Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 1985: A knife hidden in a smile

"King Pozhi, I have been waiting for you for a long time. My king is waiting in the palace. If it is convenient, please see my king as soon as possible."

As a minister of King Qiantuo, Vilotian is worthy of being an Asura spirit, and his speaking skills can even catch up with humans like Yang Chen.

Mo Zha, who was driving for King Po Zhi, whispered a few words into the tent behind him. Then he saw Mo Zha get out of the car first, raised his hands to Vastu and said:

"I am the leader of Rama under the leadership of King Po Zhi. I am also Mo Zha. There are two human beings traveling with my king today. Please inform the palace to avoid any mistakes."

"It turns out to be Your Excellency Mo Zha. Eighty thousand years ago, Your Excellency Mo Zha's name was the same as that of King Po Zhi. Forgive me for not recognizing your identity..."

Viluotian looked at Mo Zha with a smile, and Mo Zha's scalp went numb. He had already heard that there were only a few people under King Qiantuo who were good at fighting, but there was one named Viluotian. The old man can always give advice to King Qiantuo.

The reason why King Po Zhi didn't want to fight with King Qi Luo Qian Tuo was because he felt that this master and servant were always a little dark, and their words and actions made people confused.

On the contrary, the death of King Rahu, who was always in tit-for-tat with King Po-chi, seemed to have a greater impact on his own king.

Maybe this is what is called falling in love and killing each other, right?

I thought that the other party had agreed with my words and was about to tell the chariots behind to enter the palace one after another. Unexpectedly, Vastu suddenly turned cold.

"King Po Zhi and His Excellency Mo Zha can naturally enter the palace, but the word human race has never been mentioned in the Shura genealogy of our Shura clan."

"If those two human friends really want to enter the palace, that's fine, but what happens next has nothing to do with me. Please forgive me, King Po Zhi, and Your Excellency."

Viluotian looked like he had nothing to do with him, which made Mo Zha very angry.

It was clear that when they sent the letter to King Qianluoqituo, they had already said in their hearts that they would take two humans with them this time. How could they reach their destination and not allow anyone to enter?

If you knew this, why didn't you inform them earlier?

"Either say I hate these scheming people, old man. If you don't want to die, just get out of the way. I don't have time to waste with you this time."

As he spoke, the familiar figure of King Po Zhi appeared outside the car.

He opened his mouth with a greeting that was quite characteristic of him.

But obviously Vastu doesn't like this.

"Ah, it turns out that King Po Zhi wants to quarrel with those two human tribes and my Shura tribe. It seems that King Po Zhi is really a sweetheart. It's a pity that rules are rules. This ancient bluestone palace has always been for Shura people. It was built for clan discussions, if our friends from the human clan want to enter, you will have to find a way on your own."

Viratian smiled again. His impeccable attitude reminded King Pochi of how those adults fooled him when he desperately wanted to participate in military discussions.

But he just couldn't do this. Otherwise, if he was so scheming, would he still need to fight and kill?

"I suggest you don't let me get mad."

"King, please be patient."

Before King Po Zhi could finish his words, a strange man's voice suddenly sounded from the chariot behind him.

This not only made King Po Zhi tremble, but also made Vastu, who was standing beside him, narrow his eyes.

"Hey, you don't need to speak here..."

"Don't worry, since it's not a fight, there is a solution to everything, right?"

Yang Chen walked out of the car, stretched, and pulled Ling Yuyao out of the car in a gentlemanly manner.

As soon as the two men showed up, they were quickly oppressed by a powerful spiritual power.

However, this was only a momentary feeling.

The tense atmosphere was quickly defused by Mo Zha who was standing beside him. Mo Zha looked coldly at the old man in front of him who was about to cause trouble if he wasn't careful. The threat in his eyes was already quite obvious.

"Since your Excellency thinks that the human race is so unworthy, you just don't know why the Nine-tailed Fox Clan was also included in the Shura family tree back then?"

The sudden critical attack made Vilotian choke all of a sudden. Vilotian, who was coughing repeatedly, never thought that this human race would directly bring up what happened so many years ago.

Yang Chen was not in a hurry, he just smiled and said to the other party:

"After all, these rules are dead, but they are set by you yourself. Today, if we, the human race, are not allowed to enter, will tomorrow we exclude all races except you, Asuras?"

Yang Chen's barrage of cannons made King Po Zhi and Mo Zha unable to react, while Viluotian, who was stunned on the spot, took a while to recover.

To be honest, if we really want to get on the right track, Asura, who is born with flaws, is still far behind Yang Chen.


"Let them come in, Viratian. There is no need to guard there. The other ethnic groups are far from arriving. It will take at least a day or two before the real start."

The sudden sound coming from the main hall put an end to this embarrassing scene.

Yang Chen also borrowed a donkey to go downhill and replied directly before King Po Zhi got angry:

"Then since it's the kindness of the adult inside, it's not convenient for us to mess around here anymore. Let's go."

After saying that, he led Ling Yuyao directly into the palace, leaving the confused King Po Zhi and Mo Zha there to doubt Asura.


What King Qiantuo said is true.

In the empty bluestone ancient palace, including King Po Zhi and all the people accompanying him, there were only six people in total.

As soon as he entered the palace, Yang Chen saw an unnatural depression. It looked like a large crater that had been sunk by a huge force. It lay across the intersection, which made people feel quite uncomfortable.

Sensing Yangchen's eyes, King Qiantuo chuckled:

"The two people who caused this appearance last time are now the only ones left beside you. I'm afraid if it weren't for this, Po Zhi wouldn't be so willing to summon us, right?"

Listening to the meaning of these words, Yang Chen quickly understood that King Qiantuo was referring to the reason why the so-called meeting of the four kings ended hastily last time - the battle between King Luohu and King Pozhi, which eventually led to A huge melee finally led to the loss of the best opportunity for discussion in the Shura world.

Now that I want to gather the top combat power in the Shura world, it seems that this missing piece cannot be filled in any way.

King Po Zhi looked at the big pit with cold eyes, glanced at King Qiluo Qituo, and said coldly:

"Didn't you say that the pit has been repaired? Was it left deliberately for me to see?"

"It was supposed to be repaired, but who knew it wouldn't happen so suddenly?"

The tall King Qiluoqituo looked at King Pozhi with a smile on his face, as if just as he explained, this was not intentional.

But from the perspective of the human race, Yang Chen only has one comment on King Qiantuo - there is a sword hidden in a smile.

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