Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1,720 The surging Qingshui City

Chapter 1,720 The Surge of Qingshui City

"The plane war is over. Please bring your golden keys and return to Qingshui City with us!" The visitor said condescendingly to Yang Chen and others, and his words were full of majesty that could not be refused.

After hearing his words, Yang Chen and others also nodded, clasped their fists respectfully, and said, "Yes, let's pack up and set off!"

After saying this, Yang Chen led Ling Yuyao and others around him and rushed towards the residence of the Immortal Alliance, preparing to clean up their respective gifts.

However, in order not to keep this group of plane law enforcers waiting too long, Yang Chen and others just packed up a few necessities and were ready to hit the road.

Before leaving, Master Fukong grabbed Yang Chen and whispered: "Yang Chen, before you leave, I have something to remind you, please listen carefully!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen was slightly startled, with doubts in his eyes.

However, he still nodded and said: "If you have any questions, Taoist Master, please tell me directly. I will definitely remember it carefully."


Taoist Master Fukong took a deep breath and said: "I'll tell you the truth. I did some fortune-telling for you two days ago and found that you may encounter some big disasters when you go to Qingshui City."


Hearing these four words, Yang Chen frowned, and couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart. He lowered his voice and asked: "What kind of disaster? Taoist priest, please explain it more clearly!"


Hearing this, Taoist Master Fukong shook his head and said: "I don't know what the specific situation is, but the only thing that is certain is that this time you go to Qingshui City, it is indeed a lot of hardships. Therefore, you must be more careful Be careful and always pay attention to your surroundings in case something unexpected happens.”

Hearing this, Yang Chen took a deep breath, his eyes showing vigilance.

He did not believe that Taoist Fukong would harm him now, so Yang Chen could guess in his heart that what Taoist Fukong said at this moment was probably correct.

But he couldn't figure out who he was and why he wanted to harm him in Qingshui City? He has never met the plane law enforcers, let alone have any hatred. At most, he has met the plane leader Wen Ruosong once, and has no friendship at all... Why does the other party want to harm him?

Or does this disaster come from outside the plane's law enforcers?

Seeing Yang Chen's appearance, Master Fukong raised his hand, patted Yang Chen's shoulder, and said: "It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided. Don't take it too seriously, just do whatever you want." Do it, Master Tao believes you can overcome all difficulties and obstacles."

Hearing this, Yang Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He didn't even have much confidence in himself, and he didn't know how Master Fukong had so much confidence in him.

However, what the other party said was correct.

It's a blessing, not a curse. There's no way to avoid disaster. What's supposed to come will always come. It's no use even if you are afraid, you still need to face it.

Thinking of this, Yang Chen clasped his fists at Taoist Master Fukong, then led the people around him and followed the plane law enforcers towards Qingshui City.

at the same time.

Inside Qingshui City.

The plane enforcers also seemed extremely excited about the statistics at the end of the upcoming game. Because of the historical plane wars, although many teams will be eliminated due to this, there will also be many talents who will rise in the competition.

There are even some teams that will be directly selected by major forces in higher planes due to their outstanding performance.

From then on, he rose to great heights.

Even many forces from higher planes have gathered here, ready to see what geniuses will appear this year.


At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up from the plains, and then, several figures were seen slowly descending from the sky. This group of people were all wearing uniform robes and looked imposing, and the leader was a gray-haired old man.

"He's from the Overlord Sect!"

Seeing this scene, people around them suddenly exclaimed, looking at this group of people with eyes full of shock and respect.

"Is that Elder Liu of the Overlord Sect? I didn't expect him to come in person?" Someone in the crowd pointed at the old man who led the group and whispered.

"Elder Liu is the great elder of the inner sect of the Overlord Sect. Disciples have always come forward to select talents in plane wars. Unexpectedly, this time even Elder Liu came forward in person? What kind of talents have appeared? Even he Are all the elderly people attracted here?"

Everyone said one after another, with suspicion in their eyes.

"Elder Liu!"

At this moment, a crisp female voice suddenly sounded, and Cheng Qingyi led everyone from the Liuli Dynasty to walk over from a distance and bowed respectfully to Elder Liu.


Hearing this, Elder Liu nodded and said with a smile: "Qingyi, you are here. How are you? What do you think of this plane war? Have you met any interesting people?"

Cheng Qingyi smiled bitterly and said, "Elder Liu, are you here for Yang Chen?"

"haha, yes."

Hearing this, Elder Liu did not shy away from suspicion, but answered frankly: "I heard you said that this Yang Chen has the power of the best incense? Since the death of the ancestor of our Overlord Sect, I have never seen him. With the power of the best incense, how can I not come over and experience this great opportunity in person?"

The words just fell.


A sound suddenly sounded not far away, as if the air trembled. Immediately afterwards, cracks suddenly appeared out of thin air in the four directions, and the space channels were torn out.

Several figures walked out of the space passage.

The leader was an old man with a hawk-nosed nose, a fierce look on his face, wearing a black alchemy suit, and he looked gloomy.

Behind him, there were also a group of young men and women with two words tattooed on their clothes.

The world.

"He's from the Tianxia Sect!"

"That's... Elder Han of Tianxia Sect?"

"Let me go, even Elder Han was attracted to him? What happened to this face-to-face battle? It actually attracted two inner sect elders from the Overlord Sect and Tianxia Sect at the same time?"

"Is something going to change today?"

The sounds of exclamation kept ringing out.

Everyone's eyes were filled with shock and disbelief. It seemed that the surrounding air had become serious, making people unable to help but sit upright.

"Oh, Elder Han is here too?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the person, Elder Liu smiled slightly and said with some irony in his tone: "But a small plane war has even attracted a giant Buddha like you? What a surprise! "

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