Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1,670 Benefactor, help!

Chapter 1,670 Benefactor, help!


Seeing their companions who were suddenly shrouded in golden light and whose expressions were gradually becoming trance-like, the people in Canglang Continent exclaimed in surprise, with shock in their eyes, and couldn't help but scolded: "Asshole! What did you do to him? "

"Stop it!"

People from Canglang Continent said one after another.

However, just when they were about to attack Yang Chen, they saw a black shadow floating out like a ghost. The black shadow appeared so suddenly that before anyone could react, a cold light suddenly cut through the air!


In an instant, the air vibrated!

Everyone in Canglang Continent exclaimed and took a few steps back without any hesitation, looking at the sudden appearance of the black shadow with shocked faces.

This man was a dark, muscular man with an expressionless face, as if he was dead. But what shocked them even more was that the aura revealed by this strong man actually had the cultivation level of a golden elixir god?

"Golden, golden elixir immortal?"

Feeling this powerful cultivation, everyone in Canglang Continent took a breath of cold air, and their eyes became uncontrollably fearful.

They are all the immortals of Zifu. In front of the powerful Jindan, they are like ants!

For a moment, this group of people from Canglang Continent didn't know what to do. They just stood there blankly, hesitating.

And just when Canglang Dalu and others didn't know what to do, Yang Chen was constantly stimulating the power of the river of time in his body to instill it into the body of the person in front of him.

As the power of the long river of time surged, the man's body was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the hair on his body gradually faded, and finally he became like an ordinary person. His body changed from middle age to youth, then from youth to boy, and finally from boy to boy.

"What...what's going on?"

Seeing the shrinking companions in the audit, everyone in Canglang Continent around them was startled, and their pupils also shrank severely.

Not to mention them, even Ling Yuyao and others around them were secretly frightened. Although this is not the first time they have seen the power of the River of Time, every time they see it, they will feel a burst of heart palpitations.

It's really terrible!

"You, what did you do to me?" Seeing his body shrinking, the man's eyes widened and he said in fear. But his voice is similar to that of a five or six-year-old child. It sounds milky and milky. It doesn't look ferocious at all, but is actually very cute.

Yang Chen didn't answer him.

Continue to activate the power of time in your body!

As time went back, the man's body gradually turned into a several-month-old baby. Until his life was about to come to an end and his whole person was about to disappear, Yang Chen suddenly withdrew all his strength and then stretched out his other hand!

The left hand is downstream!

The right hand is reverse flow!

And as Yang Chen put his left hand up, he saw that the man's body had grown bigger again. Gradually, his body changed from a baby to a toddler, a toddler to a teenager, and finally back to the middle-aged man.

Even after his body fully recovered, the man still didn't react and was completely confused. He raised his hand and looked at his body in astonishment, as if he still hadn't realized what had happened.

"You, what did you do to me?" The man frowned, and as he spoke, his body turned into a wolf again, and he scolded with a fierce look on his face.

"Would you know what I did just by looking at your arm?" Yang Chen said calmly with an expressionless face.

Hearing this, the man frowned, lowered his head suspiciously, and looked at his arm. When he saw his arm, his whole body trembled, his pupils shrank violently, and the expression on his face became bizarre.

"Incense...the seal of incense! The seal of incense has disappeared?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Especially a few people from Canglang Continent, their scalps were numb and they came over with disbelief on their faces. And when they saw the bare arms of their companions, everyone took a breath of cold air, and their hearts suddenly felt like a storm!

The Seal of Incense...has really disappeared?

"How is this possible? The Seal of Incense has really been erased?" Several people from Canglang Continent were extremely excited, their bodies were trembling slightly, and there were tears in their eyes.

Isn’t the mark of incense irremovable?

This guy actually did it?

They just felt like they were in a dream, everything was so unreal!


The man whose incense seal was wiped off by Yang Chen knelt down to Yang Chen without any hesitation and cried bitterly: "Thank you so much for your kindness!"

"Ask our benefactor to save us!"

Seeing this scene, the people around him didn't hesitate at all and knelt down to Yang Chen with a plop. Everyone's eyes were filled with pleading.

They had taken action against Yang Chen before because they felt that it was impossible for Yang Chen to remove the Seal of Incense. Moreover, the mark has been planted on them for some time, and various methods have been tried. If there was a way, they would have erased this damn mark long ago.

In fact, they were desperate in their hearts and had already chosen to obey fate.

But now that Yang Chen's appearance has undoubtedly given them hope again, how could they not seize this opportunity?

Looking at the people kneeling in front of him, Yang Chen's expression was as usual, without much pity. He just said lightly: "You want me to erase your incense seal, but you have to answer a few questions first."

"What, what's the problem?" Everyone in Canglang Continent swallowed their saliva and asked anxiously.

"First, who are the superiors you just mentioned? Who are they? Why should they plant the Seal of Incense on you?" Yang Chen asked.

"Well... the superior is naturally the superior."

"Who is this?" Yang Chen continued to press: "Answer my question, don't choose to avoid the topic!"

"This... we can't say this!" The faces of the people in Canglang Continent changed, and they said with an ugly expression: "It's not that we don't want to say it, but we have the seal of incense on our bodies. Once we reveal their identities, they will not be revealed. It will be wiped out in one minute!"

"Yeah, we can't say that!"

"Once we speak out, I'm afraid we will be killed by our superiors before the Seal of Incense is erased!"

Everyone in Canglang Continent said this one after another, with fear and uneasiness in their tone.

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