Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1974: Demon Asura

Chapter 1974: Demon Asura

The Shura world is located on a broken continent.

Some people say that this continent was actually a corner of the Canglan Continent. Divided by gods, demons and the Six Paths, it eventually drifted to the Shura Realm and became the land where hundreds of millions of creatures live in the Shura Realm.

But because of this, most of the Shura Realm is shrouded in dense jungles and mountains, with very few plains.

Moreover, except for the four major Shura royal families, few ethnic groups would take the initiative to build cities.

Because for them, living in nature is the only way to truly train their killing intent.

When the Shura tribe builds a city, it is a sign of cowardice.

After all, there is a general tone in the current Shura world, that is, the four major Shura royal families today have long lost their previous sharpness. They are no longer Asuras born for war, but have become like those high-ranking heavenly beings. exist.

But Asura is so powerful that other ethnic groups are completely unable to resist it. Therefore, the Asura world, which seems to be undercurrent, has actually already firmly established its hierarchy.

If someone knew about the bloody battle between Shura and Yin Shi 80,000 years ago, they might sigh that this is the so-called reincarnation.

The Shura clan is corrupt, this is an indisputable fact.


Just as a giant bird soared in the sky, heading towards their goal.

Shura King City, Manna City.

Most of the Asuras of the lineage led by King Pochi live here in groups.

Even if they are not in Ganlu City, they are mostly distributed outside the city and in the suburbs.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the gap between the Shura clan and the human race is getting smaller and smaller.

Not only the ethnic group they live in, but also the way they live, the Shura tribe is moving closer to the human race. The Shura kings are not unaware of this situation.

But in the final analysis, the group of people who reincarnated as Asuras in order to fight only lacked the shrewdness of the human race. Therefore, in the face of this situation, King Pochi turned a blind eye.

It’s just that in the seemingly peaceful Manna City, a rumor has emerged.

Luohui Avenue, the main road of Ganlu City, can be regarded as the most prosperous area in the entire Ganlu City area.

Asuras, who are called non-gods or non-dionysians, possess the same seven emotions and six desires as humans.

There have been converts to Buddhism, but most of the Asuras who have six desires still need variety in their lives.

So if you have the opportunity to stroll along Luohui Avenue, maybe those people will find that there is not much difference between this place and the city in the human world.

Of course, there is no such thing as a restaurant.

"Hey, have you heard that when the king returned to the royal city, he was covered in blood. I heard that he fought with King Rahu..."

"King Rahu? Why? Why did the king fight with King Rahu if he wasn't going to attend the meeting of the four kings?"

"You don't know this? King Luohu had many conflicts with my king back then. Now that they meet and take action, I really don't have any surprise."

"Stop talking! If Rama finds out, this is going to kill you!"

While talking, there was a sudden commotion on the street.

As everyone has been talking about, Manna City is now shrouded in a tense atmosphere.

The appearance of Rama confirmed people's thoughts.

King Po Chi's mind was so simple that even the Shuras under him could see some clues from the actions of Rama, the members of the king's guard.

A series of neat footsteps sounded on the street. Luohui Avenue, which was originally full of life, was now covered with a layer of frost.

The shopkeepers returned to their stores one after another, while the ordinary Asuras were looking for something ordinary enough to cover up the tension at home.

Rama, who was wearing battle armor and an evil ghost mask, was patrolling the entire Amrita City in groups at the moment.

The swords on their waists were shining brightly, and they seemed to be dripping with blood. Shura was born to be good, but it was obvious that many deviations had occurred in the Shura clan.

"What were you talking about just now?"

While eating tea nervously, the few ordinary Shuras who thought they would never find him were now like a ray of light on their backs.

An extremely lazy voice came from behind them, but it made them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

The hairs on their hair stood on end, and the faces of the Shuras were filled with only fear. They didn't even know why they were caught by Rama, until the sharp knife broke out from their chests, and they cried out in great pain, dying. It became their final destination.

"If you have any objections to my king, be prepared to chat with evil spirits."

The demonic masks splattered with blood made this group of Ramas who relied on violence to maintain the rule of Amrita City look even more terrifying.

The sharp ears, the snow-white hair, and the weapon that can only be stabilized by drinking blood, each part constitutes the biggest fear in Manna City.

"What is Rama?"

In the quiet place where only the sound of breathing could be heard, someone suddenly spoke, which made everyone tremble.

Are there really people who are not afraid of death?

Rama, the leader, had two pairs of bright horns on his head. Hearing these words that seemed to be teasing and provocative, the two pairs of horns actually became extremely long.

Blood-red fluorescence suddenly enveloped the entire street. Finally, everyone who had originally planned to watch the excitement felt the huge pressure and fled one after another.

Amid the chaos and noise, Horn Rama slowly stepped forward and stood in front of a man in black wearing a bamboo hat.

"What did you ask just now?"

As if being interrogated, a pair of falcon-like eyes suddenly appeared in the hollows of his cheeks. He stared straight at the man in front of him who couldn't feel any breath, and asked again in a threatening tone.

"What did you ask just now? I didn't hear it. Say it again."

"What is Rama? Are you the masked ones?"

The face hidden under the shadow of the bamboo hat suddenly lifted up, revealing an extremely pure human face.

The brief shock made Horned Rama even more angry.

"Asnar! Tianluo banned!"


Horned Rama suddenly roared, and his companions behind him responded instantly.

The Rama crowd, who were still as quiet as virgins, instantly surrounded the two people in the field with a strange and incomparable pace.

They circle around each other, one moving in the right direction and the other in the opposite direction, like a compass that is constantly rotating. The terrifying aura of a god suddenly descends here, sealing off all the laws of the entire world.

"Aliens must be punished!"

Horned Rama roared.

From his red horns, a green bolt flew in all directions.

Shura is almost a celestial being, but he is born with the appearance of an evil ghost. They exist between humans, gods, and ghosts, but they can cast the magic of the three tribes. This is why they have such powerful combat power.

Pi Lian turned into skeletons one after another, covering all eight directions from southeast to northwest like monitors.

With an extremely disgusting sound, Horned Rama revealed his original image.

Ten heads and eight limbs - the demon Asura.

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