Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1471: Assembly

Chapter 1471 Assembly



In the blink of an eye, two days had passed since Yang Chen and Mu Lingyun left. During these two days, Yang Chen and Mu Lingyun were constantly on their way.

However, they didn't hurry, but stopped and stopped along the way. Yang Chen also took advantage of this time to practice.

Over the past few days, Yang Chen has perfectly controlled the killing emotions on the Dragon Sword, and he can already spread the emotions to the target he wants to lock very accurately.

It's just that Yang Chen hasn't tried how to spread the emotions of multiple individuals at the same time. However, although Yang Chen hasn't tried it yet, he is quite sure that he can lock at least three or three individuals at the same time.



call! call!

The bitter cold wind swept the yellow sand and blew past it continuously. The yellow sand was like a hard stone, constantly beating on people's bodies. This hard yellow sand also slapped everyone a little painfully, and they couldn't help cursing inwardly.

As far as the eye can see, this place is the Gobi Desert.

The strong wind kept rolling up the desert, and looking around, it seemed that there was a thick backlog in the sky, and others could hardly breathe.

"There are sandstorms here almost every day, and the wind howls. It is extremely desolate. It is indeed a place called Beihuang. It is indeed depressed and desolate." Standing on the desert, Mu Lingyun raised her head and glanced at the distant wind. He also couldn't help but said.

"Who said it wasn't?"

Yang Chen also nodded.

Such a harsh environment is unique even in the whole world. Although the Northern Wilderness is not a glacier, the temperature is also very strange. The temperature during the day is very high, like a stove;

Otherwise, maybe even people will be frozen the next day.

If it wasn't for the fact that Yang Chen and Mu Lingyun were warriors, they probably wouldn't be able to withstand such a harsh environment.

"Yang Chen, are you sure it's here?" Just at this moment, Mu Lingyun asked curiously.

Hearing Mu Lingyun's words, Yang Chen raised his head and glanced at the desolate scenery around him. Afterwards, Yang Chen nodded and confirmed: "There is no mistake, this is the place that Daoist Fukong told me about!"


Hearing Yang Chen's words, Mu Lingyun frowned.

There is also a little suspicion in the eyes.

"The surrounding area is deserted, not to mention people, not even half a vulture. Is such a place really the meeting place for the key competition? Will someone establish a plane passage in such a place?" Lingyun's eyes showed suspicion, disbelief, deep doubt and vigilance.

turn out to be.

In the past two days, Daoist Fukong had already sent a message to Yang Chen, saying that today was the day they left to participate in the key competition. Moreover, Daoist Fukong also sent the specific location to Yang Chen, telling Yang Chen to bring people here to gather.

But now.

The surrounding area is deserted, not even a single ghost can be seen.

"This person Fukong has always been secretive about his actions, but he won't lie to me, at least not now. I reckon that plane passage should be here." Yang Chen murmured.

"All right."

Mu Lingyun nodded.


While the two were discussing, they heard a burst of piercing sound suddenly whistling past, both of them shook their bodies, raised their heads subconsciously, and their eyes also showed vigilance in unison.

next moment.

The two just saw a group of figures flying over from not far from the sky. The leader of this group is a middle-aged man in his forties, handsome, with a majestic look on his brows.

And behind him, the group of people who followed were not weak, almost all of them had reached the emperor level, and all of them were masters of masters.

"Master Cui?"

The moment he saw this group of people, Yang Chen's eyes were full of surprise, he stepped forward, cupped his fists at the middle-aged man who was leading him, and said with a smile: "Master Cui, long time no see, don't It's all right!"

That's right.

This group of people is none other than masters from the Yin plane.

And the person in charge is the manager of the Yin plane and the master of the ghost gate, Cui An!

"Brother Yang!" Seeing Yang Chen walking over, Cui An also clasped his fists and smiled, "Brother Yang is also safe and sound, the longer he grows, the more handsome he is, the more heroic he is!"

"Don't dare to act, dare not act."

Yang Chen shook his head.

Immediately afterwards, Cui An suddenly slapped the storage bag, took out a pill from his bosom, and gently put it in Yang Chen's hand.

"This is?" Yang Chen frowned, looking at him suspiciously.

"A small gift is not a respect, it's right to be Cui's congratulations to Brother Yang for being the administrator of the plane! We will work together in the future, and please forgive me!" Cui An said with a smile, and also hugged Yang Chen. , very polite.

Hearing this, Yang Chen couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He quickly helped Cui An up.

Immediately afterwards.

The two of them introduced the people behind them respectively.

As for Cui An's reason for coming, Yang Chen also figured out that the other party's purpose was the same as his own, they came for the key competition. After all, this is a matter related to the entire yin and yang dual planes, Cui An naturally cannot ignore it, and the group of people behind him are all masters he has carefully selected from the ghost gate.

The weakest one is also the peak of the Nine Heavens of the Martial Saint Realm, while the rest of them have already stepped into the Emperor Realm.

"Cui still remembers that the last time the managers met, the manager of the Yang plane was still the Queen of the Red Dust. I didn't expect to see you today, but it was replaced by Brother Yang. It really is a passing time, things are different." Cui An sighed There was a little sadness in the tone of the voice.

I don't know if it's Yang Chen's illusion.

Cui An seemed very emotional and regretful about the arrest of Queen Hongchen. The two seemed to be good friends, and Cui An even had a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it."

Cui An shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother Yang, it's getting late, is it time to call your people over?"


Hearing this, Yang Chen nodded.

Without much hesitation, he directly took out the communication jade tablet from his bosom, and then poured a wave of spiritual power into it.

Yang Chen's consciousness also rushed in.


"Beihuang gather!"

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