Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 134: The Fury of the Buddha and the Lion

Chapter 134 Buddha Angry Lion Gang

On the sky!

The God One Chi and the Kaishan Seal are still colliding, and the huge impact produced by the two is like an explosion, constantly impacting everyone's vision.

The sea of ​​clouds crazily rolled back to both sides, and was unexpectedly blown out of nothingness.

However, the collision didn't last long, and then I heard a burst of cracking sound from the opening seal, and cracks suddenly covered it densely, like a spider's web quickly cracking.

Opening the mountain seal, after all, can't stop the gods by one foot!

And just when it was about to collapse...

Jiang Yue snorted, pushed his hands upwards, and the second mountain-opening seal was condensed again, bombarding the god above his head one foot away——


A crash, like thunder!

And as the second Mountain Opening Seal rushed out, cracks began to appear on the foot of the god, and the sword energy trembled "buzzing", and the originally solid body also became illusory at this moment.

"Huh?" Yang Chen let out a light hey.

next moment……

Shenming Yichi and Kaishan Seal exploded directly, and both of them turned into dots of crystal light and dissipated completely.

"That's right." Yang Chen nodded, with admiration in his eyes.

This god's one foot is the first sword intent, which contains infinite power. If it is counted on the real level, it can be said to surpass the spiritual level martial skill.

But these opening seals, just two of them, actually washed away his god by a foot?

This surprised Yang Chen a little.

However, the one who was even more surprised... was none other than Jiang Yue!

Of course he knows the strength of the Kaishan Seal, it is the unique skill of the Kaishan Sect, a spiritual martial skill!

In his early years, Jiang Yue had been an inner sect disciple in the Kaishan Sect, so he was fortunate enough to have learned the Kaishan Seal, and he knew exactly how powerful it was. Although it is impossible to kill a strong late martial artist at one time, it will not be blocked so easily!

"Your martial arts are very interesting."

Yang Chen said lightly: "It seems to be a kind of seal martial art, not like the unique knowledge that the Qingfeng Empire can possess. You used to be... you weren't from the Qingfeng Empire, right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yue's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he said:

"That's right, I really didn't stay long in the Qingfeng Empire. In my early years, I was a member of the third-rate power in the mainland, Kaishanzong!"

"Third-rate forces..."

Hearing this, Yang Chen nodded thoughtfully.

On the Canglan Continent, there are many forces, divided into three, six, and nine ranks.

There are roughly ten super powers, dozens of first-rate powers, hundreds of second-rate powers, thousands of third-rate powers, and countless fourth-rate and fifth-rate powers.

Like the Qingfeng Empire, it is at most a fifth-rate force.

Yang Chen was a little surprised that he was able to join the third-rate forces.

"It seems that you must have had some great opportunity in the early years, otherwise, it would be impossible for Kaishanzong to accept you as a disciple and teach you spiritual martial arts." Yang Chen said lightly.

Jiang Yue has ordinary appearance and ordinary aptitude.

If he didn't get something and made a deal with Kaishanzong, then Yang Chen absolutely didn't believe that any third-rate force would accept him.

Hearing this, Jiang Yue couldn't help being startled.

When he secretly marveled at Yang Chen's sharpness, he also felt creepy. He suddenly had an intuition that he was like a stripped naked woman in front of Yang Chen, and he could see clearly.

At this moment, Jiang Yue suddenly became anxious.

Didn't he just send someone to call Jiang Chixin? Why hasn't the other party come over yet?

Jiang Yue was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, and even felt powerless.

"Forget it, I don't want to know about you..."

"Now, go to hell."

After Yang Chen finished speaking, he suddenly raised his right hand and tapped Jiang Yue lightly.

In an instant, spiritual power gushed out and gathered at Yang Chen's fingertips.

The pitch-black light was like amber, and behind Yang Chen, it gradually turned into a huge pitch-black finger, shining with a cold aura.

"The Great Nirvana Finger!"

Yang Chen spat out a few words.


The finger whizzed out in an instant, and after a sonic boom of rubbing in the air, it whizzed towards Jiang Yue opposite.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yue's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly twisted out the seal formula in his hand.

The spiritual power was like a spider's thread, intertwined and entangled in his hands, and finally turned into several runes.

However, this step seemed to be a bit strenuous, Jiang Yue was already dripping with cold sweat halfway through. He hesitated for a moment, and suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, blood spurted out, staining the runes red.

After those runes were stained with blood essence, their radiance immediately rose.

The next moment, it was actually entwined with the martial soul behind Jiang Yue!

After the lion martial soul was dressed up with these runes, it looked as if it was wearing a piece of armor, looking majestic and majestic!

"Buddha Fury Lion Gang!"

Jiang Yue let out a loud shout.

The next moment, the lion jumped out directly from behind Jiang Yue, opened its bloody mouth, and bit off Yang Chen's Nirvana finger!

Just hearing a "bang", the Nirvana finger suddenly turned into dots of crystal light and dissipated.

"Eh?" Yang Chen let out a light snort.

"I didn't expect that you would be willing to use Wuhun as an attack? It seems that it was a life-threatening blow."

Yang Chen smiled slightly, but he was extremely contemptuous.

Jiang Yue said coldly: "Give up! This Buddha's Fury Lion Gang is my most powerful killing move, which combines the power of the martial soul and my blood essence. If you are hit by him, you will definitely die!"

The voice just fell...

The lion martial soul suddenly raised its head and let out a roar.

The roar contained spiritual power, and the sound waves spread out round after round. Wherever they passed, even the surrounding stone walls were shaken to dust.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, all people below the level of a martial artist felt pain in their eardrums and their brains were buzzing.

Those who are not good, just lie on the ground and vomit.

Even those with weak cultivation had blood overflowing from their mouths and noses, and passed out directly.

"Sound martial arts..." Yang Chen murmured.

This old thing, there are quite a few things with strange sounds.

But just as the sound wave was about to touch Yang Chen, the big yellow dog behind him suddenly barked.

The sound wave in front of Yang Chen was directly shattered, and the lion was also shattered back several steps.

Then the big yellow dog suddenly jumped out, opened its mouth, and bit the lion!

With this bite, the rune on the lion's body burst open, turning into crystal light and dissipating. With another bite, the lion let out a mournful cry, its figure became thinner and thinner, and finally turned into nothingness...


Seeing this scene, Jiang Yue's face was instantly pale as paper.

He didn't expect that his martial soul would be wiped out so easily?

After losing his martial soul, Jiang Yue's whole body softened, and he knelt down on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood from his mouth.

On the forehead, cold sweat dripped down.

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