Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1336: The Power of Incense


Yang Chen snorted coldly, and as his voice fell, the huge sword blade also slashed fiercely at Patriarch Shura who was opposite him.

The blade of the sword is extremely huge, as large as a thousand feet. Under the blow of the sword, those crimson spear shadows were directly shattered by Yang Chen's sword intent, and burst into the air with a bang bang bang, turning into countless red dots. crystal light!

And that huge sword intent was even more like destroying the dead. After shooting countless spear shadows, it slashed towards the ancestor Shura below!


Seeing this scene, even Patriarch Shura was taken aback, and there was a deep shock in his eyes.

It seems that even he himself did not expect that his "Blood Prison Shura Spear" would be so vulnerable?

"Die to me!"

Yang Chen snorted coldly, and pressed again on Patriarch Shura.

Boom boom boom!

With Yang Chen's pressure, the speed of the sword intent came down faster. Of course, it didn't just cut down. When the sword intent fell, it was also absorbing the shattered spear shadows around it. Before they could dissipate, those spear shadows turned into streamers of light and were directly sucked into Yang Chen's third layer of sword intent!

next moment!

Not only did the sword intent not become smaller, but it became even bigger!

It seems to want to cut the Shura Patriarch below into two halves!

"Small tricks!" Seeing this scene, Patriarch Shura snorted, and disdain appeared in his eyes.

Afterwards, Patriarch Shura didn't dodge, suddenly opened his hands, and stretched directly towards the huge sword intent. Then, under Yang Chen's shocked gaze, Patriarch Shura hugged the huge third-level sword intent!

rattling rattling...

After Patriarch Shura embraced the sword intent, a huge oppressive force also came from the arms of Patriarch Shura. Under the squeeze of this huge force, it can be seen that the sword intent on the third layer suddenly Dense cracks appeared. The sound of shattering was unheard, and the cracks were like spider silk, quickly chapped on the third layer of sword intent.

"Smash this old man!" Shura Patriarch raised his head to the sky and roared angrily. I don't know if his voice had an effect. The next moment, the huge third layer of sword intent collapsed from bottom to top, section after section. Yang Chen watched helplessly as the huge sword intent slowly dissipated in Patriarch Shura's chest, and felt a little shocked in his heart.

Although he didn't fully control the third level of sword intent, shouldn't it be so fragile? Or is this so-called Immortal Realm too powerful? Even the third level of sword intent can be ignored at will?

However, Yang Chen also saw that after Patriarch Shura crushed the third layer of sword intent, there was also a look of weakness in his eyes. It can be seen that this action should have consumed a lot of strength of the ancestor Shura.

"Yang Chen, if you can fight me to this level, you are considered one of the best existences even in the Emperor Realm." Patriarch Shura took a deep breath and said with a smile: "However, your days are coming to an end. Come down, the old man will finish you in five minutes!"

Asura Patriarch said, he raised his hand and opened his fingers towards Yang Chen.

There was also a look of contempt in his eyes.

Hearing this, Yang Chen couldn't help but sneered: "Ancestor Shura, you said before that you would kill me within five minutes, and now you still say five minutes? You don't feel ashamed and panic, I still want to kill you." It's embarrassing!"

"What did you say?" As soon as these words came out, Patriarch Shura's complexion instantly darkened, and his eyes were filled with fire.

Afterwards, countless red mist suddenly gushed out from Patriarch Shura's body, and these red mist were like blood mist, rapidly winding and expanding on Patriarch Shura's head. Immediately afterwards, Yang Chen saw that the red mist turned into a huge red object on the head of Patriarch Shura. This object was like a censer, vivid and vivid, and densely engraved with mysterious runes on the censer. .

Yang Chen looked intently.

Only then did I realize that the runes on the incense burner were not runes.

Turned out to be a piece of human face?

These people have different faces and expressions, some are smiling, some are crying, some are excited, and some are sad.

This incense burner is like a picture in the world, depicting all kinds of living beings.

"What is this?" Looking at the huge censer floating above the head of Patriarch Shura, Yang Chen also took a breath. For some reason, when he saw this censer, Yang Chen suddenly felt an unprecedented pressure. . This oppressive force was invisible, and it continuously penetrated into Yang Chen's bones from the inside out, oppressing his nerves and limbs.

"This is the power of incense!" Hearing Yang Chen's words, Ah Mo's voice also rang out from his head, and said quietly: "Incense is a great symbol after stepping into the realm of immortals, Yang Chen, you want to Be careful. It seems that this old thing has been hiding his strength just now, and next, he is going to get serious!"


Hearing these two words, Yang Chen was slightly taken aback, a little confused.

And just when Yang Chen was puzzled, he saw Patriarch Shura suddenly opened his mouth, as if sucking in air, continuously absorbing something. And as Patriarch Shura opened his mouth, he saw that the red mist on the incense burner also turned into a stream of red light, continuously piercing into Patriarch Shura's mouth.

It can be seen with the naked eye that as the red glow entered Patriarch Shura's mouth, his body also grew rapidly. From ten feet to one hundred feet, and finally to hundreds of feet tall, the majestic body is like a mountain peak, and the strong sense of oppression makes people almost tremble. And the aura on his body also increased several times suddenly, as if Patriarch Shura had changed suddenly.

His palm is the size of a planet.

He raised his right hand, and with a light wave, the countless stars around him exploded instantly, turning into dust in the air.

Afterwards, Patriarch Shura formed a fist with five fingers of his right hand, and swung it viciously at Yang Chen below!

Boom boom boom...

Wherever the fist passed, the space vibrated violently, and the rubbing brought a burst of gorgeous flames. The fist of Patriarch Shura, like a meteorite, blasted over in an instant with the aura of destroying heaven and earth.

Bang bang bang!

With one punch, the entire Stardust field trembled violently, and dense cracks appeared almost instantly. It can be seen that with the iron fist of Patriarch Shura as the center, the entire Stardust Domain was shattered piece by piece, and a large amount of spatial turbulence also gushed out from the dark hole, and the entire Stardust Domain was shattered. It was with this punch that he became dilapidated.

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