Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1979: Someone from the sky

Killing Star Sword King Pavilion——

This was a very critical battlefield during the bloody battle of Shura.

It can be said that when the Asuras led by the Four Shura Kings were retreating steadily under the pressure of the incomparably powerful army of heavenly beings, it was the battle at the Killing Star Sword King Pavilion that completely changed the trend of the war.

At this point, the tone of the bloody battle between Shura was basically set, and the Asuras in the lower realm did not allow the gods to counterattack until the end.

The Killing Star Sword King Pavilion is not a real pavilion, but a waterfall flying down thousands of feet high. The mountains and cliffs on both sides have been washed out to look like layers of pavilions.

The Killing Star Sword King Pavilion is a waterfall, and behind the waterfall is Mount Dionysus. Before the waterfall is the Sea of ​​Bitterness—a boundless lake that looks like a real ocean.

This place is located in the center of the entire Shura World. The continent where the Shura World is located is equally divided by the four kings, but this central area has never been inhabited.

Some people say that because this place was an ancient battlefield and there are remnant souls of Shuras wandering everywhere, it is not a place to live at all.

Some people also say that this is the first place where the lower world and the upper world are connected when they communicate. No one would want to live in such a dangerous place.


I don't know who entered the shallow river and made a rather clear sound.

For a moment, the water flow in the entire Killing Star Sword King Pavilion stopped, as if everything in the world had suspended its actions.

Although it was only a short moment, something did disturb time and space.

The man with long black hair was naked. He was standing on the mountainside of Bacchus Mountain above the Killing Star Sword King Pavilion. He was looking up at the sky. No one knew what he was thinking, and no one would see him.

The elk in the mountains walked around him with a pair of big doubtful eyes, seemingly not sensing any malice from the other person.

Under normal circumstances, if Asura comes even slightly closer, they will flee in all directions.

Of course, the real reason is simple, because he is not an Asura.

"Luo Yan, don't forget our mission. Since God has ordered us to be the vanguard this time, we can't waste a moment."

Suddenly, another man's calm and composed voice came to mind behind him.

A tall man with a strong build and slender limbs came slowly through the water.

Two people, one tall and one short, one strong and one thin, naked, just appeared out of thin air between heaven and earth. It is difficult for people to imagine that they came from somewhere in the Shura world.

After all, their appearance is fundamentally different from the demonic appearance of the Shura tribe. If we really want to describe it, they seem to be closer to the human race.

But there is an essential difference between them and the human race - both of them have a pair of golden eyes, which seem to be able to accommodate everything in the world in the blink of an eye.

"The scenery here is great, you can't see anything like this from above."

The long-haired man known as Luo Yan smiled and tilted his head, glanced at the strong man, and then stepped across the stream like the wind and came to the boulder on the shore.

He stood on a tall boulder, feeling the clear night wind with every inch of his skin, and seemed quite intoxicated.

"Shi Ming, I seem to smell a little strange smell."

His nose twitched slightly, Luo Yan's originally quite soothing expression suddenly turned cold, and a touch of seriousness appeared on his brows. At this moment, he was completely different from the innocent look he had before.

The tall man named Shi Ming immediately frowned and left the water when he heard Luo Yan say this.

"In which direction? Is it the demon clan? Or..."

When it comes to the demon clan, Shi Ming is obviously a little uneasy. They know that there are several passages called prophecies in this lower world. Although he has not experienced the past events, he knows that there was a prophecy tens of thousands of years ago. The appearance of the famous monster clan made them suffer a lot.

Although they did not perish, 80,000 years passed by in a flash, and things like hatred would only become more unforgettable with the passage of time.

"I don't know. We need to get closer. If it is really the so-called reincarnation, we'd better act as soon as possible."

Luo Yan said thoughtfully, but looked towards the northeast of Dionysus Mountain.

"It's all up to you. My main mission this time is just to assist you."

Shi Ming nodded and stopped talking.


As mentioned before, the result of the meeting of the four kings in the Shura world was quite bleak.

Firstly, the discussion did not produce a result, and secondly, it led to a scuffle among the four kings. Not only did it not resolve the conflict, it even intensified it.

Although there are some well-known places in the center of the boundary between the Four Kings of Shura, such as the Killing Star Sword King Pavilion, the entire junction is not a small area.

Just like four separate continents with different shapes, the area at the junction of the four directions that is regarded as a forbidden land by the entire Shura world is called the initial land.

The initial land is an oval area with a radius of nearly a thousand miles. Although the blood energy here is extremely strong, it is not something that ordinary Asuras and other races can bear.

But under certain conditions, this is indeed a strategic place with good connections in all directions.

It is connected to the territory of the four kings. Even in ancient times, it was a place where reincarnated heavenly beings had to pass through. Therefore, although it is now expressly forbidden to enter, there are still some people who will pass through this initial place.

For example, there is such an existence as King Rahu.

This happened after the meeting of the four kings came to an end.

At the same time, Yang Chen and Ling Yuyao were still on their way, as was King Luohu.

Because the location of the Four Kings Meeting is still quite far away from his territory.

A group of heavily armed asuras escorted a chariot through the endless dense forest.

The scenery of the Beginning Land is quite characteristic of a rainforest, with tall trees and a humid climate. It is precisely because of this that many powerful monsters were born in the Beginning Land.

The dangers for ordinary people entering the Beginning Land have been mentioned before. Chaotic blood energy is everywhere. If Asura, who relies on blood energy to maintain his own strength, is not prepared, he will easily be disturbed by this turbulence and eventually be completely lost in this place. Plant a place.

But this line of Asura seems to have been well prepared.

A thin light curtain enveloped the team, and as they moved, the light curtain moved slowly.

Although the blood flow problem has been solved, monsters are still a big problem.

Towards evening, a sharp and piercing howl of wolves finally sounded in the forest.

"Array up!"

"It's a golden-haired demon wolf. Listening to the sound, I'm afraid there are at least ten of them, using a square array!"

The Asuras who dealt with it quite skillfully did not have the reckless attitude of ordinary Asuras. They were like well-trained soldiers, quickly forming a square formation under the command of orders.

The spears pointed outwards in unison, and the shields made of mithril stood in front of them, turning the entire team into an airtight wall.

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