Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1,627 A strong breakthrough!

Chapter 1,627 A strong breakthrough!

"It's you?"

Looking at the old man in front of him with a bamboo hat on his head and a raincoat, Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, and said in surprise.

"Is it you...are you the boatman who brought us here?" Yang Chen took a breath of air and suddenly felt a little numb.

"Hehehehe." Hearing this, the boatman chuckled and said, "Have you finally recognized me?"

After hearing this, Yang Chen quickly stepped forward, saluted the old man with his fists clasped, and said respectfully: "I didn't expect you to be the old man? I couldn't recognize you on the lake at that time. I was really ignorant. Taishan, I hope senior will forgive me!"

"Ha ha!"

Hearing these words, the old man laughed, with admiration in his eyes, and said cheerfully: "Yes, you have such a level of cultivation, but you can still maintain your character, and you are also so humble and polite! A young man like you is really It’s extremely rare!”

Over the years, he has met countless warriors, and also met too many arrogant people, who thought that after achieving some small achievements in martial arts, they became arrogant.

But most of them failed to pass this test of the heart.

Yang Chen was silent for a moment and said: "Senior, I would like to ask, did my friend just now pass this trial?"

"That friend of yours." After hearing this, the boatman's face suddenly became a little gloomy, and he said with an unpleasant look on his face: "This is exactly what I want to say to you next, be careful with your Friend...he has given up his heart!"

Abandoned your own heart?

Hearing this, Yang Chen was slightly startled and subconsciously took a breath of air.

"What does senior mean by this? What does it mean to give up one's own heart?"

"That's what it means literally." The old man pondered for a moment and then said Youyou: "I can't reveal too much to you about the trial. All in all, you should be more careful."

Hearing what the old man said, Yang Chen stopped asking any more questions.

But Yang Chen became more curious about what he said. To be honest, the demon god has changed after all, and is no longer the kind-hearted Di Yan before.

Yang Chen was really worried that he would do something outrageous.


Before Yang Chen had time to think about it, he saw a huge amount of energy suddenly pouring out of his head. This energy was like a waterfall, pouring out from the sky above our heads, rushing towards Yang Chen below!

"Is this?" Feeling this huge energy, Yang Chen was slightly startled, with a look of fright in his eyes.

"Here you go...this is the reward of the Heart Trial! Enjoy it, I won't disturb you anymore!" The old man smiled softly, and after saying this, he turned around and left, disappearing behind far away.

And the moment he left, the huge energy in the sky poured directly into Yang Chen's body like an enlightenment!


The huge energy seemed to be pervasive like ocean waves, and like a trickle, it continuously penetrated Yang Chen's flesh and blood. This energy filled every corner of his body, washing through his bones and veins!


Under this domineering and wild energy, Yang Chen also frowned, veins popped up on his forehead, and he couldn't help but let out bursts of wailing sounds.

After all, this energy is too powerful, as if it will burst Yang Chen's body. Even though he has stepped into the Zifu Immortal and has a body that is more powerful than a mortal... Even so, he can't bear it. This powerful energy!

If someone were standing next to Yang Chen at this moment, they would definitely find that traces of blood were seeping out of his skin at this moment, dyeing his clothes red.


After a scream, Yang Chen's vision became increasingly blurry, and then he felt his eyes go dark, and he fainted on the ground.


Completely unconscious.

"Alas." At this moment, an old sigh rang out, and the boatman who had left originally turned back again without knowing when.

He looked at Yang Chen quietly on the ground, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, and said with a wry smile: "Is this energy really too powerful? Even you can't bear it?"

"Well... it's fate that we can meet each other. I quite admire you as a young man. In that case, I will make an exception and help you. As for these energies, how much you can absorb depends on your own fate. Got it!"

After saying this, the boatman raised his right hand and gently pressed it on Yang Chen's head.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of energy surged out from the palm of the boatman's right hand, like a warm current, extremely warm, and sank directly into Yang Chen's body.

And under the nourishment of this warm energy, the pain on Yang Chen's face also dissipated a lot, his whole demeanor gradually calmed down, and his aura became much more stable.

After doing all this, the boatman didn't stay any longer. After laughing softly, he turned around and left, and his figure slowly disappeared into the distance.



After the boatman left, Yang Chen's breathing became more and more rapid as he passed out. I don't know how long it took, but Yang Chen was shocked, as if he had had a nightmare, and he suddenly woke up from the ground.

"Ha! Ha!" Yang Chen gasped violently. After a while, the pupils in his eyes gradually condensed, and he was no longer as confused as before.

"what happened?"

Just now, Yang Chen clearly felt that he could no longer bear the energy and his body was about to be torn apart... Another strange energy surged out from outside his body?

This energy seemed to possess some kind of magic power, constantly warming his mind.

It made him feel an unprecedented comfort.

"What's going on?" Yang Chen frowned, and his heart was full of doubts about all this.

But soon, he discovered to his horror that the energy in his body had completely merged with his physical body? And it blends perfectly?

Not only that, but also his cultivation, he actually entered the late stage of Zifu Immortal at this moment?

"What...what's going on? My cultivation has jumped directly to the late stage of Zifu Immortal?" Yang Chen's face was dull, full of astonishment, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Before entering the trial, his highest expectation was that he could enter the middle stage of Zifu Immortal... But he didn't expect that this energy would not only allow him to enter the middle stage, but also jump directly to the late stage?

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