Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1,558 Cultivation!

Chapter 1,558 Cultivation!

The tearing pain has been permeating Yang Chen's body. He endured the severe pain. Cold sweat was already dripping on his forehead and his back was dripping with sweat. He looked extremely painful.

Ling Yuyao and others on the side were watching this scene with worry. Everyone's fists could not help but clenched, and their eyes showed nervousness.

"Senior Demon God, Yang Chen... won't have any problems, right?" Ling Yuyao's little face was full of nervousness, and she asked with concern and worry.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look at the demon god, and they all showed questioning expressions.

They have not yet entered the realm of land gods, and do not know much about the so-called power of incense. And the person who has the most say at the moment is undoubtedly the demon god.

Hearing this, the demon god frowned, with a little confusion in his eyes. To be honest, this was the first time for him to see such a strange sight. He had never heard of any ferocious beasts in the higher planes that could train a warrior's incense power.

"I don't know very well." Thinking of this, the demon god gave a bitter smile and said: "Whether it is a blessing or a curse, I don't know very well. As for the final result, we can only look at Mr. Yang's own destiny. .”

Speaking of this, the demon god suddenly laughed and said, "But don't worry too much. Mr. Yang's ability to reach this point is not just due to opportunities, but his wisdom and strength."

"Please believe in Mr. Yang. With his ability, he will be able to survive this level smoothly. Also, please don't idle here. Although this energy is of great help to the power of incense, it is , but it can also improve the strength of several people."

The demon god laughed and said softly.

After hearing the demon god's words, everyone raised their brows slightly, with surprise in their eyes, and couldn't help but say: "Senior, are you saying that we can also use this energy?"

"of course!"

Ruo Ruo smiled and explained: "Any matter in the world with energy as its attribute can be used by warriors. In other words, as long as it is energy, it can be absorbed by warriors. But the quality of this energy There will be high and low, pure and mottled. Similarly, energy will also affect people's minds. Different energies will have different effects. Of course, this is distinguished by the physique of the warrior. What kind of energy do some warriors have, and what kind of energy are not suitable for certain warriors? There is a way to do this."

After hearing the demon god's words, everyone nodded, with understanding in their eyes.

"Is this energy suitable for us? There won't be any problems if we absorb it, right?" Wu Jing asked aloud, with excitement in his eyes.

People like him have a much stronger pursuit of martial arts and strength than ordinary people, so Wu Jing seemed extremely happy at the demon god's words. Originally, he had always thought that the pinnacle of martial arts was the Imperial Realm, so after entering the Imperial Realm, Wu Jing felt confused and didn't know where his future should lead.

But now that he has come to this mezzanine, Wu Jing fully understands the truth that there are people outside the world, there is a sky outside the sky, and the strong among the strong have the strong among the hands. This also made Wu Jing's heart more full of fighting spirit and full of desire to improve his strength.

After listening to Wu Jing's words, the demon god smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem. If there is a problem, I don't dare to let you take this risk! Moreover, this energy is extremely pure, for those of you For cultivators, there will be unexpected benefits!"


Speaking of this, the demon god's tone suddenly paused, and he said quietly: "However, you have also seen that the process may be a little painful. You should also know how Yang Chen looks. As for how painful it is, it will be inconvenient for me. said."

"Whether it hurts or not, what's the point of fear? We have been practicing for so many years and have endured many storms and waves. Why are we still afraid of this small pain?" Hearing this, Han Shuo suddenly laughed loudly, and in his words Fearless.

And the people around him also laughed.

Indeed, they have been practicing for such a long time, and in their eyes, the mere pain is just a passing cloud, not worth mentioning. As long as you don't die, it doesn't matter.

After hearing what everyone said, the demon god also nodded and couldn't help laughing. Indeed, these people are not weak. They have been in the world of warriors for tens of thousands of years, and they all feel the cruelty of martial arts.

They really don't take the mere pain seriously.

"Okay." Thinking of this, the demon god nodded and said: "Since everyone has made up their minds, I won't say anything more. Please go ahead! However, please do everything according to your ability. Don't Be greedy for success, lest your body cannot bear this energy and cause counter-effects!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

And they didn't stop for much. They sat cross-legged and quietly in front of the corpse of the ferocious beast. Each of them took off one of the scales and placed it in front of themselves.

At the same time, black energy was like a river, pouring out of the scales almost simultaneously and entering everyone's bodies.

A group of people just started practicing silently.

The demon god silently acted as a guard for everyone. He raised his hand and strengthened the restriction on the iron door a little more.

After the restriction on the iron gate was almost unbreakable, the demon god turned around and left with satisfaction. He didn't stay any longer and just found a place to sit down silently and rest.

The Qilin clan is different from humans. Humans can stay awake after entering cultivation, but the Qilin clan is different. They need sleep to maintain rest.

If there is insufficient sleep, the demon god's mental state will be poor, and similarly, his strength will be greatly reduced. It has been several days since he came to this mezzanine. In these days, the Demon God has never rested.

It just so happened that he could take advantage of this moment of free time to relax and take a rest.

Inside the iron gate, inside the secret room.

The whole atmosphere suddenly became silent, so silent that you could hear a pin drop clearly.

And this is also the first time that everyone has practiced together in a real sense after entering the interdimensional plane.

A warm and harmonious scene like this is truly rare and rare.

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