Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1864 Ruthless War

The Phoenix people at the head didn't have time to react and rushed in. However, those at the back reacted better. They didn't dare to act rashly and could only wait outside to see if the people who entered could finally come out.

At present, the Nine-tailed Fox Clan has used the Fox God Illusion to successfully keep them out. If they want to come in, they can only go through this illusion.

After a while, people from the Phoenix tribe came out of the illusion one after another. Without exception, these people were seriously injured. Some had their skin torn to pieces, some were missing arms and legs, and some simply came out with only one breath left. .

All in all, the Nine-tailed Fox Clan obviously had a lot of upper hand by letting go this time. At least it stopped the ordinary Phoenix Clan soldiers, and there were not many healthy Phoenix Clan members.

"Fortunately, we still have this illusion of the Fox God. Let's see how those people from the three spiritual beast clans can break through my clan's strongest illusion!"

Bai Chenshan looked down at the battle situation in front of him and was quite satisfied. The Nine-tailed Fox Clan had not suffered any losses yet, but the Phoenix Clan had already lost a lot of people. If this continued, the Nine-tailed Fox Clan would definitely win.

But before Bai Chenshan was happy for a long time, a change occurred. People in the Nine-tailed Fox Clan could sense what was happening in the illusion, and soon some of them discovered something was wrong.

"Elder, the Phoenix tribe actually plans to use their lives to break through this illusion. The most important thing is that they are like a group of weaklings who cannot die."

A nine-tailed fox warrior discovered the problem and spoke to Bai Chenshan. After hearing his words, Bai Chenshan also noticed the change and a bruise appeared on his face.

"It's the unique talent of Nirvana and his Phoenix clan. It seems that the Phoenix clan is determined to break through our defense line."

Just like the nine-tailed fox tribe's natural soul power is extremely powerful, the Phoenix tribe also has unique talents. They can be reborn from the ashes and survive. If they encounter a life or death crisis, the Phoenix tribe can use Nirvana to change their fate and be reborn again.

It is said that the Nine Heaven Phoenix has the characteristics of immortality and can reach nirvana countless times. It is one of the most powerful monsters in the world.

The Phoenix Clan also has this kind of talent, but they are a little behind compared to the Jiutian Phoenix. The Phoenix Clan who are not strong may not be able to master Nirvana. Only the Phoenix Clan who understand Nirvana can be reborn.

Moreover, they can often only achieve Nirvana once. If they die again within a short period of time, they will not be able to achieve Nirvana again and completely dissipate into this world.

After hearing the news, Bai Chenshan's face was far less beautiful than before. Not long after the nine-tailed fox soldier finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared on the other side of the illusion, a man who had just passed the art of Nirvana. The Phoenix Clan appeared in front of them.

"Go kill him!" Bai Chenshan looked ugly. He directed his tribe to kill the Phoenix tribe member. This Phoenix tribe had just understood the art of Nirvana, so it could only be reborn once. After dying again, it would be gone. Way to nirvana.

However, with the first such Phoenix tribesman, more and more Phoenix tribesmen will follow suit. Soon the illusion will no longer have any effect. More and more Phoenix tribesmen rush here and follow the nine-tailed fox. The people of the tribe went to war.

An extremely chaotic battle began. By the time Yangchen arrived, the Phoenix Clan was already fighting fiercely with the Nine-tailed Fox Clan.

The human warriors who came here with him also quickly joined the battle. They had no choice but to fight. The Phoenix Clan didn't care whether they were members of the Nine-Tailed Fox or not, as long as they were not their own tribe, they were mortal enemies.

Soon the human warriors also suffered casualties, with nearly half of them dead, but even so, Yang Chen did not take action.

He was already a little sluggish at this time, because just now, he had just witnessed a child from the Nine-tailed Fox Clan being bypassed by the Phoenix Clan who broke into this place and strangled to death.

This Nine-tailed Fox Clan child was not the first to die. More and more Phoenix Clan found that the Nine-tailed Fox Clan's children were easy to kill, so they turned their targets on them, not only the children, but also the Nine-Tailed Clan. Some of the Fox tribe's incompetent and injured tribesmen have become their targets.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Yang Chen felt sad. He was also a father, and his daughter was by his side, so he could understand the difficulty of being a parent. Those children of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan did not do anything wrong, but they became the victims of this The weak in war are simply cannibalized by the strong.

This is also the reason why Yang Chen did not take action. His figure shuttled back and forth on the battlefield. Yang Chen did not kill the Phoenix Clan, nor did he help the Phoenix Clan deal with the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. He was just helping those who had little fighting ability. Nine-tailed fox clan members, help them heal, or send them to a safe place.

The war has begun to spread. The Nine-tailed Fox Clan makes good use of the power of the soul, but the physical power is not strong. The Phoenix Clan is stronger than the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. The Nine-tailed Fox Clan is somewhat unable to resist, and no one can control these children.

At this moment, sharp cries sounded around Yang Chen. A little girl seemed to have lost her clan members and was crying on the spot. The sound of fighting on the battlefield slowly drowned out her cries, but she still Someone from the Phoenix tribe was eyeing her.

The Phoenix clan held a long sword in his hand and was about to pierce the little girl's heart with the sword. Yang Chen's expression changed, and his figure suddenly came to the girl, blocking the sword for her, and at the same time, he punched the girl. , and knocked the Phoenix clan member unconscious.

"Is Yang Chen okay?" Mu Lingyun rushed over at this time. Yang Chen's sudden disappearance had shocked her. She didn't expect Yang Chen to come to save the child.

"It's okay, it's just that this little girl was very frightened. You can keep an eye on her for now. I'll be back soon."

Yang Chen looked at the little girl of the nine-tailed fox tribe in front of him. Perhaps it was because the nine-tailed fox was naturally charming. This little girl was also extremely cute. With her chubby little face, she looked like a beauty at first glance. If that were the case, Being killed by that Phoenix clan member, Yang Chen couldn't bear it.

After saying this, Yang Chen disappeared again. There were many children from the Nine-tailed Fox tribe who came here because they heard the sound. Not only them, but also injured people. Anyway, Yang Chen thought he could save one... One, and soon he saved nearly a hundred people.

Yang Chen stopped and gasped. Saving people is often more difficult than beating them. At this time, nearly half of his spiritual energy had been consumed. He looked at the battle situation in front of him and sighed slowly, with helplessness on his face. color.

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