Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 2005 Original Asura

Chapter 2005: Original Asura

Along with a gust of breeze blowing.

Yang Chen and King Po Zhi were both brought to the same position by Lie Jinhuang.

"Master...this is it!"

Po Zhi saw that his vision suddenly became clear, and when he looked around, he was only shocked.

The cliff, which towered into the sky like a pillar, stood in front of the two of them.

At first glance, this endlessly high cliff seems to divide the entire Shura World into two.

However, Po Zhi had never heard of such a magnificent place.

"Is this Jingling Mountain?"

Yang Chen blurted out after seeing this cliff.

"Oh? Little friend Yang Chen, have you heard about Jingling Mountain?"

Lie Jinhuan's voice came from not far away from the two of them.

He fell to the ground like a ball of flowing fire. The moment he landed, the flames dissipated, revealing his red body.

"Jingling Mountain? Master, Yang Chen, what are you talking about?"

Po Zhi is a little confused. He is the Shura King. Even though he is relatively junior, he has lived for tens of thousands of years. He knows everything about the entire Shura world, but -

This Jingling Mountain?

When Po Zhi looked at the mountain wall of Jinling Mountain again, something wonderful happened.

The towering wall of Jingling Mountain turned into an extremely smooth mirror in an instant.

In the sky above the Shura Realm, a black sun shines, and the dark red light is completely reflected by the mirror of Jingling Mountain.

Before Po Zhi could sigh, the light reflected by the mirror continued to shine behind several people.


There was a sound of rocks breaking.

The earth seemed to roar.

Both Po Zhi and Yang Chen were a little unsteady and had to float from the ground.

Finally, when the two of them looked back, a dark red avenue paved with light spread out in front of them.


"This is at the foot of Jingling Mountain - Po Zhi, it's time to bring you here."

Lie Jinhuan passed by the two of them.

Only Po Zhi looked confused.

"I heard that Jingling Mountain only appears in rumors. It seems to be the place where the will of Shura Dao was born. Here, the existence and life of the original Asuras are also called, and they are the ancestors of all things in Shura Dao."

Yang Chen told everything he knew.

"This is a description found in the history of the giant race. Po Zhi, the ancestor of the giant race, the giant god, escaped from the battlefield, it seems to be to protect some important records - including the billions of years of Shura Dao's history. And the immortal astrolabe.”

Speaking of the giant clan, Po Zhi lowered his head in embarrassment.

"It seems that I have wrongly blamed them. After the war - after the war is over, I will definitely restore the reputation of the giants. Can this be regarded as my compensation to them?"

Yang Chen shrugged and did not deny Po Zhi's idea.

"Young friend Yang Chen is right."

Lie Jinhuan pointed with his hand.

He said to Po Zhi:

"Po Chi, follow the original path. At the end, you will get the most precious inheritance of Shura Dao. That is also the key to our victory this time."

"Me? Master... aren't you?"

The magnificent purple energy on Lie Jinhuan's body cannot be concealed at all. Asura, who is less experienced, may not know it, but people like Po Zhi and Qi Luoqian carrying them can tell at a glance that Liejinhuan is already a An existence that is only blessed by the will of Shura Dao.

That is to say, according to legend, only the strongest Asura can become the original king.

"I just borrowed your light. Do you really think that the bloodline of my temporary ancient giant god species can be preserved forever?"

"Po Zhi, there are some things that we have been hiding from you, including your father, but you have to believe that we have never meant to criticize you harshly. On the contrary - since the last bloody battle of Shura, we have realized that One war is simply not enough to defeat the ambitions of heavenly beings.”

"Only variables, only variables appear, can we have hope."

"And that variable is you!"

"I believe this. Little friend Yang Chen may have seen the clues a long time ago."

Lie Jinhuan patted Po Zhi on the shoulder and said a series of words that he couldn't understand.

"What...what does this mean?"

Po Chi's head was like paste. His identity had been revealed one after another by Bhimajitara, and the scars in his heart were getting bigger and bigger. Contrary to his apparent calmness, in fact, he had already planned to do it here. After the Second World War, he gave up his identity as King Shura and gave it to Mo Zha.

After all, Mo Zha is the real blood relative of King Shura.

He is more suitable to be a king, rather than his irritable and reckless self.


"That is to say..."

Yang Chen caught Lie Jinhuan's eyes, and all the clues in his mind were connected together in an instant.

Relevant to where they are now, a legend that has existed since the beginning of Shura Dao was completely unfolded in front of Yang Chen.

"Po Chi is really different from you Asuras, right?"

"The first time I saw Po Zhi, I saw the extraordinary death energy and blood energy on his body. I thought I had encountered some enemy from the underworld. It turned out-"

When facing Da Zi Zaitian, Yang Chen was thinking about why he showed that evil image only when he saw Po Zhi for the first time. Afterwards, no matter how he acted, he seemed to be suppressing it. Hold yourself.

Later, after being reminded by himself, Po Zhi really let go of his true body. Sure enough, compared with the divine power of heavenly beings, Po Zhi's power is completely different from ordinary Asuras.

In addition, Bhimachitara later revealed Pochi's identity. Pochi was not of the king's blood, but he still inherited the throne——

Everything points to the same end.

The true identity of King Po Chi.

"It's true that Po Zhi is his father's adopted son, but it was what all of us discovered together back then - a child who fell from the sky in the Killing Star Sword King Pavilion."

"Over the years, we have been exploring the possibility of Po Chi itself."

"Until later, when Luo Hu passed near Jingling Mountain, he accidentally awakened the inheritance place here——"

"Po Zhi, all this is because of you. All of us are able to gain the favor of Shura Dao because of your existence."

"You may be the last original Asura in this world."

When Lie Jinxuan said the word "Original Asura", the dark red light seemed to react.

The huge Jingling Mountain actually emitted bursts of thunder, and the sound waves shook the entire sea of ​​trees.

In an instant, the entire Shura world seemed to react.

Layers of clouds and mist started from Jingling Mountain and slowly pushed towards the edge of the entire continent.

On the same day, every living being in the entire continent of Shura Realm seemed to hear a soft voice calling:


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