Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1367 Return to the original owner?

Chapter 1367 Return things to their original owners?

Let's talk about Yang Chen.

After Yang Chen left Guanghan Palace, he flew directly to the distance. His speed was very fast, almost using all his speed. Where he passed, it was difficult to catch Yang Chen's figure with the naked eye, only a faint afterimage left in the air, and soon, even this afterimage disappeared without a trace.

And soon, Yang Chen's figure flew over Zhongzhou, and gradually flew towards the endless island.

After flying to one of the small islands, Yang Chen's figure suddenly stopped slowly, his eyes revealing a look of contemplation. Afterwards, Yang Chen patted the storage bag and took out something from the storage bag.

Compared with things, it is a human arm!

This arm was blocked by spiritual power, so there was no rot, but perhaps because of the long-term lack of sufficient blood circulation, the skin of this arm became a little pale.

It looked bloodless.

This arm does not belong to anyone else, it is the arm that Yang Chen chopped off from Emperor Ming Cheng back then.

But at this moment, this arm is covered with dense runes, like earthworms all over it. The order in which these runes are arranged is very mysterious, and there seems to be a sense of regularity in it.

These runes are a kind of tracking runes, and the breath of Emperor Mingchen is planted on them, that is to say, as long as he has this arm, he can easily find the trace of Emperor Mingchen.

That's right.

Emperor Mingchen is one of Yang Chen's candidates!

The reason why he chose Emperor Mingchen was very simple. First, Yang Chen didn't know many masters in the imperial realm, and Emperor Mingcheng was one of them. Moreover, the other party has been in the Emperor Realm for a very long time, so there is no need to say more about the depth of his strength.

Second, although Emperor Mingchen said his intentions were not righteous, he had to admit that he was indeed a very talented person.

Especially when there are too many secrets hidden in the other party, and some weird crooked ways. Sometimes, these sorceries can't even be resisted by those who know a lot about Emperor Mingchen, let alone those from higher planes.

With this guy, there will always be some unexpected effects!

Moreover, he still has an arm of Emperor Mingchen in his hand, he can guarantee that Emperor Mingchen will never dare to go against his will.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen directly raised his hand, and lightly wiped Emperor Ming Chen's arm.


The next moment, the runes suddenly trembled on Emperor Mingchen's arm. Immediately afterwards, Yang Chen saw these runes, and suddenly floated up from Emperor Ming Chen's arm, twisted rapidly in the air, and finally turned into a black arrow.

Straight, pointing to a certain place in the north.

Seeing this, Yang Chen didn't say anything, just moved in the direction the arrow was pointing, and flew over.

After flying for about five or six minutes, the shadow of a small island gradually appeared in front of Yang Chen. This small island is very hidden, and there are many islands with similar shapes around it. If Yang Chen didn't have arrows to guide him, he might really get lost here.

The arrow, pointing down from the sky, pointed directly at the island.

"Are you here?" Seeing this scene, Yang Chen murmured, his eyes also showing thoughtfulness.

He didn't say anything, just moved his body and landed directly on a cliff of this small island.

The island is lined with mountains, densely covered with plants, and lush virgin forests cover the island. As long as you listen carefully, you seem to be able to hear the cry of wild beasts coming out of this primeval forest.

"This place is really nice, with mountains and rivers, it's more suitable for living..." Yang Chen murmured, and said to himself, when he said this, he suddenly paused, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, evoking a smile.

"I didn't expect you to enjoy it quite a bit?" Yang Chen said with a light smile.

He seemed to be speaking to the air, and he seemed to be speaking to himself.

And just as Yang Chen finished speaking -- "Shushasha", there was a sudden sound of rustling footsteps behind him.

A figure also came out of the bushes, and then stood quietly behind Yang Chen.

A hoarse voice followed, "Why are you here?"

Hearing this, Yang Chen turned his head to look, and saw a middle-aged man in his forties standing behind him. This man looks handsome, but he looks a bit embarrassed, his clothes are all tattered, his face is also unshaven, and he doesn't care about his appearance.

Like a tramp, his body is dirty.

Looking at the other party's appearance, Yang Chen frowned slightly, and said lightly: "How did you get into this appearance?"

Hearing these words, Emperor Mingchen sneered, and there was anger in his eyes.

Wasn't it thanks to Yang Chen that he became like this? He is now wanted by both Endless Island and the Zhongzhou court. It can be said that he can't go back to either side. He can only shuttle and escape in these isolated islands like a wandering soul.

And the culprit of all this is Yang Chen!

If it wasn't for Yang Chen, how could his majestic Dali Siqing end up in this situation? Like a lost dog!

"Hmph." Emperor Ming Chen snorted and said with a sneer, "Father, how strange is that? Today, how did you remember that you came to visit your son?"

"Well, I have something for you." Hearing this, Yang Chen nodded, and then patted the storage bag. I saw that Yang Chen took out a human arm from the storage bag, and threw it into Emperor Ming Chen's hands.

"I'll give you this thing back!" Yang Chen said lightly.

Emperor Mingchen took his arm, he was stunned for a moment, and then there was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

Yang Chen... actually gave back his arm?

Emperor Mingchen's face was full of doubts, and his heart was also filled with shock.

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting. This thing was originally yours, so naturally it needs to be returned to its original owner." Yang Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Emperor Mingchen was even more shocked. He knew Yang Chen, and the other party would never let an enemy have anything beyond his control. And this arm is exactly what he can restrain himself, and the other party gave it back to him so easily?

This made Emperor Mingchen not only not have the slightest surprise in his heart, but rather frightened and suspicious.

"What do you mean? Why did you give me back your arm?" Emperor Mingchen frowned, carefully observing his arm, his eyes sparkling.

"Poisonous? Are you poisoned?"

"Or did you set up a restriction? Want to lure me into the bait?"

Emperor Mingchen asked suspiciously.

Hearing this, Yang Chen's expression was as usual, and he said calmly: "Don't worry, I didn't poison you, and I didn't set any restrictions. I just wanted to return this arm to you. I've already said that, If you want it, take it, if you don't want it, throw it away."

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