Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1518 Yang Chen’s Thoughts

Chapter 1518 Yang Chen’s Thoughts

"August 15th..."

Hearing Bai Mo's words, everyone's eyes showed a little surprise. Counting the time, there are still about ten days until the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Where is the specific location of the competition? Does Commander Bai know?" At this moment, Yang Chen asked again, with a questioning look in his eyes.

Commander Bai nodded when he heard this and said: "The location of the competition has been announced half a month ago, in Qingshui City. This city is an abandoned city, deserted all year round, and it is also surrounded by primitive mountains. There will be monsters coming out. Generally speaking, this city is still very dangerous. If you want to go there, I can send the guards from the leader's mansion to escort you there."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Chen and others smiled and shook their heads.

Although Commander Bai is enthusiastic on the surface, Yang Chen and others are well aware of the other party's character. Therefore, it is better for them not to have any relationship with each other if they can. This also saves them from causing any trouble.

"We appreciate Commander Bai's kindness, but we don't plan to leave the city anytime soon, so Commander Bai doesn't have to worry about it." Yang Chen chuckled and said, "By the way, Commander Bai knows how long this competition will last. time?"

"From the beginning of this year's Mid-Autumn Festival to the end of next year's Mid-Autumn Festival, it will be a whole year! When the Mid-Autumn Festival comes next year, there will be plane commanders who will conduct golden key inspections and tests on strong men from various planes. Do the calculations and select the top one hundred people." Commander Bai said in a deep voice.

"The first hundred?" Upon hearing this, Yang Chen and others raised their brows slightly, with frightened expressions in their eyes.

"What about the remaining planes?"

"Haha, the rest... will of course be destroyed." Commander Bai chuckled, with a hint of playfulness in his tone.

"hiss"! As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and their pupils also shrank severely.

In this competition, only the top 100 planes will be selected?

"How many planes are participating in the total?" Yang Chen asked.

"This... I can't explain clearly. After all, there are so many planes in the world. Excluding some who are not eligible to participate, there are probably... more than two thousand planes." After Bai Commander pondered for a moment, he spit out a number.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Chen and others were shocked again.

There are more than two thousand planes, but only the first hundred are taken? Will the remaining more than 1,900 planes be destroyed? Not to mention how many creatures there are in this plane, just this huge number is enough to shock people!

"Have you always destroyed so many planes before?" Yang Chen asked in disbelief.

"It didn't happen before..." After hearing Yang Chen's words, unexpectedly, Commander Bai slowly shook his head and said: "In the past, being able to destroy five hundred planes was already a big deal. . This time, the number of destruction is nearly four times that of the past! I don’t know why, but those plane managements have to make such a decision. Maybe something went wrong?”

Speaking of this, Commander Bai's eyes also showed doubts and contemplation, but after thinking for a moment, Commander Bai laughed out loud and said: "However, with the current strength of these few, they should not even be able to compete with the top 100." Can’t get it?”

Hearing this, Yang Chen fell silent.

"What about after getting the first hundred? Isn't there going to be a plane war in a few years? Since these planes have been destroyed, what else is the need for a plane war for?" Yang Chen asked.

"Mr. Yang doesn't know. The plane war is the collective name for the key competition and the subsequent battle. The game you are participating in now is also a plane war. However, if you win this game, you will be quite good. So you have the qualifications to live, and if you stand out in the subsequent battle, the result will be completely different!" Commander Bai said calmly.

"What's the result?" Yang Chen asked.

"You will advance to a higher plane!" Commander Bai slowly spat out a few words.

"If you can advance to a higher plane, you no longer need to become pawns of the plane managers, and you no longer need to bear the risk of being destroyed. After advancing to a higher plane, the plane you are in will be transformed by the managers. Both the cultivation resources and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will be greatly improved. At that time, your entire plane will enjoy the blessings of the higher planes, and even your status will be different from the past!"

Commander Bai spoke up to explain.

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

"However, there are very few places in this higher plane, so I advise you not to make any decisions. In the previous plane war, there were more than two thousand planes, but only two seemed to be promoted. This is a one-thousandth chance! As for this time, I don't know, it may be more, it may be less, but the quota is still very precious!" Commander Bai said with a smile.

In the past few years, he has seen too many people in the mezzanine of planes who spoke grandly and determined to advance to higher planes. However, their subsequent results were nothing more than being destroyed, eliminated, or continued to be reduced to the middle plane, and they could not escape the shadow of this plane war for the rest of their lives.

Every day, I live in the nightmare of destroying others, or being destroyed by others...

"Thank you, Commander, for your advice! We understand!" After hearing Commander Bai's words, Yang Chen nodded, with gratitude in his eyes.

No matter what happened before Bai Tong took the lead, at least this time, he helped himself and others.

"Mr. Yang was joking." After hearing this, Commander Bai shook his head and said with a smile: "Since Mr. Yang doesn't want this mansion, I won't force you to do it. If you still need help with anything, please feel free to ask. Come to the chief’s mansion to see me, I won’t bother you any more today, take my leave!”

After saying this, Commander Bai clasped his fists at everyone, turned around and left the hotel.

After Commander Bai and others left, Yang Chen did not stay any longer and returned upstairs with everyone.

"This time we have no other purpose, only one, and that is to survive! Even if we cannot advance to a higher plane, it is still much more cost-effective than being destroyed!"

As soon as he entered the room, Yang Chen locked the door. After stating the information that Commander Bai had just provided to everyone, he also put forward his own point of view.

"So, our goal this time is to try not to provoke those who are ranked too high. Our goal is just to be in the top 100, so no matter what, we just need to keep the top 100."

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