Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1,709 Tongue Pulling Hell

Chapter 1,709 Tongue Pulling Hell

"Yang Chen, your sin is unforgivable and your sin is heinous!"

"Come on, send him to the eighteen levels of hell! And he must endure the suffering of each level of hell once!"

The middle-aged man's majestic voice resounded throughout the entire hall. This voice seemed to penetrate people's minds and reach straight to their inner soul, making people shudder.

Before Yang Chen could say anything, the next moment, the two tall ghosts and gods came over menacingly, holding the chains and hooking them towards Yang Chen.

Same as before, this time, Yang Chen still has no resistance at all? His body was directly sealed with iron chains and he left. I wonder where these two ghosts and gods would take him?

But Yang Chen could clearly see it.

At this moment, the eyes of those who were on the road with him around him were filled with deep fear. It seems that for them, what is about to greet them is boundless pain and suffering.

I don’t know how long I walked.

The two ghosts and gods dragging them gradually slowed down and then stopped.

Yang Chen subconsciously raised his head and looked in front of him, and then he saw a vermilion door suddenly appeared in front of him. Although the door was closed tightly, Yang Chen could still hear some screams from behind the door. The screams were faintly visible and sounded like ghosts crying to his ears, making people's scalp numb.

And on the top of the gate, there is a plaque hanging.

There are several words written on the plaque.

Tongue pulling hell.

"This is the first level of hell, the tongue-pulling hell! You are all people who have done evil in your previous lives, so you should wash away your sins in this first level first!" The ghost and god finished these words coldly.

Then there was a "creak", and the originally closed vermilion door slowly opened.

And the faint screams that were originally faint became stronger in an instant, and the screams were like the sounds of fighting on the battlefield.

What I saw behind the door was a real hell on earth!

Countless ghosts are being tied up with iron chains, and some little ghosts are using sharp, iron-red iron tweezers to pull out the tongues of these people. Red blood was splattered everywhere, and the air was filled with a strong fishy smell.

However, what is surprising is that.

The moment these people's tongues were pulled out, they grew strangely again, and then the ghosts continued to use iron tweezers to pull out their tongues.

What goes around comes around.

The pain also continued.

However, the most painful thing about hell is not the pulling out tongues and skinning, but the endless long years they need to spend in this hell.

Time seems to not flow here.

Take the first level of Tongue Pulling Hell as an example. The flow of time here is very different from that in the human world. Only one day has passed here after 3,750 years in the human world. Thirty days like this are one month, and twelve months like this are one year.

And you have to stay in the first level of hell for a full ten thousand years before your sentence is over.

Arrived at the second floor.

It would be even longer and terrifying!

The second level of hell is the scissors hell, and its time flow rate is half that of the first level of hell. In other words, only one day has passed in the scissors hell in the past 7,500 years on earth.

And the time he served was exactly twice as long as the time on the first level!

That is twenty thousand years!

the third floor……

The fourth floor...

The fifth floor...

This is the case all the way to the eighteenth level of hell.

Each torture time and the flow rate of time are doubled and slowed down from the previous level.

It is definitely a very painful thing for people to go through all eighteen levels.

Therefore, this is what others often say, you must not do bad things in this world. Otherwise, haha, you will have an easy time in hell!

Not to mention that you still have to endure these pains, even if you are not punished, just listening to these heart-rending screams, howling ghosts and wolf howls, is an extremely sour thing.

Except, of course, for masochists.

Yang Chen was even thinking, if there really is Meng Po soup in hell, who would forget to drink it and be reincarnated with the memory in hell. Yang Chen can guarantee that this person will be a good person in his second life. He will probably be afraid of stepping on an ant when walking on the road.

Of course, he was not afraid of stepping on ants.

What he was afraid of was experiencing this indescribable hellish suffering again.

When Yang Chen was thinking about it.

Two ghosts had already tied him to an iron pillar, and his body was covered with iron chains.

It was probably the first time for the two little guys to see such a calm person, and they felt a little strange in their hearts. They couldn't help but ask: "Yang Chen, aren't you scared? Pulling out your tongue is extremely painful!"

Yang Chen closed his eyes.

Not a word was spoken.

He could feel that the two brats had pried his mouth open at this moment, and then, along with a burst of severe pain, Yang Chen suddenly felt an endless fishy smell in his mouth.


This fishy smell only lasted for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a strong spiritual power spread and poured into his body.

"I see."

Yang Chen opened his eyes, and there was clarity in his eyes.

This Abi Hell Formation is actually instilling spiritual power into the people in the formation in the form of hell. Every torture is actually a process of spiritual growth.

And the amount of spiritual power required to go from Zifu Immortal to Jindan Immortal is more than a hundred billion?

From the first floor to the eighteenth floor, every torture, every increase in spiritual power, until the end, may just be enough to fill this huge demand.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen also closed his eyes and quietly accepted the criminal law.

He didn't know how long he had been here.

The ghosts around them rotated one after another. Some had finished their torture, while others were just about to be tortured. The only thing that hasn't changed is probably the scream that has never stopped.


At this moment, Yang Chen suddenly felt as if the iron chains that bound his body were loosened. The two ghosts said in a cold tone: "Yang Chen, ten thousand years have passed! Congratulations, you have entered the first level of hell." The suffering is over!"

"But don't be too happy. There will be seventeen levels of hell in the future! And the pain of each level of hell is several times that of the previous level!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen looked indifferent.

Not a word was spoken.

He spent a full 10,000 years in the Tongue Pulling Hell, which is 37.5 million years in the outside world!

Yang Chen's cultivation level has been significantly improved, but there is still a long way to go before he can become a golden elixir god.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen said directly to the two ghosts and gods beside him: "Come on, take me to the second level of hell!"

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