Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1971 Black Snakes

Chapter 1971 Black Snakes

It is said that there are ten thousand races in the Shura Realm, and each king from the four directions takes one, which finally constitutes the completeness of the Shura Realm.

But this is just a common saying.

The Shura Realm is divided into upper and lower realms. The upper realm is composed of gods and humans, which can only be entered by relying on the reincarnation of Shura. The lower realm, as the initial Shura Realm, accepts all newly arrived ethnic groups and asuras.

Among the six paths of reincarnation, apart from the human path, only the heavenly path and the Shura path can be called one of the good paths.

The way of heaven is high and cannot be touched, so it can be regarded as a pure land.

And the two realms that really have desires are none other than humans and Shura.

Naturally, there are people like Yang Chen in the human world, who practice to become a strong man who can escape from reincarnation.

But in the path of Asura, Asura cannot do this.

Their fighting spirit is their realm, and their blood is their strength.

This is why, even though the entire giant clan has such a powerful body, only Shaoli has reached the realm of the golden elixir immortal.

Because in the entire ethnic group, except for Shaoli, very few people have such a majestic fighting spirit.

Shura, who is kind-hearted, wants to prove reincarnation through killing, which seems to be somewhat malicious.

But Shaoli and the others who are in the Shura Dao can only try to survive under such circumstances.

Because if they are really killed, if they are not in the Shura Book, they will really die forever.

So no matter what the purpose is, whether it is using the giants or saving the giants, Yang Chen will not watch them die.

"Since this is the path you walked back then, I will change it and show you!"


Because of the sudden suspension of the meeting of the four kings, Xuan Mian, the patriarch of the Xuan Snake Clan, returned to the clan early.

However, before everyone knew the true content of the meeting, Xuan Mian announced his decision to start an all-out war with the giants with endless anger and fear.

"Clan...Clan leader! This is impossible!"

The black snakes with snake heads and human bodies are much larger than ordinary humans, but compared with the giants, they are still of normal size.

And when it comes to the strength of the ethnic group——

When a green black snake with a scar at the corner of his eye heard that the clan leader was about to start a war with the giants, he quickly stopped and tried to dissuade the clan leader.

"Yes...yes, starting a war with the giants at this time..."

"Clan leader, the next generation of Black Snake is about to be born. We have already sent a large number of manpower to guard the clan nest. If we start a war with the giant clan at this time, I am afraid that the clans that have coveted us for a long time will take this time to attack us. !”

A mysterious snake who seemed to have quite the right to speak stood up first.

"Elder Xuanhu..."

Many people saw this elder named Xuan Hu, who was much larger than ordinary clan members, standing up to speak, and they obviously cast a look of joy at him.

"Xuan Mian, listen to me. It takes ten years for our tribe to usher in a collective incubation. Don't let your emotions get the better of you at this time."

Elder Xuan Hu stepped forward and patted the clan leader Xuan Mian, who had extremely scary eyes, with the obvious intention of dissuading him.

"Xuanhu, I will explain the reason later. Now is not the time to hesitate..."

As if he had made an extremely difficult decision, Xuan Mian pushed aside the shocked Xuan Hu and gave the order directly.

"Black Snakes, listen to the order. As a vanguard, try to weaken the strength of the giants as much as possible. I will lead my tribe to assist you later."

With a wave of his hand, Xuan Mian directly called out the name of the Black Snakes, a group of people that in everyone's minds would only be mobilized when the tribe was facing annihilation, and the situation immediately exploded.

"What! Are the Black Snakes and the others going to take action too?"

"If it's the Black Snakes... maybe they can quickly deal with the giants."

A group of black snakes were discussing in a low voice, completely unaware that a group of extremely powerful beings had already left their tribe and were silently heading towards the giant tribe's tribe.


This is the enemy Yang Chen and Ling Yuyao are facing at this moment.

The Black Snakes are rumored to be the descendants of the patron saints of the Black Snake Clan who made great achievements in the bloody battle of Shura in ancient times.

Their number has never exceeded ten, but each of them has far more strength than the leader of the Black Snake Clan, but each leader only has one chance to call out this group of people.

Because the Black Snakes who usually sleep will fight to the death once they wake up.

Even if they are not killed, their lives will be exhausted in an extremely short period of time. Therefore, no Black Snake Clan leader will use such a trump card until the tribe is destroyed.

To simply describe their strength, every Black Snake has the strength of Daluo Jinxian.

With the will to destroy the giant clan, the eight black snakes of this generation have now arrived near the giant clan's land.

"When the news comes from Lao Liu and the others, we will rush forward in one fell swoop. Remember, kill the adult males first. If we can defeat the only few strong men in the giant clan, the rest of the old, weak, sick and disabled will not be afraid!"

They had been communicating with their voices before, but now that they were getting a little closer to the giants, they simply started talking with their minds.

Their strategy was to divide their troops into two groups, with three people on one side and five people on the other. The side with three people would attack through the main gate of the giants and serve as the main feint attack, while the remaining five of them would be the real killers.

As long as they attract enough manpower from the front and break into the enemy's hinterland, they can take advantage of the enemy to throw a rat weapon and carry out mass killings.

"As expected of big brother!"

" seems to taste like blood. My knife is sobbing now. I have finally waited for this day..."

The third child behind him lamented that he was a complete fighting fanatic, but when he was ten years old, he was selected by the Black Snakes in a ceremony. Since then, he has been sealed and has never really tasted the taste of fighting.

"Hmph, little bastards, enjoy it. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to vent your anger over the years!"

The red-eyed Black Snake bosses saw the bloody light rising from the horizon at a glance, and immediately realized that this was the signal from Lao Liu, Lao Qi and Lao Ba.

The maniacally laughing boss gave an order, and the five Black Snakes who had been waiting for a long time shot towards the flank of the giant tribe like arrows.

However, there was no way he could have known that the bloody light in his eyes was the light of despair in the eyes of Lao Liu and the others.

Seeing the blood of Lao Qi and Lao Ba spurting out, Lao Liu, who still couldn't believe his eyes, sat on the ground in despair.

"Who the hell are you!"

The woman, whose eyes were as cold as ice flowers, instantly killed the seventh and eighth children in one encounter.

Although he realized that the other party had concealed her aura in advance, he also admitted that he had underestimated this woman, but where did this...this power to freeze everything come from?

Ling Yuyao slowly stretched out a hand forward, exhaled a breath of turbid air, and returned to her previous gentle appearance in an instant.

He grabbed the void with one hand, and the seriously injured snake man in front of him turned into ice particles all over the sky.

"There's still some progress."

Ling Yuyao smiled helplessly, but there was only that person's figure in her heart.

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