front of Yang Chen, there was a group of people kneeling.

This group of people were all teenagers of seventeen or eighteen years old, and the oldest was not even twenty years old. They knelt in a row, lowered their heads, like children who had done something wrong, their faces were full of remorse and fear.

After glancing at the group of teenagers lightly, Yang Chen said slowly, "Which one of you is the grandson of the Great Elder, Li Lian?"

"I... I am."

The voice just fell.

Among the kneeling teenagers, one suddenly raised his hand and replied tremblingly.

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