Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1466 Emotional Entry

Chapter 1466 Emotional entry

If he wants to control his emotions, the first hurdle Yang Chen needs to overcome is not to be affected by emotions. Only in this way can he be respected by the killing emotions, recognize the master and sign a contract with the killing emotions.

And just when Yang Chen wanted to ask the next thing, Ah Mo sneered, and said disdainfully: "You go through this first level first, and then talk about it. If you can't even survive the first level, then Even if I say the latter things, it won’t help.”

"first round?"

Hearing this, Yang Chen sneered, and said, "You said I couldn't even make it through the first test, don't you think you're too small on me?"

"I'm not underestimating you." Hearing this, Ah Mo shook his head, and said lightly: "Although controlling emotions is the first level, it is also the most difficult level. If you want to completely control your emotions, it is not Such a simple thing! Just like when you are angry, can you control your anger? When you are happy, can you control your sorrow and joy? Emotions are the most difficult thing in the world to control, and The most excruciating thing in the world!"

"In the past, there were countless people who wanted to control their killing emotions like you, but they were all influenced by emotions in the end! Do you know what the end of being influenced by emotions is?" Speaking of this, Ah Mo's tone Suddenly there was a little more coldness in the middle, and he couldn't help but sneered.

"What is it?"

Hearing this, Yang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help becoming curious.

"After being swayed by emotions, people can't get out of emotions, and can only be reduced to a killing tool that only knows how to kill!" Ah Mo's voice came out slowly, and the tone echoed in the four directions.

And his words also made Yang Chen tremble uncontrollably, and there was a little chill in his eyes.

He didn't want himself to become a monster who only knew how to kill from now on, so after hearing Ah Mo's words, Yang Chen also showed a little hesitation in his eyes.

"Why, are you scared?" Seeing Yang Chen's hesitation, Ah Mo sneered, and said, "If you're scared, it's too late to quit now. If you wait for the killing emotion to spread throughout your body, you just want to It's too late to quit!"

Hearing Ah Mo's words, Yang Chen fell silent.

Indeed, once the emotions merged into his body, it would be very difficult for Yang Chen to escape again. However, Yang Chen also knows the importance of the heart of martial arts. If he chooses to retreat at this moment, he will definitely struggle and be blocked in the martial arts in the future!

Retire once a day, retire every day, and retire forever!

"When did I say I was scared?" Yang Chen sneered, took a step forward, and said, "I was just thinking about other things just now, if that's the case, then tell me how to introduce this emotion to myself in your body!"

As soon as these words came out, Ah Mo was also a little surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Aren't you afraid that this emotion will dominate your body?"


"Why don't you back down if you're afraid?"

"Why do you shrink back when you're afraid?" Yang Chen looked at him curiously.

"Aren't you afraid of being dominated by emotions and becoming a monster who only knows how to kill?"

"Scared!" Yang Chen spat out another word.

His answer immediately made Ah Mo a little confused, and some didn't know how to answer his words. He didn't understand, since Yang Chen was afraid of being dominated by killing emotions, why did he ask Ah Mo to help him and introduce killing emotions into his body?

Is not this contradictory?

However, Yang Chen didn't think so much, he just said lightly: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and introduce the killing emotion into my body!"

The key competition is coming soon, Yang Chen doesn't have much time to think about other things now, the only way for him to increase his strength is to introduce this emotion into his body.

"Amo, before that, I would like to advise you, you'd better not play tricks!" At this moment, Yang Chen said suddenly, with a serious and murderous look on his face.

"You should know that if I am dominated by killing emotions, you will be the first person I will kill. After all, there is no one else here except you and me!" Yang Chen said in a serious tone.

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that the surrounding air had frozen, and a layer of faint ice crystals had formed on the ground. The dense breath made people feel like a big stone was pressed against their chest, making them almost unable to breathe.

What Yang Chen said was right, if he was dominated by killing emotions, then he would definitely find ways to kill Ah Mo. And Ah Mo is now suppressed by the Rune Mountain, and he has no power to resist at all. At that time, he can only watch himself being beheaded by Yang Chen!

Therefore, instead of saying that Yang Chen wants to control the killing mood now, it is better to say that both Yang Chen and Ah Mo want to control the killing mood. Now they are already two grasshoppers tied to a rope.

If one dies, both must die!

"I understand." Ah Mo took a deep breath, and then said: "Actually, the method to introduce killing emotions is exactly the same as your method of absorbing spiritual power. You only need to use the method of cultivation to absorb killing emotions into the body." In your breath, it will enter your body along your breath, and integrate with your limbs."

Hearing Ah Mo's words, Yang Chen nodded.

Without much hesitation, he sat cross-legged directly, then patted the storage bag, and took out a storage scroll from it.

Yang Chen spread out the scroll, took out a small red ball transformed by killing emotions, and held it on the palm of his hand.

Yang Chen was silent for a moment, and then a suction force diffused from his palm. Under this suction force, the small red light ball was also shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it was constantly moving. Disappeared in general.

But Yang Chen knew that it wasn't that the red ball was disappearing, but that it was constantly penetrating into his body.

"Emotions have entered your body, pay attention to yourself, and try to control it first! Keep your mind and sobriety, don't be suppressed by it all at once!" Seeing this scene, not far away Ah Mo at the office also said solemnly, with a surprisingly serious tone.


Just as Ah Mo finished speaking, Yang Chen also felt an unprecedented icy breath, which gradually spread from his palm, like sea waves, and was constantly sweeping across his body.


The next moment, Yang Chen suddenly took a breath.

His originally clear eyes also suddenly turned crimson, like eyes of blood!

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