Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1482: Space Axis!

Chapter 1482 Space Axis!



The endless darkness!

The surroundings seemed to be shrouded by a black hole, and the endless darkness hovered around, making it impossible to reach out. As soon as everyone entered, all the original scenery disappeared in an instant, and even the powerful Yang Chen couldn't see anything inside, as if the light had been swallowed up.

Here, not a single ray of light can penetrate!

However, although Yang Chen couldn't see anything, he could still feel that the surrounding space was distorting in an extremely strange state. Although this distorted state could not be detected with the naked eye, Yang Chen's body could really feel it.

"How are you feeling?"

Relying on his body's senses, Yang Chen subconsciously turned his head and said to the people behind him.

He couldn't see anything clearly in this black hole, and even speaking, he only relied on his body's subconscious and senses.

And just as Yang Chen finished speaking, there were several familiar voices in the endless darkness.

"I'm fine!" A crisp voice came, it was Ling Yuyao who spoke.

"I'm fine!" As soon as Ling Yuyao finished speaking, Mu Lingyun on the side immediately replied.

"I feel okay, I'm not that sad!" Emperor Mingchen's voice sounded faintly.

As these few people spoke, they could only hear voices from the people behind them. Although they couldn't see anything, they heard each other's voices. They rang one after another in their ears, and they still couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in their hearts.

This warmth warmed their hearts, and their nervous hearts instantly settled down.

A strong sense of security surrounded everyone.

Seeing this scene, Cui An also turned his head. Relying on his senses, he glanced at the people behind him and said, "Everyone from the Yin plane, are you all right?"

"Hallmaster, we are fine!"

The same words came from almost every master of the Yin plane at the same time, and everyone said in unison that they were all fine.

"I... I'm fine." At this moment, a delicate voice sounded slowly, her voice seemed a little weak, and even contained a little weakness.

And everyone also recognized the owner of this voice. Without a doubt, this person is the only girl in the Yin plane, Jing Shu.

Seemingly hearing the weakness in Jingshu's tone, Cui An couldn't help but frowned and asked, "Jingshu, are you okay? Can you hold on?"

After a moment of silence.

There was also a voice from Jingshu's mouth: "Don't worry, Dianzhu Cui, I'm fine, please don't worry about me!"

"Don't worry!" Just as Jing Shu finished speaking, the old man's voice rang out in the darkness, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the pill I just gave her is enough to support her for a while. If she can't support the periphery of this passage, isn't the old man's medicine pill too useless?"

"Ha ha!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help laughing, obviously they were also moved by the old man's humor.

However, Dianzhu Cui still seemed a little worried. After hesitating for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "Jingshu, you are well. If you really can't hold on, you can speak up, and we can all help you find a way."

"Understood, thank you, Palace Master." Hearing these words, Jing Shu in the dark clasped her fists, her tone showing gratitude.

Immediately afterwards.

Everyone just kept flying.

They don't know how long they have been flying in this darkness. The world they live in seems to be boundless. No matter how they fly, it seems that there is no end in sight. The surrounding dark space seemed to never recede, and even a ray of light could not be transmitted through.

Yang Chen couldn't remember how long he had been flying.

one day? two days?

a year? two years?

Or one or two hundred years?

Endless darkness shrouded around his body, like a nightmare, if not for the company of people around, Yang Chen swore that he would be driven crazy!

And it was precisely because the people around them were accompanied that everyone's emotions were not wiped out by the endless darkness. Everyone seems to know how lonely this journey is, so after flying for a while, someone will jump out and tell a few jokes from time to time, to liven up the atmosphere and relieve the pressure in everyone's hearts.

"Everyone, if we are not far ahead, we can pass through this dark space!" At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded from the crowd. An old man who is a plane merchant.

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback for a moment, with doubts in their eyes, and asked curiously: "How did senior know?"

After all, they were in this kind of place now, surrounded by pitch black, and couldn't see anything clearly. They couldn't figure it out, why did the old man suddenly say with such certainty that the dark space was about to be pierced ahead?

"Is it because of the space axis?" Just when everyone was wondering, the demon god suddenly said something.

Axis of space?

Hearing this, everyone was slightly taken aback.

The old man also laughed, nodded, and said: "Yes, it is precisely because of the axis of space that I can already feel the existence of the axis of time very accurately! This also means that we are about to enter the bifurcation of space. Already!"

The two exchanged words with each other.

However, what they said fell into the ears of everyone like a heavenly book, and they were all a little confused when they heard it.

What space axis? What space fork segment? I don't understand at all!

And as if aware of everyone's doubts, the old man laughed and then explained.

turn out to be.

Everything has a center point, including space. Space also has a center point, and this center point is called the axis of space.

And the whole space is like a huge body, and the bifurcations of the space are like the nerves in this body. These nerves cover every part of the body, and they also lead to all directions of the body.

Every direction represents a space.

If everyone wants to go to a higher plane, they must go through these nerves, which is the so-called space fork.

"I see!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen nodded and said, "Since we're almost at the center, let's speed up too!"


Everyone responded one after another.

I don't know if it's their illusion, but everyone just feels that the more they fly to the axis of the space, the more they feel a little overwhelmed. It was as if invisible, the force of distortion was a little bigger.

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