Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1,715 Surrender to order!

Chapter 1,715 Surrender to order!

"From today on, you will follow me and serve the great God of Order!" Wen Ruosong patted Chen Hao on the shoulder, with relief in his eyes.

After hearing Wen Ruosong's words, Chen Hao's eyes also showed excitement. He quickly clasped his fists, saluted respectfully to Wen Ruosong, and said, "Thank you, Commander Wen! Chen must be the magic effect of order." It’s the work of dogs and horses! Climb mountains of knives, descend into seas of fire, and fight until death!”


Hearing this, Wen Ruosong also laughed, and the joy in his eyes became even stronger.

"Good boy, you are ambitious!" Wen Ruosong nodded, looked him up and down, and said, "I think your cultivation is quite good, and your bones are not bad. In this way, from today on, you will follow me and do a good job." Soldier, learn the rules from me!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone around him took a breath, with envy and jealousy in their eyes.

Anyone who has just joined the plane law enforcement camp basically starts as an ordinary soldier. Being able to advance to a level in five hundred years is already a very fast promotion. And it is simply unheard of for someone like Chen Hao to be able to lead the soldiers as soon as he arrives!

Although the rank of a private soldier is not high and has the same rank as an ordinary soldier, you must know that he is the commander's personal soldier after all, and he follows the commander almost all the time!

As the saying goes, those who are near the water, first get the moon, what your performance is on weekdays, the leader will be able to see it immediately. The promotion opportunities you can get are also beyond the reach of others!

After all, if you were a leader, would you choose to give up the opportunity for promotion to someone you never knew, or to your closest subordinate?

I believe that as long as people are not mentally ill, they should be able to get the answer to this question very quickly, right?

After hearing Wen Ruosong's words, Chen Hao clasped his fists again and saluted Wen Ruosong respectfully.

This scene made others envious.

"Chen Hao, I have no objection if you want to join the Plane Law Enforcers, but there is an iron law that you must respect! No matter what your identity is or what kind of person you were before, as long as you join the Plane Law Enforcers, you must Absolute loyalty to the God of Order! Can you do this?" Wen Ruosong said in a serious tone.

"Of course. If I'm not loyal to the God of Order, why should I join the plane law enforcers?" Chen Hao nodded and said seriously.


Hearing this, Wen Ruosong nodded, and then he stretched out his right hand. Immediately afterwards, a rune also appeared on his palm, and he said: "In that case, then plant this rune in your heart to express your absolute loyalty to the God of Order!"

This rune is somewhat similar to the Seal of Incense.

But it is more cruel, more domineering, and more terrifying than the Seal of Incense!

After the Seal of Incense is planted, although the planter's life is controlled, his thoughts are not controlled. In other words, you can still think of other things.

As long as the grower doesn't take matters into his own hands, there is no threat to your life.

But the Seal of Order is different!

After being planted with the Seal of Order, no matter if you do or think anything disrespectful to the order itself, you will be absolutely suppressed by the Seal of Order, and your life will be wiped out by the Seal of Order!

Whether in action or in thought, you must be absolutely loyal to the order itself, so that you have a chance to survive!


In this huge camp of plane law enforcers, more than 90% of the law enforcers died not under the sword of the enemy, but under the Seal of Order!

The remaining people retain their absolute loyalty to the God of Order!

This is a very scary army!

When he saw the rune that Wen Ruosong handed over, Chen Hao's eyes also flashed with a hint of hesitation. If this hesitation was quickly covered up by him. Instead, there was a firm and serious smile, and he said: "It is an honor for me, Chen Hao, to serve the great God of Order! Since it is an order from the God of Order, I, Chen Hao, will definitely abide by it!"

Finish this sentence.

Chen Hao took a deep breath, grabbed the Seal of Order from Wen Ruosong's hand, and then branded it on his chest.

During this process, Wen Ruosong was also carefully observing Chen Hao's expression, as if he wanted to detect some clues from his face.


From the beginning to the end, Chen Hao's expression was extremely serious, and his eyes were full of determination, as if he was more pious to the God of Order than Wen Ruosong himself.

A few minutes later.

Chen Hao has planted the Seal of Order in his heart, and an unprecedented power has enveloped Chen Hao's body and mind. In the dark, he seemed to see an extremely sacred figure, smiling at him... This smile made Chen Hao feel an unprecedented sense of comfort...

At this moment, Chen Hao even felt that he could give everything for this person...

Seeing the gradually pious look on Chen Hao's face, Wen Ruosong nodded, his eyes showing respect. He understood that the young man in front of him was already being influenced by the great God of Order, and he believed that it wouldn't be long before he would become a devout believer like himself.

Thinking of this, Wen Ruosong's eyes sank slightly, with a look of piety in his eyes, and he said silently in his heart: "Great God of Order, it must be your arrangement for this young man to come here, right? I can use I will devote all my life to cultivating him and letting him serve you!"

As he spoke, two lines of hot tears even fell down Wen Ruosong's face, as if he had been inspired, and the pious look on his face reached its peak at this moment.

It's not just him.

Opposite Chen Hao also closed his eyes slightly, and two lines of hot tears slowly fell from his eyes, as if he was also affected.

After a long time, Chen Hao opened his eyes.

The arrogance and arrogance in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a touch of indescribable peace. If Chen Hao had a sharp sword before, now he has a scabbard as smooth as jade.

The whole person became deep and restrained.

There was an indescribable elegance on his body, as if all the violence in his body had been completely transformed at this moment.


His anger did not disappear, it was just hidden by the God of Order.

As long as anyone dares to disrespect the great God of Order, the jade-like scabbard imprisoned around his body will instantly dissipate, revealing his hidden edge!

Give those who disrespect the God of Order the most brutal blow!

And most of the people around him are the same.

This is the most destructive army.

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