Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1394: The End

Chapter 1394: The End


With one punch, Wu Shanhe's earthen wall collapsed and fell apart. The earthen wall, which looked like a fortress, exploded directly, turning into countless sand and stones, splashing in all directions.

And the dark red arm was even more destructive. After breaking through the earth wall of Wu Shanhe, it directly bombarded Wu Shanhe behind the earth wall.


Seeing the crimson arm flying over, Wu Shanhe's face also changed, and his eyes revealed a look of shock.

He never thought that his earthen wall, which was as solid as a fortress, would be so vulnerable in the hands of Emperor Mingchen? Didn't even make a move, and then just collapsed?

However, now is not the time to think about these things.

The next moment, Wu Shanhe raised his hands, and the emerald green energy of the immortal body wrapped around his fingers. Wu Shanhe pushed forward with both hands, and pressed the palms with the energy of the immortal body directly on the dark red fist.


The palm is pushed on the fist.

A huge force also gushed out from Wu Shanhe's body.

And under this huge force, the dark red arm hesitated a little, and then, only the sound of "Ka Ka Ka" was heard from that arm.

Starting from the five knuckles of the arm, dense cracks burst out and spread rapidly around the arm.

It's about to explode!

"Hmph." Seeing this scene, the corners of Wu Shanhe's mouth slightly raised, and there was a little disdain in his eyes.


Seeing this scene, Emperor Mingchen on the opposite side did not panic in the slightest, on the contrary, the corners of Emperor Mingchen's mouth suddenly raised slightly, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

For some reason, after seeing Emperor Mingchen's smile, Wu Shanhe's body suddenly shivered for no reason, and his back was suddenly wet with cold sweat.


Wu Shanhe didn't have time to think about what happened!

Because at the next moment, the sound of "噗噗噗" suddenly sounded, and a lot of purple mist suddenly gushed out from the cracked arm. The mist floated out from the crack on his arm, and quickly diffused around. Wu Shanhe didn't even have time to react, and his whole body was directly surrounded by these purple mist.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen's expression changed instantly, he quickly grabbed the second daughter beside him, and took a few steps back quickly.

The second daughter seemed to have noticed something, and her eyes showed fear.

Fortunately, Yang Chen's reaction speed was very fast, so they were not affected by the purple mist.

And everyone also saw that where the purple mist pervaded, the flowers and plants quickly withered and turned into a black mess.

"Is this...poisonous gas?"

Ling Yuyao opened her mouth, and there was still fear in her eyes.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately raised their heads and looked at Wu Shanhe not far away.

Wu Shanhe, who was under the purple mist, was also coughing violently at this moment, and he quickly stretched out his hand to cover his mouth. However, these purple mist penetrated everywhere, no matter how Wu Shanhe covered his mouth and nose, he still absorbed a lot of poisonous gas.

Gradually, Wu Shanhe also felt a sense of weakness.

His limbs gradually became numb, and he felt that he couldn't exert all his strength.


Wu Shanhe gritted his teeth, resisting the feeling of weakness in his body, raised his hand, waved his sleeve, and directly dispersed the purple mist around him.

But even though the purple mist was blown away, there was still a lot of poisonous gas left in his body, and the feeling of weakness didn't decrease in the slightest.

"Fourth, you are despicable!"

Wu Shanhe was about to burst into tears, his eyes were full of anger, and his eyes were even more bloodshot.

"Hahahaha!" Hearing these words, Emperor Mingchen sneered suddenly, he raised his foot, and walked slowly towards Wu Shanhe.

"Third Brother, this is not despicable, this is non-toxic and not husband!"

"Hmph!" Wu Shanhe snorted coldly, with disdain in his eyes: "A person like you can only use some indecent means and stalking behind your back! What kind of husband is he?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing this, Emperor Mingchen laughed even more happily. He raised his right foot and kicked directly towards Wu Shanhe.


With one kick, Wu Shanhe was directly kicked to the ground.

Emperor Mingchen stepped on his chest, and said quietly: "Third brother, this world is where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive. Do you think that if someone wants to kill you at this moment, would you blame him for using any means? "

"Third brother, I thought that after so many years, you would become more or less mature. But I didn't expect that you are still the same as before, so immature!"


Speaking of this, Emperor Mingchen sighed.

He took out a dagger from his sleeve robe, and the sharp blade shone coldly in the sun.

"Third brother, I didn't want to kill you at first, but I didn't expect you to come to my door by yourself. But... I can't blame me for this. If I want to blame, I blame you for insisting on avenging the dead man!"

"It's just a dead person. Why do you have to avenge him? The warrior world is so big, and countless people die every day. What's the point of dying? Why are you so narrow-minded?"

Emperor Mingchen shook his head.

Puzzled in his eyes.

Wu Shanhe was lying on the ground, two lines of tears gushed out of his eyes, he didn't know if he was mourning the change of Emperor Mingchen, or he was thinking about his dead brother.

He slowly closed his eyes.

There was a look of despair on his face.


At this moment, there was only a "pop", an arm stretched out from nowhere, directly grabbed Emperor Mingchen's wrist, and then turned it hard!


"Ah!" Emperor Mingchen screamed, clutching his wrist and screaming crazily, the bone in his hand was directly twisted.

"what are you doing?"

Emperor Mingchen frowned, and asked with resentment on his face.


Yang Chen waved his hand and said lightly: "It's just that the game is over, you've already won, there's no need to kill him. If you dare to hurt a single hair of his hair, I will definitely kill you."

The cold words slowly spread in the air.

Hearing these words, Emperor Mingchen couldn't help but tremble a little, and fear welled up in his eyes.

And Wu Shanhe on the ground.

I cried even more desperately.

He didn't look like a man who had lived for tens of thousands of years, but like a child, he suddenly began to cry heart-piercingly.

The crying of grief made people feel anxious.

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