Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1846 The Trial of Evil

Chapter 1846 The Trial of Evil

She had no idea why the living people had turned into withered bones just a second ago. She was so distraught that tears of blood flowed from her eyes. Those people who died were none other than the children she gave birth to one after another during her ten-month pregnancy. Each one is her lifeblood.

The old woman was older and a mortal. Her old body could not support such a tragic change. She suddenly collapsed to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and finally died of depression.

The most unbearable thing was that the old woman could not close her eyes before she died. There was deep confusion and grief in her open, slightly cloudy eyes.

When Mu Lingyun saw the last old woman dying of grief, her eyes were already moist. The picture in the light curtain was really terrifying, as if it happened in front of her, even with her eyes. She can really feel every detail.

Mu Lingyun seemed to be infected by the sad atmosphere and could not get out of it. She stared blankly at the lifeless old woman in the light curtain and the dead bones on the ground. Time has mixed feelings in my heart.

She has mastered cultivation and has basically escaped from the secular world. Birth, old age, illness and death are unlikely for Mu Lingyun. Death is possible only if there is a disaster and a change in fate.

But the old woman she just saw was just a mortal, without any spiritual power in her body. She should have lived her life happily and eventually grown old, but no one expected that she would end up like this.

"Why. Why are the old woman's children dead? Why on earth is this?"

After a moment, the light curtain dissipated, and there was still a trace of confusion in Mu Lingyun's eyes. She suddenly looked at the old mountain messenger behind her. She knew that all this was shown to her by the old man, and perhaps only He can answer his own questions.

"You want to know the reason for all this?"

The mountain envoy looked at the tears in Mu Lingyun's eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched inadvertently, but Mu Lingyun didn't notice, and just nodded lightly after hearing the old man's words.

"Haha, I show you these things because the root of everything lies with you. You were the one who killed the old woman and her family!"

Suddenly, the old man's face became solemn, his eyes became colder, and his tone became much harsher. Tianjian Mountain even trembled a few times.

Hearing his words, Mu Lingyun was full of doubts: "Did I kill you?"

"Yes, the level you just entered was evil, that is, you must do evil to pass the level. What is evil? The spiritual power you absorbed in the level before was all provided by these mortals. Didn't you realize that you had to do evil before? When the spiritual drum is struck, do seven groups of energy appear in total? They correspond to the seven dead mortals."

The old man's expression did not change at all when he said these words, as if the deaths of these seven people had no meaning to him, and he was just describing the facts to Mu Lingyun.

But Mu Lingyun didn't think so. After knowing the truth of the matter, Mu Lingyun's expression changed drastically. She didn't expect that the cause of the matter was like this.

"I don't know. If I knew, I definitely wouldn't absorb the spiritual power on that drum!"

Mu Lingyun sighed faintly. It turned out that she was the murderer, which made her slightly relieved mood even worse.

"I don't know if the mountain envoy can return the spiritual power I just absorbed to them and let them live again. I don't want to see the old woman die of grief, nor do I want to see the originally happy family torn apart because of me. .”

At this time, Mu Lingyun suddenly bowed slightly to the old man. If those people who died because of her could not be resurrected, for her, it would be a painful memory that would be indelible throughout her life.

"Actually, you don't have to take all these things to heart. You are the Zifu Immortal, and they are just mortals. Their power turns into your cultivation. For them, it is the highest honor. The lives of several mortals, Just don’t mention it.”

The old man suddenly laughed, sounding like he was comforting Mu Lingyun, and at this moment he seemed to have thought of something, and said to Mu Lingyun: "You haven't passed the evil test yet, little girl, I kindly remind you Please tell me, if you want to pass the test of evil, you have to kill seven more people."

"You want to kill people again? If you have to kill people to pass this test, then I would rather never pass the test!"

Mu Lingyun was anxious now. She frowned slightly and her voice became anxious.

"You really need to think about it. Do you know what will happen if you fail to pass the trial? Look there."

The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, and the crutch in his hand suddenly pointed in another direction of Tianjian Mountain, where there were dead bones lying on the ground, which looked extremely scary.

"These are people who failed the test. Their bodies became withered bones, and their souls became evil spirits in the blood pool realm. Are you sure you have thought about it?"

The old man's voice became heavier, and it didn't sound like he was joking at all.

After seeing those withered bones, and then thinking of the wronged souls in the lake before, Mu Lingyun knew that the old man had not lied to her. These should all be true. When she thought of this, Mu Lingyun's face changed.

No one wants to die here like this. Mu Lingyun still has Bao'er and Yang Chen. She still has concerns. If possible, she will definitely not give up like this.

But she is a mother, and she can feel the pain of losing her child. Mu Lingyun does not want to see a family ruined because of herself. This is also a stain on her Taoist heart.

"A few mortal lives can be exchanged for strong strength. This kind of good thing is extremely rare." The old man's voice sounded again, this time it was full of temptation for Mu Lingyun.

It is true that for gods with advanced cultivation, the lives of mortals are like ants, but when Mu Lingyun witnessed the extreme grief of the old woman, her heart seemed to be infected, and the feeling of grief kept lingering. Can't go away.

Maybe she can practice again without her body, and her soul can survive as a wronged soul. Once Yang Chen realizes that something is wrong, he can come to save her.

She still has hope, but that old woman, does she still have hope?

When she thought of this, Mu Lingyun's heart suddenly became firm: "I am willing to give up the trial. I know that you will be able to return my spiritual power to me. I have thought about it."

Seeing the stubbornness in Mu Lingyun's smart eyes, the old man suddenly laughed, his smile was particularly hearty, and the way he looked at Mu Lingyun became different.

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