Reborn 80,000 Years

Chapter 2447 The Way of Heaven and Humanity

When Po Zhi was still a young boy, fighting was everything to him.

It was the nine-tailed fox that came on Qinglian that year that taught him what friendship is and what bondage is.

She told herself that there was a broader world outside, and as an Asura, one should not only fight from birth to death.

Like an elf who lifts the veil from the ignorant, this is her meaning.

His resentment could not spare those who destroyed the illusion.

He even hated his father because of this, hated his uncle who was the most concerned about him, and forgot about his important master.

"So that's it, that's good...that's good..."

Po Zhi suddenly laughed, not an ordinary laugh, but a laugh that gradually became louder and uncontrollable.

He seemed to have cleared away all his dissatisfaction.

Everyone just calmly looked at Po Zhi who was leaning back and forth with a smile. They looked at each other speechlessly, and no one interrupted him.

Because everyone knows that this is Po Zhi's heart disease.

"Vilotian, and Qiluo Qiantuo, you don't need to convince me anymore."

Po Zhi slowly stopped smiling, turned around and finally said to everyone with dignity:

"Since it is the God of Order's plan, we might as well come and listen to it. Anyway..."

Po Zhi smiled and looked at Lie Jin Huan who was standing aside - Lie Jin Huan was Po Zhi's master, and most of Po Zhi's temper came from Lie Jin Huan. The two had the same mind at this moment.

"I have long noticed that these heavenly beings are unhappy. Given this opportunity, there is no reason to let it go!"

Po Zhi's words are basically the final word.

Seeing that Pochi was so determined for the first time, Qianluo Qiantuo and Viluotian knew that there was no point in trying to dissuade them, and... such a primordial king who was no longer indecisive was the king who could truly lead the Shura clan forward.

Thinking of this, Qiluo Qiantuo shrugged and smiled:

"It seems that with our Primeval King, the Shura Dao will undergo considerable changes."


The way of heaven and humanity.

The world of heaven and humanity.

If the six paths are divided into good and evil, the path of heaven and humanity is naturally the three good paths: the human path, the asura path, and the path of heaven and humanity, which is the flagship among the three paths.

Celestial beings, this group of beings who are not yet satisfied with the gods and have more existence than most races in the ordinary plane, have always regarded themselves as the true inferior substitutes of the gods.

Since the ancient times, countless powerful beings have been born in the heavens and the world. Only among the six realms of reincarnation, the realm of heaven and humanity is the most difficult place for such existences to appear.

Yes, here's the weirdest part.

Obviously, in the realm of gods and humans, just like the paradise mentioned by Buddhism, the lives of gods and humans are carefree. Every time a heavenly being is born, it can take as little as ten years or as many as a hundred years, and they can grow into a group of people in all realms. A powerful presence that can be reached.

How many people yearn to obtain the status of a heavenly being after being thrown into reincarnation.

But basically, people who have such fantasies end up in vain.

This is a strange world, just like a fictional world. Everything in this world is beautiful, but it can never be approached.

Everything in this world exists, but no one can touch it.

In fact, this was done deliberately.

Because under this bright and beautiful surface, if someone really breaks through their gorgeous hypocrisy, what is always hidden behind the mask is sinister and darkness that you cannot imagine.


Yunjian City is similar to many ethnic groups in the middle plane.

The city built among the clouds always seems to have an irresistible touch.

It's just that in the world of heaven and man, what this Yunjian City represents is the foundation for the operation of all things in the entire heaven and human world - even the rules, the power of all the laws of heaven and earth, without the permission of the existence of Yunjian City, will It cannot exist in the world of gods and humans.

This is Yunjian City, a true city of will.

In front of Yuhui Avenue, a formation that had not been lit for who knows how many years slowly glowed, attracting the guards of the Sun Crown Palace in Yunjian City to watch.

Yunjian City is a city that is so huge that it has almost no boundaries. In the morning, it is revitalized by the sunlight. In the evening, it sits and watches the sunset return to silence. The Crowning Sun Palace is the easternmost palace complex in Yunjian City.

All heavenly beings who want to be in Yunjian City today must first experience the interrogation by the Yanyang Guards of Crowning Sun Palace.

Celestial beings who do not have permission, or who even want to sneak into Yunjian City, will basically be easily killed by the Yanyang Guards without exception.

Yes, there is no excuse, whether they are really ignorant of the rules of Yunjian City, or they are just taking a chance, as long as they do not meet the identity requirements of Yunjian City, Yanyang Guard will kill them mercilessly. .

Outside of these rules, if you want to enter Yunjian City, especially if you want to pass the interrogation of this group of hawk-like Yanyang Guards, the simplest thing is that you must have the status of a first-class heavenly being.

Of course, if you don't have the status of a first-class heavenly being, there are other solutions. You only need to be recommended by anyone in Yunjian City, and you can enter the city. Of course, the details of this are another matter.

However, today, the Afterglow Avenue in front of the Coronation Palace finally welcomed a guest that he had not welcomed for tens of thousands of years.

This is the third way to enter Yunjian City.

As long as they get permission from that adult, no matter who they are, they can come to Yunjian City.

And this Yuhui Avenue formation is one of them.

"This... when did the formation exist here? Why didn't I know?"

"I have been a Yanyang Guard in the Crowning Sun Palace for hundreds of years, but I have never heard that this formation will be useful one day?"

Because of the existence of Yanyang Guard, it is really rare for ignorant fools to try their luck, so most of the work of Yanyang Guard is extremely leisurely.

And this rare pleasure naturally attracted their attention.

However, after watching it for a long time, no one could figure out the mystery of this obscure formation that suddenly lit up.

Seeing that the formation was getting more and more powerful, and most of the spacious Afterglow Avenue was even occupied by this formation, the Yanyang Guards reported it layer by layer, and finally disturbed the Palace Master of the Crowning Sun Palace to come to investigate.

As for the Palace Master of the Crowning Sun Palace, as an extremely important and high-ranking figure in Yunjian City, the moment he saw this formation, he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

The Yanyang guards who accompanied him also noticed the palace master's strangeness, and someone asked tentatively:

"Palace Master, what exactly happened? Could it be that this formation has a great background?"



The soldiers looked at the palace master with a strange expression in confusion, guessing what the palace master wanted to say, but after looking for a long time, they couldn't tell the reason.

Just listen to the palace master wiping the cold sweat on his forehead and saying in a rather unbelievable voice:

"Something went wrong..."

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