Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1,616 Terrorist Suppression

Chapter 1,616 Terrorist Suppression

"If anyone dares to disobey, they will die!"

The cold voice of the nightmare spread through the air, and wherever it passed, the surrounding space seemed to freeze. Feeling this formidable aura, everyone around them couldn't help but tremble, with fear in their eyes.


At this moment, Lin Nian could only hear a sad laugh. The next moment, he collapsed to the ground with a plop, and said with a bitter look on his face: "Master, if you want the throne, why do you need to go to war like this? Disciple sends That’s it for you…”


Hearing this, Nightmare raised his brows slightly, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

I only heard Lin Nian continue to say: "Master is right. Everything my disciple has now was given to me by Master! Without Master, I, Lin Nian, would not be where I am today, not to mention this small little one." As for the throne, even if my master asks me to die, I, Lin Nian, will not even frown!"


Hearing these words, Nightmare raised the corners of his mouth and chuckled, with a hint of disdain flashing in his eyes.

"It's rare that you still have such filial piety. Anyway, just because of these words of yours, I won't kill you today! Get out of here, take your friends, and get out of the imperial court!"

After saying this, Nightmare waved his sleeves, and a huge amount of energy roared out. Lin Nian, Xiao Yue and Ke'er were suddenly rushed dozens of meters away by the energy and fell to the ground in a panic.

Under this powerful energy, the three of them had no power to resist at all. They could only act like ants, allowing themselves to be ravaged by nightmares.

After doing all this, Nightmare looked at the circle of ministers beside him and said lightly: "Okay, now you have to make a choice. Will you live with me? Or die against me? Make your own choice!"

As soon as these words came out, the ministers all looked at each other with fear and fear in their eyes. There were even a few who were timid and even twitched slightly, with faint foam coming out of their mouths.

As ministers, the most important thing for them is to be loyal ministers, but there are also many people who are afraid of death. So at this moment, the ministers were also in a dilemma.


At this moment, a minister suddenly stood up, pointed at Nightmare, and said coldly: "Yang Chen, thank you for being treated so well by our imperial court, treating you like a distinguished guest! I didn't expect that you are actually Wild ambitions? Wanting to overthrow my imperial government? This is simply treason!"

"Even if I, Qingfeng Li, die, I will not let you succeed!"

This minister is over sixty years old, and his beard and hair are all white, but the words he speaks at this moment are iron-clad. Indignant.

An inviolable majesty also surged out of the minister's chest. Haoran's righteousness made the ministers around him change their faces slightly and sigh in their hearts.


However, seeing this scene, Nightmare's expression did not change at all. Instead, he became more and more mocking and said lightly: "What is your official position?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, the official named Li was slightly startled, and then said proudly: "I am the head of the imperial cabinet, Li Qingfeng! I am of the highest rank!"

"Oh, it turns out he's a first-grade official." Hearing this, Mengma nodded, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Zhengyipin is the highest-ranking official in the entire imperial court. And the head of the cabinet is the most powerful minister who is above countless first-class officials!


Looking at Nightmare's face, Li Qingfeng snorted and said proudly: "I have been favored by the emperor for three generations and have been assisting His Majesty for generations! My Li family has been tied to the imperial court for a long time!"

"You want me to become a traitor and a traitor?"

Speaking of this, Qingfeng Li suddenly sneered, with deep disdain in his eyes: "I'm afraid it will never be possible for you to realize this wish!"

"That would be a shame."

Hearing this, Nightmare nodded, with a hint of regret in his eyes.

Then, he looked at one of the ministers and said casually: "From today on, you will replace the old man and continue to hold the position of the chief!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

There was anger in his eyes.

The person pointed at by the nightmare was just a young man in his early twenties. He had just entered the officialdom not long ago, and his status was only a ninth-grade sesame official. The nightmare actually made him jump to the position of head of the cabinet? If this spreads out, it will probably make everyone in the world laugh at it, right?


Hearing this, Qingfeng Li became angry unpredictably. He raised his hand, pointed at the nightmare opposite, and scolded: "My official position was given by your Majesty, how can you tamper with it?"


As soon as Qingfeng Li finished speaking, Nightmare raised his hand and waved his sleeves.


A huge amount of energy suddenly surged out of Nightmare's body. And under the sweep of this huge energy, Qingfeng Li's whole body was directly exploded, and his body turned into a blood mist that filled the sky and slowly dissipated in the air.

Snap! Snap!

The minced meat mixed with internal organs fell to the ground, and the blood dyed the ground red.

Nightmare... actually killed another minister?

Or a genuine minister?

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and angry!

The angry thing is... Nightmare doesn't regard them as royal officials as human beings at all, they are just ants that they want to kill!

And what is horrifying is... in the face of such a powerful opponent, I am afraid that even all the armies of the entire Endless Island combined cannot resist the power of Nightmare alone!

"I said, those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish. Ministers, please don't make the wrong choice today, lest you make a wrong step and make a mistake every step of the way!"

Nightmare said with a smile.

Hearing this, the bodies of all the ministers trembled slightly. You look at me, I look at you.

No one dares to make a choice.

But at this moment.

I saw a figure suddenly walking out among the ministers. After bowing deeply to Nightmare, he kowtowed three times and bowed nine times.

This person was the official who had just been selected by Nightmare to become the head of the cabinet.

"I am here to pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

The new cabinet chief bowed respectfully to Nightmare, then held a jade fold in his hand and spoke.


Seeing this scene, the surrounding ministers were slightly startled, and many of them had anger in their eyes.

They didn't expect that this guy would give up His Majesty so easily and choose to join the rebels?

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