Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1425: Ming Chen's Proposal

Chapter 1425 Ming Chen's Proposal

at the same time.

In the Tianlu, a group of people are still cultivating silently on the railway at this moment, and Mu Lingyun is also nourished by the spiritual energy of the Tianlu, and his injuries have gradually improved. Her face also slowly turned rosy, and the wound was almost healed.

"I didn't expect the spiritual power here to be so abundant? I've never seen such a magical place!" Mu Lingyun stood on the sky road, her eyes were full of splendor, and she looked around curiously.

On her forehead, sweat was dripping.

Of course, the sweating was not due to injury, but because the pressure in the Tianlu was too great, even Mu Lingyun felt a little overwhelmed.

Looking at the shocked Mu Lingyun, Ling Yuyao sneered and couldn't help laughing: "It's normal for you to do this, even when we just came in, we were shocked by the strange scene here!"

Speaking of this, Ling Yuyao also had some joy in her eyes.

After all, she has just made a breakthrough, so it's normal to be excited.

"Congratulations, Palace Master Ling." Mu Lingyun smiled slightly, and immediately said with some doubts: "However, Yang Chen has been away for such a long time, why hasn't he come back? He has been gone for three or four days, right? "


As soon as Mu Lingyun finished speaking, the ascetic monk beside him just chuckled, shook his head, and explained: "Miss Mu, you don't know that the flow of time here is different from the flow of time in the outside world. Although three or four days have passed here time, but to the outside world, it is only about an hour."

"I see!"

Mu Lingyun was shocked again, and nodded slowly.

"However... why is there such a strong spiritual power here? And the flow rate of time is different? Who made such a magical place?" Mu Lingyun was still a little puzzled.


The ascetic monk laughed: "If you say who built the road to heaven, I don't know, but I can answer your other two questions."

"First, why is the spiritual power here so abundant? That's because the restoration of the Heavenly Road has killed many spirit beasts. Each of these spirit beasts has a very strong internal force, and countless spirit beasts have been repaired. This broken road!"

"Secondly, why is the speed of time here different from that of the outside world? What I thought in my heart may be because this heavenly road was once integrated with the long river of time, right? Although the long river of time has been separated from the railway, it is also It used to exist, and in the long years, the long river of time changed the rules of this place, and also changed the time of this place. Therefore, even after the long river of time and the heavenly road are separated, the influence brought by the long river still cannot be annihilated!"

"So it is!"

Although Mu Lingyun was a little confused, she probably understood what was going on, so she nodded and said.

And at this moment.

Ka Ka Ka!

Just hearing this cracking sound suddenly sounded, and then everyone saw a dark crack suddenly appearing on the sky road.

This crack appeared out of thin air, and everyone was startled. Everyone's expressions became tense, and a cold light appeared in their eyes.

But soon, two figures appeared from the crack. One of them was a middle-aged man in his thirties, with a resolute face and sharp edges, exuding a sense of sharpness all over his body.

The other person is a young man in his twenties. Compared with the middle-aged man, his complexion is much softer, with a gentle smile on his face.

Needless to say, these two people are Wu Jing and Yang Chen.

"Yang Chen? Wu Jing?"

Seeing the two people who appeared, Ling Yuyao and Mu Lingyun were slightly taken aback. They were both people who had met Wu Jing, so the moment they saw the two people appear, the murderous aura on both of them dissipated.

"Sorry everyone, I kept you waiting for so long!" Yang Chen smiled and led Wu Jing forward, saying, "Everyone, let me introduce to you, this is my good friend and also Wu Shanhe's former friend Grandson, Wu Jing!"

"I've seen you guys!"

As soon as Yang Chen finished speaking, Wu Jing was also very discerning. He immediately cupped his fists and saluted everyone.

"Hahahaha!" Just as Wu Jing finished his salute, the crowd suddenly burst into laughter. Mo Qiu stepped forward and hugged Wu Jing happily: "Good grandson, why are you here? You really want Mo Qiu to die." Grandpa, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you have grown a lot taller! I still remember when I first met you, you were touching my chest!"

Seeing the person rushing over suddenly, Wu Jing was taken aback for a moment, and then there was joy in his eyes, and he said overjoyed, "Grandpa Mo, why are you here?"

Mo Qiu is Wu Shanhe's elder brother, so Wu Jing and Mo Qiu have also met.

"You said, of course it's the same as you!" Mo Qiu said with a smile.

And while the two were talking.

There was only a whoosh, and a figure flashed out like a ghost, standing directly between Wu Jing and Mo Qiu.

The sudden appearance of the figure startled both of them. However, Wu Jing hadn't had time to say anything more, he just felt that the man had already grabbed his right hand, and a strong force was also coming from his right wrist.

"Two Heavens of Emperor Realm?"

A voice of surprise followed.

It was only now that Wu Jing could see clearly that standing in front of him was a middle-aged man in his forties, with a fierce expression on his face, and the coldness in his eyes was even more creepy and chilling.

"Fourth, what are you doing?" Mo Qiu stepped forward and looked at him coldly.

Needless to say, the person who rushed out suddenly was undoubtedly Emperor Mingchen.

"It's nothing." Emperor Mingchen chuckled, let go of Wu Jing's hand, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect this little guy to step into the emperor's realm? Yes, he is much better than his old man!"

Emperor Mingchen spoke with appreciation in his eyes.

"Who are you?" Wu Jing looked at him suspiciously.

After all, Emperor Mingchen had no contact with Wu Shanhe and Mo Qiu, so even Wu Jing was not very familiar with Emperor Mingchen, and the two had never met before.

"It's normal that you don't know me." Hearing these words, the corner of Emperor Ming Chen's mouth slightly raised, and he said with a sinister smile: "However, if you count according to seniority, you still have to call me Fourth Grandfather!"

"But forget it, I don't bother to delve into these clichéd etiquettes! I think you have good aptitude, why don't you ask me to be your teacher?"

The corners of Emperor Mingchen's mouth raised slightly, and the words came out astonishingly.

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