Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1590 Di Cangqiong’s Attitude

Biquge, the fastest update for 80,000 years of rebirth!

Chapter 1590 Di Cangqiong’s Attitude

"Di Cangqiong, don't be anxious, just take your time and enjoy the show." Looking at the furious Di Cangqiong, Taoist Master Fukong smiled slightly and said with a smile, his tone was very leisurely.

And this leisurely tone made Di Cangqiong feel a sense of contempt. He was already extremely angry, and now his face was even redder with anger, and he wanted to tear Taoist Master Fu Kong into pieces.

"Fukong, you'd better not let me come out, otherwise, I will chop you into pieces and feed you to the dogs!" Di Cangqiong said with a sinister tone.

Hearing this, Taoist Master Fukong did not have any fear. Instead, he smiled unhurriedly and said: "Hey, Di Cangqiong, Taoist master knows very well that with your ability, you can naturally do it easily." Break open my whisk!"

"However, since you didn't seriously break away from my whisk, it means that it seems that you still don't want to chase Yang Chen in your heart?" Taoist Master Fukong said with a smile.

As the saying goes, people become better with age, so why couldn't he see it?

Although Di Cangqiong's face was full of anger, and he often said that he would tear himself into pieces, but even though the other party said so, his body did not take any action.

If the other party really wants to chase Yang Chen and use all his strength. I'm afraid that Di Cangqiong had already broken free of his fly whisk just a second ago.

Where can I talk so much nonsense?

After hearing Taoist Master Fukong's words, Di Cangqiong's face changed slightly, and his eyes showed a little embarrassment. It can be seen that he was indeed hit the mark by Taoist Master Fu Kong, and he smiled awkwardly at this moment.


Seeing this scene, Taoist Master Fukong sighed helplessly and said: "Di Cangqiong, Di Cangqiong, you are already a long time old, why are you still so dishonest? Like a child?"

After Master Fukong said these words, with a wave of his right hand, he untied the whisk that was entangled with Di Cangqiong and set him free.

Di Cangqiong moved his stiff body and said to Taoist Master Fu Kong: "As the saying goes, see through and don't speak out. You just need to know it in your heart. Why speak out? Can't you save some face for me?"


Speaking of this, Di Cangqiong sighed, his tone full of sadness, and said quietly: "Actually, how can I not want to save my own people in my heart? However, Taoist Master Fukong, you know very well that Liu How strict are the iron laws among the clans! Even I, even the patriarch of the Qilin clan, cannot violate the regulations of the six clans by one person!"

"What's more, you know better that this Qilin tribe is not something I can make the decision on alone! There are people from the elder group above who are watching covetously, keeping an eye on me all the time! They want me to make a mistake and kill the leader of the Qilin tribe. The position is assigned to their cronies!"

The more Di Cangqiong talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the more helpless he became.

From the perspective of ordinary people, as the leader of the Qilin clan, he is already extremely noble and holds a high position.


Ordinary people don't know that the higher the position, the greater the risk. The farther you climb, the more people want to watch you and watch you make mistakes all the time.

Hearing this, Taoist Fukong was silent for a moment and said, "So, you actually planned to let Yang Chen in from the beginning, but you just didn't find a good reason, right?"

"So what?"

Di Cangqiong snorted coldly and said: "I am the leader of the Qilin tribe after all. I can't let an outsider in in an open and aboveboard manner. Is it better to go to the blood pool holy land of my Qilin tribe?"

"But fortunately, you are such an old man, you must have figured out my intention! That's why you sang with me and let Yang Chen in, right?"


Hearing this, Master Fukong smiled slightly: "Anyway, Master Tao, I owe you a favor this time. If there is a chance in the future, Master Tao, I will definitely make up for it myself!"

"No need." Upon hearing this, Di Cangqiong shook his head and said lightly.

He raised his head and looked into the depths of the mountain forest, with melancholy in his eyes.

I'm afraid even Di Cangqiong never thought that in this life, he, the dignified leader of the Qilin clan, would openly take the lead in violating the Qilin clan's treaty and let an outsider in?

Even if we look at the entire history of the Qilin Clan and pull out all the Qilin Clan patriarchs, we probably won’t be able to find a patriarch as bold as him, right?

"Although I let him in, this is the maximum limit. I will never help him. Therefore, whether he can find the blood pool to save his friends can only depend on his own ability." Di Cangqiong sighed. He took a breath and said silently.

Yang Chen, you'd better find the blood pool!

Otherwise, you will have wasted all my hard work!

Seeing this scene, Taoist Master Fukong beside him also fell silent, staring quietly at the direction where Yang Chen disappeared without saying a word.

The qilins beside him were also full of worry.

Yang Chen was able to do this for the people of the Qilin tribe. Such actions also allowed Yang Chen to gain some status in the hearts of these Qilins.

Therefore, they sincerely hope that Yang Chen will be safe and sound. The best thing is to find the blood pool and save his friends.

In the mountain forest, Yang Chen shuttled carefully, and in his storage bag, the body of the demon god was stored.

He could clearly feel that as time passed, the demon god's life breath was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, which made Yang Chen feel a little anxious.

He understood that it was urgent to find the blood pool and save the demon god.

He must race against time and use the blood pool to bring the demon god back to life as quickly as possible!

"Go there and have a look!"

"Remember, don't let this kid escape!"

"Even if we dig three feet into the ground, we have to dig out this outsider. We must not let him enter the pool of blood!"

Suddenly, voices came from behind, and a group of Qilin guards were seen walking back and forth in the forest.

His eyes were like those of an eagle, scanning every corner of the mountain forest sharply.

Although they didn't dare to make too much noise, there were too many of them and their distribution was extremely wide. If this continues, they may be able to find Yang Chen in less than half an hour.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chen's heart became slightly gloomy. He took a deep breath and minimized the aura and presence in his body.

Cautiously, crawling towards the depths.

The same group of guards behind him were also searching forward cautiously. They wanted to find Yang Chen, but they didn't dare to alert the elders. It could be said that they were very torn.

And all of this is also an advantage for Yang Chen.

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